Lol BuzzCutPsycho what a hypocrite

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FluffySaurus, Jun 20, 2013.

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  1. Fortress

    Your outfit no longer exists. You can't be any less relevant than that!
  2. AmazonGiftCard

    Not really, Stew. What they should have done was design the game with PS1 in mind. SOE wanted to make their own IP and have a majority of the game have nothing to do with what PS1 was at its core. You were in beta, you know how much has changed from then to now. That should not have been needed. They should have taken what was good from PS1 and used those concepts and scrapped what was bad from the start. When you make a sequel to a game, you expect there to be more of the original in it that what PS2 had...

    Yes, they are making it more and more like PS1 but isn't that kind of funny? They should have foreseen this and created the game this way from the start. Instead, they designed a majority of this game on "wouldn't it be cool" ideas and easy ways to make money. For The Enclave, guess those things didn't really cut it for them.
  3. TeknoBug

    Almost everything TE used and abused were changed; the one that stood out the most was platoon drop podding being done away with. But Higby hung out on their Twitch stream often so that's probably part of why.
  4. AmazonGiftCard

    They actually commented many times that they shouldn't be able to do that and it needed to be fixed.
  5. Cyridius

    You'd think so.

    Then there was you.

    Yup, we played to win. If it was in the game, it was fair to use until it was no longer in the game. It's not like other people couldn't and didn't do the same, we were just the best at it.
  6. DoctOrious

    See you at the first PS2 funeral.

  7. MiZrY

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  8. Nintyuk

    End Game is MLG Battle Islands
  9. Ash87

    Wait, Enclave quit PS1 as well?
  10. SgtBreastroker

    I never thought I'd see such arrogance.

    What you get for winning in Planetside 2.
    Certs and XP.

    What you get for winning in Battlefield 3.
    XP, Ribbons, Medals, improved stats, XP going towards unlocks, kills going towards medal unlocks.

    BF3 has a far better meta game than Planetside 2.
  11. Cougarbrit

    Well, you get medals and ribbons in PS2 too to be fair, though the medals don't stack. Basically everything but improved stats is in PS2. They just don't mean as much in PS2 because they're just another grinding gear in the certfest.

    As for the thread, I don't know why people are giving this a thumbs up. I guess because it's a post against BCP and we can all see how many people seem to have a borderline obsessive dislike for him, but the point OP makes doesn't really stick.

    I mean, I remember that thread when it was first made, and looking at PS2 now to compare... I don't see that much implemented in the manner Buzz intended. Sure some of the ideas have been brought on, but they took a long time coming and not always in a good way, and I don't think the endgame has been affected in the slightest beyond more certsinks and moneypits.

    Luckily I'm only BR63, I have plenty of certsinks and moneypits to get through before BF4 comes out.
  12. Halcyon

    If PS2 has no endgame, then neither does ANY game of the Battlefield franchise.
    Sucks how hugely successful that was, huh?
  13. Xebov

    No matter if you like the guy or not, i think hes right. I play the game since release and if i look back, we had alot changes that simply changed one minor part of a mechanic and devs told us they didnt have time todo it right in one pass so they decided to change it the way they did.

    They changed Tank Mines and C4 but didnt add a diffuse mechanic and immunity to splash so you force players to disarm them.

    They added lattice but never reworked bases to be more favorable for infantry combat, this will come with esamir, but will take months to get on all continents.

    They change vehicles prices, giving members and owners of expansive boosters an edge over everyone else. They didnt change Infantry AV weapons tor eflect new prices, they also dint add deconnstruct to give resources back, nor did they add an option to change weaponry on vehicles. They also dont talking about there resource rework so we may never see a resource system that is fair for everyone and not only for the dominant faction.

    This game looses alot of its players over the time, everytime a server gets recommended they get overrun by new players, having no idea what they are doing and once the recommend is over the population goes back again as most of the players leave. The reason they leave is simple, it took to long to get a simple tutorial in the game that tells everyone whats going on and how todo stuff. I met players over the time that played for a month and didnt even know that there was more than one continent. Some dont know how resources work and what you get for continent locks etc.

