Lol BuzzCutPsycho what a hypocrite

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FluffySaurus, Jun 20, 2013.

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  1. Aesir

    As much as I hate Buzz on a personal level as much do I agree with most things he noted. Not that those points are anything new, since the tech tests have we been asking for several things that got flat out ignored.

    To bad we can not look into the old beta forums, there already was a lot of feedback regard the resource system, HEX system, Vehicles, Base Layout, Continent Design, Faction Traits and more.

    SOE seems to act like several chef cooks with no one appointed as leader to give it a strait direction. And we all know, to many cooks spoil the broth.

    They need to develop a plan and prioritize the important stuff first that really is at the root of PS2, core mechanics like a revamp to the resource system, base layout, adding continents, adding interesting bonuses to continents, more Facility types with more interesting bonuses and so on.

    Present 2-3 different ideas per core piece, look at the feedback(with a grain of salt) and than put together a plan with the most important stuff at the top and no changing around.

    For example the resource revamp, just ask what the community would rather have, a personal resource pool or a empire wide resource pool? You want resources to be stock able or should you relay in more frequent income to pull your stuff?

    I mean it can't be that hard to put a survey together and ask us those generalized questions, while using the roadmap as some kind of ideamill to create those surveys ...

    We don't need a new helmet every new GU comes out ... you can focus on all that stuff once we got a real game on our hands.
  2. LordMondando

    Well this presumes two things.

    1) They are not working on it as fast as they can right now.
    2) Compelling game mechanic changes/additions can be done quickly and cheaply.

    I am inclined to be happy to wait till autumn for the resource revamp, if we actually get a system out of it that improves gameplay, indeed to the point of actually adding depth to the game and further addresses population imbalance issues.
  3. Eugenitor

    Oh sweet God no. In theory this is an excellent idea. In practice it will mean eternal rage, as every noob who pulls an ESF only to get killed fifteen seconds later by one of the terribly overpowered leaf-bearing monsters in this game will hurt his faction every time he does.

    Can you imagine wanting to pull a Lib only to find out that some zergfit already used all your air resources on a pointless Gal drop? And then have no inf resources because they used them all on a MAX crash?
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  4. FinnSimmons

    With a Company like Sony backing the game i'd expect some major startup investment. But no, the game has to rail in profits from the start (or it is likely to get ditched by the decision makers). So they pretty much got to work with a smaller budget than what would be appropriate for a game of this magnitude. Hence the "slow" development of the game. Its not the Devs fault IMO.

    Some points were still true. Some changes should never have come.
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  5. Xasapis

    11 content updates in the 8 months since launch and a massive amount of hotfixes is "slow" development?
    The game changed so much in those 8 months, most of the stuff in their tutorial videos are obsolete now.
  6. Aesir

    Though slightly off topic ...

    Your issues are valid but very easily counteracted depending on how you create the rest of the system. Would the game be balanced if you would remove all resources from the game? In the current state from an Vehicle stand point, yes.

    Before the last patch I always could pull what I needed without even thinking, the only time I had no resources was in the Infantry gameplay after some crazy use of AT Mines without resupplying ...

    So if you find a way to balance Infantry with infinite resources ... (like a timer on C4) ... you could completely remove the resource system without anything changing.

    But we want the resource system to affect us, atleast I do. What if the resources would not come from bases but your warpgate and flow across the lattice to bases into small buffer silos. Anything at the Warpgate(Sanctuary) is resource free, since you got unlimited Nanites in that Warpgate(PS1 style). But you would need those resources if you want to pull anything from a base, there could be ways to cut the pipelines to reduce the flow and so on.

    There are several ways to create an interesting resource system within PS2 that will have an effect everybody in many different ways.
  7. DjUnicorn

    Most of those changes were actually fixes for their own mistakes, do not mistake this by development. Development is a state of growth or advancement, not Reversion. The game and its "updates/hotfixes" is largely numbered by reversions, that is why after 6 months the game is at the point that it should be 6 months ago.

    These reversions include, but are not limited to:
    - Nerfs
    - Buffs
    - Battle flow
    - Map mechanism
    - Spawn algorythm
    - Resource mechanism
    - Bugs/Glitches created by fixes that did not fix what they were suppose to fix
    - Statistic changes
    - Tutorials/Guides
  8. NinjaTurtle

    A lot of the outfit feels exactly the same, alot will leave because the game is going down the toilet as highlighted in GU 011 and are getting fed up putting time into a game that is going nowhere.

    Some will stay and will join other outfits or just play solo in hopes the game will improve or may just take a break to play other things.

    Buzz doesn't have direct control over anyone but The Enclave is a community in and of itself and the people will leave and just play different game together in order to continue playing together. PS2 was good because it is the one game where you can have 150 people all playing together, now that will be scattered.

    It was noticeable listening on TS3 last night that a good deal of people were playing this game still purely because TE made it fun being 1 team. Now with TE disbanding that one reason why they stayed will be gone because the people they have enjoyed playing with will be gone to play BF3, BF4, World of Tanks, DOTA 2 etc.
  9. Eugenitor

    I really don't understand this, tbqh. All the real mutilation and nerfing were done in previous patches. Even the resource thing isn't that big a deal, depending on how and when you play. The only thing GU11 really removed was ADADADAD.. oohhhhhhh. (Well, that, and I sometimes see teleporting vehicles, but I haven't yet seen anyone complain about those as a reason to quit.)

