Maintenance - 4/21

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Raxxyl, Apr 21, 2014.

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  1. ILoveLucy

    Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue
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  2. Lewbio

    If you are an infiltrator and run by a point unlcoaked, the point inidicator will start to flash for everyone.
    People run in, don't see/hear anyone, 99% of the time it is an infiltrator.
    look in corners and by boxes, shoot randomly, maybe you will spook them into running making them easier to spot..
    job done
  3. HexxianVC

    But the right week to start smoking meth! Then you can enjoy the same creative process Higby goes through!
  4. soullezz

    You could always get really drunk like I do....then you don't really mind the server crashes....
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  5. Spoon527

    still no server activity.
  6. Nevillebottomlover

    my bad i had a positive K/D
  7. Irisyn

    Or, you know.. get the darklight flashlight and find them.

    People are smarter now. They don't hide in the corners or on the boxes. I for one hide right in the open and usually only get caught in crossfire.
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  8. AmyHuntr

    I appreciate the bug fixes and all, yet it is such a random time, and am annoyed still... Thanks though.
  9. Spoon527

    4 hours : 30 min in maint thats quite some time.
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  10. SlyMarbo

    I keep throwing money at the screen but the servers aren't coming back up any faster......
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  11. Spoon527

    servers still down. o.o soe is no where to be heard from. D:
  12. faykid

    Wow, can you imagine what it feels like being PS2 dev right now, when something broke and there's this outrage in the forums, insults and such. I hope they don't take it personally.

    Good luck guys, don't let it get to you.
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  13. KirthGersen

    I must say that Darklight Flashlight can be very helpful here. I use it on a pistol. Last weeks most of these "silent point stealers" are dumbstalkers and they can easily be defeated by any weapon because they bet too much on their invisibility and start to shoot back too late. AI mines are the other good anti-infil thing. Believe me, infil is my primary class :)
  14. Drglord

    Okay it was me i got a 10 kill streak with an infi and i have a 0.6 K/d and i wonder how in hell i didn't get reported or something. My badddd... also it has been 3 and half hours now AT LEAST :) And yes it is a pay to win and i have paid to support the company but i am really dissapointed by alot of stuff. So the idiots that say this is F2P can stop now i have already paid a huge amount of money for this game so i can say what i want and demand some right service.
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  15. Aelyn

    Still too mainstream. I hide on top of the "control console".
  16. Aircool

    Please go somewhere else. If you're going to be rude and offensive, take it elsewhere.
  17. Drglord

    I hope they take it personally what they will do about it? Break the game more? Ban someone? Never going to happen if 10% of the reported cheaters were banned permanently they wouldn't be any cheaters left simply because of fear.
  18. TheMackk

    Indeed. The replies of this community towards SOE is horrible. I thought I had known quite ****** communitys. Well this one is worse, all infested with geeks apparently. Just get something to do and get over with it. The game will come back, give it time. For gods sake.
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  19. ChuckHofski

    Will this be a repeat of January? I really think they are doing a great job with the game, but I cant help feeling that there is no accountability when it comes to almost weekly downtime like this.
  20. Aircool

    ... and somebody get me The Sarge!
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