List the best outfit on your server?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BH Brigade, May 8, 2013.

  1. Limit


    VS: VFD and Trol
    TR: SOCA
    NC: 41bn and TOG
  2. theholeyone

    Really? Briggs TOG? are you sure, they do some pretty silly stuff, and SOCA generally rely on numbers to get the job done. I'd say 8EAR, JUGA, RFM8 (though they have been less active of late) are the ones that require an equal or larger force to win against; which is the mark of a good outfit I think, so many people just list the zergfits as the good outfits which I don't understand.
  3. ChickenCurrys

    You exacly sound like Tact, probably you are in Gods. I had a talk about that with him, the problem is...except for the alerts there in no competition, people are lazy. If you call a grind on Indar with 50-60% pop fun...kk then, I enjoy messing my Epeen with the other factions, so most of the VS outfits. and I have the same feeling for the TR.
  4. ChickenCurrys

    We are doing fine, but enemys get better(and Iam happy about that) and factions get smarter and focus the most dominant. Vs needs to work on new tactics and we are fine, like today. A 3 way fight is always complicated, esp. with crappy mapdesign and warpgate positions that prefer the TR atm, dont get me wrong, they are performing well, but the warpgate distance of all 3 factions need to be the same to have a "fair" unfair fight.
  5. Zan_Aus

    What does this mean though? SOCA are organised, they arrive at the base, they split up and hit multiple targets, they reinforce hotspots quickly, they bring combined arms, they hack, they deploy well, etc etc. They might have the numbers but they also move in a organised way. Compare that to KARP or 41BN who were way larger, those guys just landed on top of a base like a giant jello and smothered it with numbers. No strategy or lockdown, I could wander the whole base with my Infi or LA doing as I pleased with those guys.

    JUGA and RFM8 are fine, sure (never see 8EAR) but I don't worry about my base when I see them arrive. They might have good individual players, I don't really know.

    As for TOG I've had multiple fights where 20 TOG guys have held off 50 Vanu at a major base to the point our zerg has given up and left.
  6. theholeyone

    Hmmm, I haven't seen much of that side of TOG then, often they aren't so good at sundy placement, so a few fast strikes at their undefended sundies leaves the without a spawn and halts their attack. That and wayward air/armor are often easy pickings.
    Yeh SOCA seem more organised than most, but do come with a lot of numbers also. I guess larger outfit who are reluctant or incapable of splitting their forces makes it harder for smaller outfits to gauge their skill independent of their numbers. Then again, a good outfit should be able to split and combine number as required.

    Being Vanu on Briggs, one of my annoyances is large outfits not splitting up forces. The other day the trolzerg had 75%pop going up against platoons at a tech plant. Don't think we had platoon level anywhere else on the map so multiple TR platoons came down and took half our territory with little resistance. It's a regular occurrence too, I just remember that one in particular cos a large part of that force was just on foot and running straight at the gates and outposts.
  7. Lueyja2


    NC: PHX mainly. Hadn't heard of them for a long time until one day like 60% of my deaths came from them. Not too impressed with DVS since my outfit's been able to stop them cold quite a few times. There's a lot of them and they're ok organized I guess. Fun seeing Delrith's name pop up on my killboard (doesn't happen often but when it does.... party).

    TR: IR - I'll be having fun just messing around at the Crown with a platoon ish of VS farming NC then IR comes out of nowhere with a !@#$ton of air and caps the place. TRAF is pretty decent in the air which makes a weird sort of sense.

    VS: XOO - Good supporting them and nice to have them on my side. And also the rest of the VA peeps.
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  8. SgtBreastroker

    TOG have Munter, the guy who has an unhealthy obsession with the AV Mana Turret and Libs.

    Also don't forget KNTR for the TR, they are one of the largest outfits in Briggs.
  9. Pella

    Lol we get on with DEIM. We even played with them last night on Esamir. This thread is a joke bob.

    And i'm glad you have watched my videos. I'm actually swimming in Youtube money as we speak.

    As for my K/D its not to shabby considering i'm on the ground squad leading. Also that MLG Gal drop was awesome you cannot deny that.

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  10. c0mbatduckzz

    The amount of INI induced rage in this thread is quite entertaining to watch. So much jelly. And its funny that most of it comes from our own faction, thanks for the support guys.