    Dont get me wrong, this game is not bad, but it would be alot better if the devs decided what way they want to take and stick to it, make features complete befor releasing them so we get whole changes and not crippled parts that stay that way for months untill everything els eis finished.
  14. vincent-

    This is a mattherson problem. They seem to be full of drama and queens as far as I can see. I my self am a waterson but god get over yourselves of this quit thing. It's a bloody game and it IS NOT EASY TO BLOODY CODE and if anyone has been keeping all tabs on the devs you would know they need time to make everything fall into place.

    More importantly just shut it. I've seen this cry act on majority of mmo games it's not new and you are not doing any good.

    The good any of all of you here on these forums should be doing is brainstorming ideas getting on test center some times, not demanding nerfs and buffs and epeening the crap out of the threads.
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  15. LT_Latency

    I never get the this game has no end object complaint.

    No FPS does you log in and blow you enemies away and walk over their corpses because it's fun
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  16. Stew360

    whats you win in PS2 ? the same as you named lol

    XP, certs , Ribbons, Medals, improved stats, Certs and XP going towards much more unlocks, kills going towards medal unlocks.

    So yeah ;)

    If you want to argue thast you cant see those online on the website the stats official site is in beta still

    Here you have it



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  17. Rak

    You didn't play PS1 then, did you?
  18. Van Dax

    Fixed that for you, besides meta game is not something devs give you, its something the players build out of the options they are given. Each patch adds more content with nearly two patches a month, I say give it another 6 months and we'll have built ourselves a pretty solid meta-game.
  19. Stew360

    They are stacking but you cant see them atm but its comming look in the bottom corner of the planetside 2 official stats



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  20. cebceb44

    Everyone in this thread is going on about how long it takes to code, and they're right. It takes time. I can agree with that.

    That's not a good excuse for how this game has run it's course. Remember back in November? Planetside 2 was a game everyone wanted in on, and it was a closed beta. They opened the game for all, but still branded it as a beta.

    The excuse back then was "It's just in beta, these things happen."

    Then the game was released.
    "It just came out, give it time."

    Time went on.
    "It's only been a month, they're still fixing bugs; The fresh, new content will come out soon."

    Continents were added.
    "They have too much work on their hands, they can't fix this all at once."

    Bi-weekly game updates became a thing.
    "That stuff is coming in the next Game Update, don't worry."

    Do you remember what the common phrase was back on the board?
    It was the one spoken by me, my friends, and many, many others, most of which were accused of "just hating on" the game, or wanting the original game to emerge from the sequel, even as we stuck by Planetside 2 and it's changes, going on up to GU11 now.

    "This game was released too early"
    "...should never have left Beta"
    "It's unfinished..."

    Programming takes time. That's true.
    Game breaking bugs, such as the flashing terrain forcing the user to restart (which have existed since they were handing out keys on their stream), just got fixed this morning. That's also true.

    What have we seen between the updates that actually let the user play?

    Cosmetics. Decals, Lumbifier Trims, Helmets inspired from low budget horror movies.
    Weapons getting nerfed, then buffed, then nerfed again, until another set of weapons took the spotlight.
    Ways to buy your advantage through the game, to the point it was the only way to play the way you used to be allowed to.

    "They're overworked, they can't program everything"

    You're right.
    They couldn't.
    They chose to work on the things that were the easiest to implement, with a pricetag.
    They ignored the work that took too much effort, whether it was because the players wanted things right here right now, or they saw the problem as too big of a task, and worked on unrelated side projects to the game..

    And now this game's coming to PlayStation 4, a console that was only recently revealed. Only then will we have performance improvements both the devs and the players have reassured themselves with.

    "Coming Soon" has become a running gag in this community.
    This game was never supposed to have been released as early as it was.
    I hate to say it, but this game's been doomed from the day they called it released.
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