LMG changes, YAY or NAY? vote!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by McMan, Aug 29, 2015.

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  1. lothbrook

    lol, how would it be strictly worse than the MSW-R when its has the same DPS numbers and is more accurate at hipfire in all categories than the MSW-R, with all the aiming stats being identical other than moving where the MSW-R is better by .05.

    I'd also put money on if the orion required a cert investment that it'd outperform the anchor and MSW-R because it'd be only dedicated/experienced players using it, just like if the anchor and MSW-R were free they'd underperform the orion. It'd probably be pretty close to where the BG is statwise.
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  2. Shanther


    The MSWR has a faster reload, better velo, better / more attachments (lol), and is more accurate where it counts.

    Here is a BR100 ONLY KPU and KPH graph.

    But hey the Orion is overperforming right.
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  3. travbrad

    Yep if you weren't still super accurate even when strafing back and forth faster than humanly possible then movement speed while firing wouldn't matter. Changing the stats on a few LMGs still doesn't address the root of the problem.
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  4. Ianneman

    Comparing +50% movement speed to recoil advantages of 10% is absolute insanity, there is NO WAY the two compare. Your table is meaningless.
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  5. McMan

    Look, the stats and the whining proves that Orion is THE BEST GUN IN THE GAME It has the best KDR the most kills, its stats are better than TR and NC equals. All this shows that Orion is OP.

    We nerfed TR Striker when it was OP
    We nerfed Nanowave when it was OP
    We nerfed Resist shield+nanowae when it was OP
    We nerfed Banshee when it was OP

    It is OVERPREFORMING it makes UNFAIR fights. It is making the game WORSE. Just like the banshee did.
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  6. MarkAntony

    he posted the performance stats. that is what he was referring to. the orion is not overperforming,
  7. MarkAntony

    wrong. the stats show nothing of the sort...
  8. OldMaster80

    Ironically they already changed aircraft commands, why can't they just tweak strafe acceleration to prevent people from moving ADADAD?
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  9. Scr1nRusher


    No really, Tears.

    The same tears are why the LMG changes haven't been implemented yet.
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  10. Ianneman

    He posted selective stats, not across the board stats.

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  11. Shanther

    I posted stats that are directly related to what is being talked about. You on the other hand are posting stats that are entirely unrelated.

    1st, you don't compare the SAW, Carv, and Orion. You compare the Anchor, MSWR, and Orion because they are the CQC weapons.

    2nd, you are looking at only KPU. This includes EVERY person. The problem with this is people tend to not stick with SAW and Carv the same way they do the Orion. So of course the Orion is going to be on top there, people tend to use that and nothing else. Because of those reasons people specificly look at BR 100 stats.

    If you are going to post stats I suggest you post ones that actually matter.
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  12. MikeyGeeMan

    Calm down buddy. Angry people who think their post will change the world is wrong. And people writing stuff you would never say to someone's face is the problem with forumside.

    I'm an uneducated mass user. And my vote for anything counts as much as yours.

    Your way off base and your tone says you've recessed to 5 year old logic.
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  13. lothbrook

    You can't compare a weapon that everyone has to a weapon that people have to pay for purely on stats, even in BR100s only, there are plenty of BR100s who only have the default weapons because they just haven't invested in LMGs or the HA class at all, otherwise you wouldn't see the dramatic increase in stats on the Godsaw and Butcher, where every user is an experienced HA player despite those weapons all being essentially the same as the defaults but with 0 attachment options.

    Give the Orion a cert cost instead of it being the default and its stats will rise to outperform the anchor and MSW because its currently being held down by a lot of people who really don't play the HA for LMGs but just AV.

    I'd also really love for you to use the Gauss Saw and go into close quarters with it and tell me Hip fire accuracy doesn't matter, lol.
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  14. Shanther

    You are way to easily offended since my tone is perfectly fine. As I said, you are just going to ignore anything that is said to you.

    What are you even talking about at this point? Stop trying to compare unlike weapons.

    The Orion's stats are not going to rise to out perform the Anchor. It if isn't doing so at a BR 100 level (where certs are 100% a non issue) it never will. Not only that the Anchor is actually just a better weapon.
  15. MikeyGeeMan

    Wow. less Mountain Dew would be advisable.
  16. _itg

    The thing about the VS players' argument (not necessarily yours) is that it tends to go, "0.75x ADS is worthless, and if you take from me, I'll disembowel your mother and strangle you with her guts!" You can see why people don't really listen.
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  17. MarkAntony

    you are using the wrong weapons... you have proven yourself to stupid to be part of any balance discussion.
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  18. CorporationUSA

    Comparing weapon usage stats is problematic because the Orion is more CQC oriented than the other default LMGs. Since so many infantry fights are CQC, it is possible that the Orion would have the best overall results for that reason. And since the other faction CQC weapons aren't free, they will likely have a lower KPH because they are being used less.

    The best you can with stats is to find something like the average accuracy or KDR, or something else where the size of the userbase is irrelevant. And even then you won't know if any blatant imbalances are necessarily caused by the .75x ads modifier.

    I personally think people should avoid using weapon usage stats altogether, and approach this matter from a more philosophical perspective. The game has too many variables to pinpoint any one reason why the Orion might be outperforming other LMGs.
  19. IronMouse

    This is very true.
  20. Goretzu

    I'm not sure the Orion is exactly overperforming.

    It is the best performing starter LMG in every quartile however - there is absolutely no doubt about that (which is an advantage) and statisticaly seems to be the easiest to pick up and use, and yet still be great when very experienced with it.

    But it does seem like the VS HA is (or has been) overperforming compared to the TR and NC HAs - the reasons exactly why are not so clear.
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