Lol BuzzCutPsycho what a hypocrite

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FluffySaurus, Jun 20, 2013.

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  1. FluffySaurus

    ok you might have seen the video

    Were he says that SOE keeps on screwing things up yadayada


    Here's his thread from a few months back:

    If you think it's too long and didnt read, basically SOE has done EVERYTHING that he's listed in the post, lattice, changes to crown, flinch, no deploy zone, merger etcetc, even lowering spawn shield after SCU is down! (maybe everything apart from the automated turret but never say never)

    and he's still not satisfied... just no pleasing some people
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  2. Cyridius

    No they haven't.
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  3. SharpLight

    where can I find the article he wrote?
  4. VSDerp

    pcgamer one? nvm didnt read it right
  5. SharpLight

    No, watch the video.
  6. jdono67894

    SOE hasn't fixed terrible base design and created an actual metagame.
    PS2 is still just a giant meaningless team death match and there are many games that do it better.

    Enclave is just the start of the end for PS2, SOE had so much time to fix the fundamental issues with the game but they spent the time designing helmets and nerfing everything again and again.
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  7. VSDerp

    ya i saw the video ealier. i had a brain fart. and i dont think he posted the article yet.
  8. Stew360

  9. Gadamlu


    damn, he actually has some good points
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  10. Yil

    I can't stand listening to this guy.
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  11. Stew360

    I agree , but also they have almost fix the side warping the have improove the hit registration and player moovement for better and more fair infantry figths , they have improove everything they can Ui , maps , weapons balance , they arent gods for god sake

    iam always complaining yes , because iam not satifeid with the game we have but still , i understand SOE efforts and i still suport them ive never tough about quitting but i wont stop complaning on anything thats i dislike either

    thats said i agree BCP complain seams to be a FAKE reason to quit he as other reasons and he wont tell them ... is it the side warping fix ? Is it the shotguns ajustement ? Is it anything else of that nature ? I dont know

    but yeah SOE as did everything the Ps1 comunity as ask for ... lattice , base redesign , MBT buff and so on and on and on
  12. daicon

    Most of the community was asking for those changes, not just Buzz.

    Alot of Buzz's suggestions about metagame, base layout, etc were ignored. Certainly his many posts against KDR and the monetization of it, have been ignored (and I do believe that is no small part in how frustrated some players are with this constantly changing, imbalanced experience).
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  13. SharpLight

  14. NinjaTurtle

    Watch the video.

    This game has no end objective, no real reason to do anything. Continent locks should have been in the game by the time it launched and capping a continent should give a real advantage to the holders and a real negative to the losers.

    As it is no one really cares if one side owns a continent because it doesn't really matter either way.

    The alerts are a band aid for a bigger problem and during TE OPS during prime time alerts have killed the fight. We could have been on Indar finding plenty of action and as soon as an alert goes for Esamir (as an example) everyone jumps ship and we can't get a decent fight for the rest of the night.

    Warping 2 platoons isn't as simple as you think before you even start suggesting we follow. What you find is queues of up to 30 minutes for some squad members and we won't ditch half our team.

    The only objective needed is continental conquest and that must have cont locks in place and a real benefit to make the empires fight like it really matters, because as it stands it doesn't.

    Everything Buzz said in that video was right, you know it as well as I do.
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  15. Liquidrider

    I have spent $100+ on this game, I have every intention of leaving. I agree with Buzz 100% this last update was ridiculous.
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  16. Stew360

    LOL no ones have said he was the only one asking for this anyones , who know planetside universe and the Ps1 vets community know they wont give up till ps2 as all ps1 mechanics in and beyong ... ( despite BFR ) lol

    Also it proove that everything he said is unjustified and truely not fair to this Dedictated DEVS TEAMS who spend 90 % of their time with Ps2 community on planetsideuniverse on twitter on stream lasom luperza and so on ...

    I find this disrespectfull and he try to leave like a king disapointed about how bad SOE are , but this is all FAKE , BC was a zerg master , he as create the most unfair figths in Ps2 history , he as abuse the most imbalanced weapons and classes in ps2 history

    so the true story talk for itself

    SOE as lisen to this community a whole lots

    iam always complaning but i still have respect for these devs really close to many comunity member maybe a little to much

    All i have agains the SOE devs team is that they dont spend enough time ( exept for maggy ) on the official forums and are way to spread on others media such a psu , twitter etc.. but i still understand this decision , psu as made this game in the first place everyones in the techtest and early beta was pretty much ps1 vets and PSU members and soe and devs feel thats they need to keep this interaction ...
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  17. Stew360

    Sorry but when i play BF i play to win a conquest game or a capture the flag game or a rush game , the same is in planetside with the alert systhem you have x and y time to achive x and y goal , if your able to do it then you win the alert its exactly like winning a game in bf3 but it as more depth more strategie and time allowed ;)

    So yeah this is a pityfull excuse bro
  18. NinjaTurtle

    And when you win an alert you get what exactly. What is the end game here?
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  19. Cyridius

  20. Stew360

    I win and i get certs and XP ,

    My question will follow

    When you win in BF3 whats kind of reward you get ?

    For me i get the satisfaction to have win and a sens of accomplishement and its enough to me ...

    And all you claim are silly sicne we cant get continents locking till we get at the very least 3 more continents and they are at remaking esamir amerish and 2pass on indar
    • Up x 3
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