    Oh, wait. It's the easymode continent capture, isn't it. Yeah, that's probably a reason to leave.
  10. Xasapis

    The leader of a clan/outfit etc is a driving force, of course, but why would somebody still having fun will leave the game? I've frequently done the opposite myself, stayed with games that had long stopped being fun due to the community.
  11. Tommyp2006

    Its like anything that soe does. Take the amount of time they give you, and either double or triple it. Look at every game update or anytime where.there is server downtime. The downtime always goes from "2 hours expected" to 4 hours actual.

    And to those that say "give them time to work on updates" this game has been released for over 6 months, and they are still tweaking basic game mechanics and fundamental gameplay. These are things that are supposed to be done BEFORE the game is released. Not after. Adding new content? Sure. But tweaking fundamental gameplay mechanics is what open betas are for. I wish the developers would finally stop the lies, and admit to us that this game is nothing more than a paid open beta. This game would not have to go through all these fundamental gameplay changes if it had been built as a true planetside sequel like the fans wanted from the start.
  12. FinnSimmons

    I already put it in quotation marks. What more do you want? The speed in which they develop this game is subjective.
    To me they are focusing on the wrong things. More employees working on new continents would certainly not be a fault IMO. By now we all know Indar, Esamir and Amerish inside and out, don't we.

    Players like BCP are experiencing something I too did experience. The utter lack of a point to this game. I overcame it though and moved on to TDM it. Because right now it is pretty much that or leave. I though still see potential for improvement in this game. The reason why I am still around is that I am not a thirteen year old with a three minute attention span. But even my patience has limits. Just as I am sure everyones patience is limited. So either they finally give us Hosin fast and Battle Islands too, or I fear more of the formerly dedicated and immersed players will leave. Which will in a way damage the game.
    The "it's only a game" crowd is not what I want around. And if i start feeling that they make up the overwhelming majority of the player base I will seriously consider leaving. Until then I hope SOE makes some additions to the game and creates some more serious game play.
  13. Xasapis

    Personally I'm mixing these days PS2 with other games. While PS2 is my primary, it also took so much of my time, I haven't finished Borderlands 2 or haven't even played Farcry 3 or the new Bioshock. At least there are no new mmorpgs out yet that may interest me :)
  14. LanceHavenbay

    Pay to win? lol. You play for 2 hours and you can unlock 2 or so weapons. Certs are handed out like candy now. xD You but a game and it has updates. At least these updates are based on feedback. I admit, there have been calls I strongly disagreed with but SOE fixes their **** quickly. I dunno about other servers, but Connery is ACTIVE as hell even at 11pm-4am. xD It just never died. It is ******* awesome. I'm going to be paying into this game even if I have no time to play it.
    Thank you SOE. Still my favorite game of all time; this game stands beside Starsiege: Tribes and Guild Wars 1. <3 Top 3 games that everyone should play.
    Pew pew Ps2!!!

    Free to play, still runs better than Guild Wars 2 and most buy-box games. I have a **** rig and can still fight in huge battles. People are just too whiny about ridiculous frame-rates.
  15. LanceHavenbay

    End game is about becoming the best you can be. Always some new challenge. :)
  16. Xasapis

    Is there an end game in BF4 I'm not aware of?
  17. Battleballs

    I'm a Planetside 1 fan too, I mean, I played it on day one and I was instantly in love. It was not the same with Planetside 2. You knew, Buzz. You knew what you were getting into. We've all played the beta. We posted (bled) our desires on forums and even filled the questionnaire on our expectations on PS2. This isn't news, don't expect for Planetside 2 to change or to be the same that it was when 1 first came out. It is impossible, impossible to recreate that same experience 10 years ago. It's gone. Planetside 2 does not reinvent gaming like the first game did. I play to enjoy the same good times I did with friends then. No other game can I get that feeling of nostalgia. If Planetside 2 is too boring for your expectations, then move on. But don't you dare look in my eyes and tell me that Modern warfare GHOST and Battlefield 4 are not just another over painted fence of the exact same ideals reused and rehashed games that are pumped out into the industry and deemed worthy of our aspiration of nostalgia. If you don't mind, I will be playing Planetside 1 for free this week with my friends. Or have you forgotten of the 10th year anniversary? And you call yourself a Planetside Vet? Like Mario, or Doom, or all those old games that we still play now, I will continue to play and remember them. And I will continue to play Planetside 2.
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  18. Kaktwox

    I find it unbelievable that the #1 player in this game and the guy with the most popular PS2 streaming channel quits the game, and some how people are taking this as an opportunity to rip him apart or acting like it's a good things.

    Newsflash, no matter how you try and spin is a very bad thing. BCP is not alone with his feelings about the game and the game is losing players.
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  19. LordMondando

    On a poetic level, its pretty lulzy.

    Beyond that, meh. Just one wannabe interweb hero, just one outfit that barely contributed strategically to its server, on an underpoped side. On just one server thats not the highest pop anyway.

    People have been chanting the game is dying since the end of beta and a near banally large number of times on the forum

    And his 'concerns' where they can even be called his own, aka a desire for more 'metagame' (again been around since beta) are all being addresses about as fast as is humanly possible. We have a major patch every fortnight. Peoples expectations need to be revised.

    Game keeps ticking on, world keeps turning, every EU server I play on 3/4 has had a steady stream of new players now for 3 months whenever they have been under the newbie funnel.

    Game is doing fine. Captain attention burnt out after trying to be the biggest thing in the game by playing nearly 24/7 and hari karied his outfit.

    Bye then! In a month, no one will care and it'll take deliberate conscious effort to remember there ever was a BCP.

    Personally I look forward to his return at the start of winter, when the resource revamp and cont locking are in and he tries to claim credit for it.
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  20. IamDH

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