    On a more serious note:

    VS: DWG
    TR: BRTD
  11. hansgrosse


    NC- My experience with Helios NC outfits is limited; I've only ever rolled with TLR. I don't feel qualified to make an assessment here.

    VS- DPSO and VAST seem to put up the best fight in most situations.

    TR- EXE is their backbone, without a doubt.
  12. ValorousBob

    You shoulda seen BRTD and Kanttori trash talking each other at Ikanam a few weeks ago, it was hilarious.
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  13. ({x})Kyoji

    Mhhm. Why thank you. Looking at the stats comparison TIW seems decent as well, they are just smaller. Surprised not a lot of Waterson posts in here. Here are some others who posted in a different thread.
  14. SikVvVidiT

    God I wish SOE would give us OUTFIT WARS like we had in PS1 then we could settle this debate.

    And for those curious to know who pretty much won outfit wars (based on wins/loses) since they (SOE) never did give us semi-finals or Finals. It was Delta Triad on the Emerald Server and Future Crew on the Markov Server.

    I would have loved to see those two outfits go at it! Damn you SOE!!!

    Now here is my UNBIASED opinion on who is the BEST ON THE MATTERSON SERVER :

    NC : I would have to go with Sturmgrenadier [SG] here, Weapons of Mass Destruction [WMD] might have some of the most skilled NC players, but SG has the most coordination.

    VS : NoNonsenseGaming [NNG] has my vote. They seem to be letting less skilled players in lately?!... But when they bring their A game. They are on point.

    TR : The Enclave [TE] wins out... Yes I can't stand Buzzbunny and I even think the outfit are full of racist due to several vids I have seen. But when the want something, they usually get it done. Not to mention they are, believe it or not, highly coordinated. Honorable mention goes to Black Widow Company, Honey Badgers and The Enforcers (They might actually have the most skill per player on the TR empire).

    If all three of those went at it, at a neutral base. I would have to go sadly with TE... UGH...

    Now all we need is Outfit Wars in PS2 to happen so we can settle all of this. And judging by the size of this thread I can pretty much say a lot of people would want that!

    One last thing. If someone would ask me who do I think is the best Outfit in this game and who would win versus all other outfits I think without a doubt Future Crew [FC] would take it home. I played against this guys on a nightly bases in Planetside 1. They are Highly coordinated and Very Highly Skilled. I don't think any outfit can match their coordination and skill level combined.
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  15. variablez

    Ii thought you were bigger, always seeing your players every where., seem very organised as I said.
    DWG -we are usually have one or two squads in comparison...
  16. pmurgs

    Ceres server:

    I would agree with your comments on WDUH. They were great on Mallory, and still have some good platoon leaders like Rdizz and TheRadish. Pintle will probably tk me for this, but they don't do anything out of the ordinary compared to other decently sized outfits other than bring numbers to a fight now. But any outfit with JoranZankovic in it, I'll happily join their public squads as he is the most entertaining player in voice comms I've come across.

    On Mallory, SYG was the VS outfit that most stood out, now it's definitely DORA. I really enjoy running into a sizeable DORA group as I know its going to be a serious fight.

    As for NC, MACS is the only outfit that stands out to me compared to the rest.
  17. Kaska

    Mattherson here.

    I'd say, for the NC, SG and AACE are the biggest pain to fight, at TR, HNYB and E911.

    Being VS, I can't say which outfit is best, though everyone is saying NNG is best, won't argue with that.
  18. EvilJollyT

    And ADAD warping. Don't forget the warp. It's really was the key to all their "skill".
  19. Hwk

    Warping was the key to everyone's "skill" in PS1.
  20. haldolium

    Yeah I only can tell from a VS perspective here, where I only run into WDUH people occasionally and often mixed up in other squads/platoons. I always liked their style though.

    Yeah SYG was good once. Still has a bunch of top-tier players in them and does good public runs every now and then, but the outfit went through some struggles even before the server merges. DORA... ah I just don't like them really. Too many negative impressions from some of their TK players and what Exoz sometimes wrote in the leader channel.

    All in all, I miss Mallory still. Had a more familial atmosphere to it.