Just recently started playing, already bored due to the MAX

Discussion in 'MAX' started by mikesierra, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. Threat

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  2. Fenrisk

    You would be surprised how often a max forgets it has a melee weapon and stares dumbly at you as you hug him from front to back.
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  3. Purg

    Two biggest killers of my NC MAX, C4 and Tank Mines. LA, Medic and Engineer are the best classes against MAX - especially the LA.
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  4. Nenarch

    Maxes have no weakness, was playing with a BR 100 yesterday.. we took out 15 guys holding a building (A) point with just 2 of us.

    I'm talking about VS maxes here.. the crappiest of version of the max's.. If we'd have had Terran or NC max.. would have been easier.

    Maxes are strong and tbh I'm tempted to change my game style completely to maxes every time I can at bio's these days and indoor fighting just because of the fear of some newbie with a shotgun insta shotting me ( with a ******* bodyshot when I have nanoweave 5 and shield on).
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  5. CletusMcGuilly

    Maxes and Heavies and LA's can't all be OP forum warriors. Pick one and stick to it please.

    Also if OP would pick up C4, the only time he'd have trouble with Maxes is when he turns the corner and doesn't have any left because he used it all up on two other Maxes.
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  6. Draxo

    Unsurprisingly, running up and gunfighting a giant armored suit designed to kill infantry and almost always outfitted to do so doesn't yield good results.

    You are not always intended to win in this game, everything has counters and there is no 'counters everything' class (I lie, hint its heavy and it assaults)

    So you either pull back and get in a squad (the game was intended to be played in squads) or realize if you want to Rambo you're going to die helplessly sometimes.

    If you're a new player (I think you are?) then the game has a steep learning curve, but you'll start to learn when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. Sometimes retreat is your best option.
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  7. Socalsktrkid

    I just started recently as well but bored for another reason entirely Way too many hackers yup theres alot especially the radar crap or whatever you wanna call it where you can see where everyone is at at all times. I'll b on my infiltrator sneak in to a place and be perfectly hidden in a corner or something somewhere and someone comes around the corner looking directly at me and kills me as if they knew I was there the entire time. Further more I check the person that just killed me and they're rocking a 4.0+ kdr obvious hacks are obvious no one in fps games have that kind of kdr ever especially after a longer period of time most times it just gets worse on top of the fact that there is so many people around in this game 90% of the time that you can barely get a few kills before being noticed by 15 other players that then turn to swarm you.
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  8. Ashnal

    You sound like a wuss. Someone who doesn't like a little asymmetrical gameplay with the challenges associated with it. It's kinda like playing Juggernaut mode in Halo, except the Juggernaut moves really slow.
    The resource cost and timer for maxes, as well as the slowness of the class limits its ability to be deployed on a large scale, unless by organized outfits. This means there will almost always be more normal infantry than max units in any given fight. It is fairly easy to take down a max unit when you outnumber and flank him. It is also fairly easy to shoot rockets from the HA launcher at a max due to their slow movements, and it only takes two rockets to kill one. That's two HAs who can kill a Max in less than a second. Not to mention how a single LA can fly over a Max while dropping C4 to kill the max in one shot with the press of a button.

    Until you've actually given the Max unit some playtime and understand their playstyle, stop crying wolf. Adapt to your environment, and learn to appreciate the variety the Max brings to infantry combat.
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  9. legendarysoup

    What he said.

    This is not COD, this is a team based game, really it is. Try joining an active outfit or try joining an activate squad/platoon and I guarantee you the game will feel and play entirely different. Also, Max are easily countered...just like everything else in this game. Stop going all ****** Rambo, think, join a good squad/platoon/outfit and profit.
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  10. xGreedFuSioN

    TR got nerfed VS got buffed.

    Now: NC Maxes are damn good but not OP, VS Maxes are pretty darned good, and TR maxes are meh
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  11. Nocturnal7x

    If you are HA rockets, if you are anything else except inf c4. if you are inf run. l2p

    Also, if maxes are so op, pull one of your own.
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  12. GoldenCountry

    Spend some time using a max. For a giant mechanized suit you will die incredibly fast to small arms fire. They're extremely situational, have long reload times, are poor at range (NC more than TR obviously), are very expensive to cert, and require support from engies to survive for long.
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  13. mentalx

    Imagine easy mode NC without there op max security blanket.
    Its for this reason that I can understand why its so OP, without it NC are dead and the game will be dead faster then they planned.
  14. Zynex

    Lots of people have high k/d's that aren't hackers. Especially if they prefer vehicle gameplay. And it's really easy to see cloaked infiltrators, remember, it is a cloak, not invisibility.
  15. Socalsktrkid

    yea cause this has nothing to do with it at all I know its one thing to see the infiltrator when their cloaked but for them to not ever even have seen me as it was impossible for them to do so because where they were was impossible to get any sort of line of sight on me wasn't possible either due to well you know walls and such its a little more than that

    Gotta get the pick right so not sending ppl to the hacking site but yea you can basically see everyones names anywhere on the map.

  16. Ogrelover

    Yeah there are radar hacks but people should also note that there are legitimate options to equip scout radar for flash, ESF and proximity sensors for vehicles that can be used to detect infiltrators when they un-cloak. Having one of those inside a tower or above the base is fun when you are defending, not so fun when infiltrating.
  17. Phazaar

    It's clear that you haven't played the game in a fair few weeks. TR MAXs are best, and about to become completely OP as both AA, AV -AND- AI MAX with the lockdown ability. VS MAXs are great also, though ZOE is a little less good than Lockdown. NC MAXs were never OP to start with, but will now win at even less range than they previously did versus another MAX (it's down to about 8m, and even then there's no margin for error), and the shield ability is the worst designed thing ever to be implemented. It gives us no offensive bonus, is bugged to ****, protects from all the angles a CQC MAX does not need protection from, and none that it does need protection from, and last I checked, stopped the user from firing. So it's no buff whatsoever to AA, no buff whatsoever to AV (tank shells seem unaffected, as is splash damage), and outclassed in every way by charge for AI.

    Leave the biolab and your life will be improved vastly. Aside from AA MAXs, I see perhaps 3 or 4 per day, playing a good few hours each day. Sadly, soon the TR MAX will be even more viable outside, whilst the NC MAX will remain as useless as ever. But for now, worry not about MAXs, just get out of the biolab :)
  18. Phazaar

    The fact that they exist does -not- mean they're the reason you got killed.

    Every single suspicious death you've ever had? Lag.

    90% of the deaths when the guy was literally floating around in front of you at 200kph? Lag.

    When that guy was in the wall? Bug.

    I see perhaps one hacker a fortnight, if that. It's hilarious how perception of people hacking seems to go hand in hand with not being very good at the game; just sayin' ;)
  19. HadesR

    Best counter to a Max is teamwork .. Regardless of what class I'm playing I never expect to be able to take down a Max solo unless you get lucky
  20. Littleman

    This is notably harder to pull off, since it requires One to already be within hugging distance for it to work. Even scat maxes are fodder if One can get in close enough that the barrels extend beyond them. Go for head shots, and I don't even need to empty the entire drum of my MSW-R.