K/D All servers all factions.(repost from reddit).

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MurderBunneh, Nov 27, 2013.

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  1. wolfva

    Part of discussing a problem is to first ascertain WHAT the problem is. Frankly, it's to complex an issue for me to really want to delve into as I don't have all the information I feel I need to really understand the problem; this is speaking as an NC player from closed Beta. Dismissing someone else's debate point out of hand because it doesn't fall into a niche that you like isn't the way to sanely debate an issue though. Nor is the inherrent claim that any one with a different theory is 'insane', or such talk is not worthy as it's not a 'sane person' debate. After all, those are all just ways of saying, "SHUT UP!!!!!!". Which is never a good way to conduct a debate.
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  2. Baracuda

    I honestly think the NC should have the highest DPS guns available. Hard to use weapons should have a much greater DPS than ease of use weapons.
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  3. MurderBunneh

    The other day a guy tried to convince me that there were dinosaurs on Noahs Ark and that the people rode them like horses. He also said that the earth is less then 10000 years old.

    That is another example of something I consider a waste of my time to discuss.

    If we figure out some how that NC just are baddies guess what? You still need to buff their weapons because they are not performing as well. The sides need to be equal end of story.
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  4. BloodMonarch

    The fact that NC didn't win on one single server during the WDS suggests there is a problem with NC not being on a par with TR and VS...but you could say both these observations are linked since a lower K/D will inevitably result in not winning the WDS.

    To not win on ONE SINGLE SERVER though, does suggest a pretty big disparity somewhere!!! where NC are at a serious disadvantage!!
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  5. Fredfred

    It is a bit weird how the easier to use weapons have higher output than the harder to use weapons. :rolleyes:

    Just like the C85 (hardest to use, lowest out put), PPAii (about the middle) Marauder (easiest to use most output)
    NC max (hardest to use, least out put [if you factor in range and reload times]) TR ( about in the middle) VS (easiest to use with ZOE max, most overall out put)
    The list goes on.
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  6. MurderBunneh

    Don't forget Striker/Phoenix SAW/Orion/Carv etc etc.
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  7. MurderBunneh

    Devs know that if we are on equal ground we will be the dominant pop. Any of those that played late beta would understand. But they won't institute any kind of pop caps so this is where we stand.

    As long as our population numbers are good we will never get looked at.
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  8. Halo572

    It is statistically possible that NC could be the worst on every server and not actually be either first or second without having any balance related problems, but it is also very unlikely.

    Just as you could win the lottery today or be hit my a meteor, which are also very unlikely but somewhere is happening.

    There are also holes in one in golf taking place all over the planet, as statistically they have to, but you will be unlikely to see any one of them.

    So it would seem that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way they are programmed and it certainly ties in with my anecdotal playing experience of the frustration of being outplayed by TR and VS and not understanding how the hell they did it.

    And anecdotal past just L2P.
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  9. BloodMonarch

    Yes because, speaking personally, I believe our weapons are generally fine, the only real issue I would have is with our MAX, in that, being strong in CQC is not as useful as being strong at medium range and pretty strong at close range.

    I believe the main issue with our infantry weapons is that they are not noob friendly and are only on a par with the other factions (in some cases arguably slightly better) when in the hands of skilled NC players or they have had more certs pumped into them. The TR and VS weapons being much easier to use are more noob/unskilled friendly and therefore their noobs/unskilled perform better than our noobs/unskilled.

    Its not as simple therefore, as just increasing the power of our weapons, as this would make skilled players overpowered.

    This could be one of the reasons for the difference in K/D ratio and why we perform so badly in the WDS, but without more accurate data its not much more than speculation as to the 'possible' reason. SOE on the other hand have all the data and they need to start using it, because something is not balanced, they need to find out why and do something about it. The evidence of K/D ratio and the WDS series is too strong to ignore.
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  10. Azarga

    NC UR JSUT BAD !!!!
    NC U N33D L2P !!!!!
    NC DO U EVEN MLG ?????
    NC Y U 50 N05KI11 ?????

    Seriously though. NC do have some minor problems, thus slightly lower average KD. I cannot honestly say we are at some severe disadvantage and something is utterly broken.
    I question the general flawed design of "NC must have shotguns everywhere! Tank shotguns! ESF shotguns! Sniper Rifle shotguns! Medkit shotguns!" And I see that as the root of our problems. But again, I don't feel UP and I don't feel my faction has some drastic disadvantages.

    NC: Some problems, mostly ok.
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  11. faykid

    i use the stock LMGs and the medics rifles from the anniversary bundle
    i never used suppressor on any weapons except infil's, and i do not see any difference whatsoever
  12. faykid

    so, the bullet drop on some suppressed VS weapons is smaller compared to some NC/TR suppressed weapons? because unsuppressed, i see no difference
  13. RobotNinja

    NC have the highest FIRST SHOT accuracy. So, clearly they all just need to learn how to snipe with LMGs, Carbines and assault rifles. After that first shot/burst, their recoil immediately begins pointing their barrels at the clouds/ceilings.
  14. MurderBunneh

    Well guess what? The rest of the VS infantry weapons have no bullet drop and suppressor doesn't add any.
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  15. MasonSTL

    I really don't think there would be any significant difference in players between factions. I mean I chose NC because after playing a short amount of time with the other factions, I just liked how the guns sounded.

    And if you really want to delve that deep, you might as well find how many people are color blind and cant see red because that might have influenced them into choosing a faction that isn't all grey to them. And that information, with out a doubt, will not have any ,if at all, major influence on the numbers collected.

    Dismissing the information that has been presented because of such minute aspects of influence to the data, as someone else has already said, is asinine.
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  16. Nocturn0l

    Cobalt VS! We own guys!
  17. Brandmon

    > Billion topics showing that the NC is objectively the worse faction balance wise (I suspect the K/D is skewed due to worse performing AI Vehicles)
    > Still most NC play on knowing they are the underdogs

    Let me sing you the song of my people.

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  18. TrogdorNC

    So here's the problem with the L2P argument.

    Lets say that the weapons when used optimally are about balanced between factions. (They aren't, but lets just use this for arguments sake). NC weapons are harder to use, thus you need to put more effort in learning the guns then the other factions, for no gain at all. We have harder to control weapons, but our TTKs are longer at all but the longest ranges. This doesn't make any sense. Its the same problem Terran has in Starcraft II, its harder to play then Zerg and Protoss at lower levels so nobody plays it.

    If you're going to make guns that are harder to control, there needs to be an upside. Honestly, they should just give us the SVA-88 and the Orion, both are better guns than what we have in short-medium range, which are the only fights that actually matter in this game. ZOE maxes are a different story, but apparently they are getting nerfed so I'm not too worried about it.

    I just don't understand what the point of having harder to use weapons on a faction with little upside. From a competitive standpoint there is no reason to play NC, we are outclassed by both factions in all aspects except for our MBT and our faction specific weapon. There is a reason why all the competitive players are leaving NC. Most good NC players I know have long since quit the game or switched to VS or TR.

    The bottom line is, if our guns are harder to use, they need to be better when used to their max potential. Otherwise we're just gimped in a game where most players aren't very good.
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  19. faykid

    suppressor does add bullet drop to VS weapons. have you even tried suppressed VS weapons? shooting suppressed Sirius at range feels like spraying water with hose, bullets do drop.
  20. MurderBunneh

    Sub is an infil weapon and it wouldn't surprise me if it does have drop.
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