Just recently started playing, already bored due to the MAX

Discussion in 'MAX' started by mikesierra, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. Frosty The Pyro

    shoot them with your gun.

    they are big and slow so you can dump a mag in them with very few misses, depending on your weapon it only takes about two, maybe two and a half mags if they have kenetic armor. less obviosly if you have a realy big mag such as most lmgs. And thats without headshots. toss a frag (which everyone has), use an underbarel grenade launcher (medics, LA, and engies have access), conc grenades (HA), Flash grenades (LA), sticky (ENG), rockets (HA), c4 (everyone except infil), AV mana turret (Eng), smoke renades (underbarel or thrown versions) +irnv. you can drop AP mines on em, though it takes a few (3 IIRC) to do em in, before GU7 I used to drop a tank mine with my AP mine so the ap mine would triger the tank mine and could kill a max if they are what tiggered it. tank mines are a lot bigger and easier to see now though so i dont know if that will be wise anymore.
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    I mainly use C4 to clear a point of say 3 to 6 guys. Works wonders and the satisfaction is glorius. But there is so much more satisfaction of sticking a brick of C4 on a max and click. Game over big boy.
  3. EvilPhd

    Play an AA Max. Join up on the front lines protecting the rocket launchers and tanks.
    Fun as hell. Challenging too because you are giving that enemy grief and they want you so bad.
    Awesome taking down ESF's trying to LOLpod your teamates. Even more awesome playing tickle fights with snipers and HA's trying to rush you.
  4. schwarzklang

    I always looking forward to fight against Max units. Its challenging...
  5. JudgeDeath

    *World reaction to OP's post
    • Up x 2
  6. MajiinBuu

    MAX unit's are awesome, whether you're the one using them or not.
  7. Marinealver

    I think everyone is in agreeing the MAX is not OP.
  8. NoctD

    That's the problem right there - anyone just starting out in the game doesn't have C4. So basically the MAX is something that will frustrate all the new players until they get enough certs in.

    MAXes are dumb stupid OP noob tubes, that beats all other things in the game for farming kills and getting the most score/XP/certs. Doesn't provide much gameplay enrichment at all, and really big fights are just about the side with the most MAXes and some engie/medic support. Other infantry just get to watch the action while these monkeys block your firing lines and just rush at everything out there.
  9. Gammit

  10. MarlboroMan-E

    Maxes are just fine (on the off chance a dev makes it this far into this thread and is tallying votes.)
  11. Valkar

    The game is all about pulling a Max or HA for combat and Medic or Engi for support and turrets. Thats kind of it now for Planetside. They nerfed and buffed so many different things without thinking of the impact on other classes and gameplay. Its like a delicate eco system where if you take out one predator you then get swarmed by vermin! I think thats what we have now.
  12. LT_Latency

    No the problem is a boring class that takes almost 0 skill is to powerful

    People don't like standing in their spawn with no way out. Maxes ampfly this 10 fold in many places especially a spot in the game that is clearly built with the mindset of focusing on infantry combat

    People know you want a ton of certs per hour stand out the spawn windown with your max, This should be pretty boring for the max player and it's defiantly boring for the people stuck in the spawn
  13. 13lackCats

    I find it odd that when some people encounter an obstacle that their mind shuts down...they become bored.

    Shouldn't a difficult challenge heighten the senses?
  14. LT_Latency

    Depends on the challege.

    If i give you a challenge to count a room full of paper clips. That doesn't mean it's fun.

    Most people like fast paced quick shooting and moving around in FPS games, This is the problem with maxes.

    They are big, slow, not very accurate, have almost 0 skill cap and the bring combat to a stand still. They are boring for alot of players
  15. Beartornado

    God forbid you should use counter tactics in a combined arms game instead of being a 1-man army that can shoot tanks out of his carbine. It's not like you have 6 infantry options you can switch between at any base to properly deal with every new challenge you face.

    The MAX has:

    -Higher Defense than Infantry
    -Higher Damage output in most situations

    -It needs engineers to be healed properly, a solo MAX dies fast
    -It is slower than infantry
    -It is a bigger target than infantry.
    -Costs 100 infantry resources to spawn as
    -Has a cooldown timer if it dies too fast.

    I'm not sure where you're playing in this game but generally if only a few players are using MAXES to defend something they quickly die to concentrated gunfire and teamwork. That is their weakness. The post "recently started playing" at least gives me confidence in assuming you don't even have 10 hours of playtime as a MAX suit, and knowing that I can certainly tell you that you have no idea just how squishy they are if you aren't careful.

    However if a platoon of MAX suits is being supported by many engineers and medics, then why the heck shouldn't it be extremely difficult to deal with them? At that point people are playing the game properly- using teamwork to make the MAX reach its highest potential effectiveness.


    I stand corrected. You haven't even put a single second into trying out a MAX suit. You're going to call it OP when you didn't even bother spawning one yourself to take advantage of how powerful you think it is?
  16. Zenith

    Pull HA, equip launcher, aim at MAX, and then ruin his day with a couple of rockets.
  17. VanuSovereignty

    2 AI guns = 2k certs, plus a resource cost and a cooldown.
    As HA I can spend 200 certs on concussion grenades and likely take down one MAX per life, for a FREE unit.

    Stop complaining about what isn't broken, learn the counters or go away and stay away.
  18. Dragonblood

    Yeah, that's exactly the reason, why the Max is barely better in a firefight than a HA.
  19. Zenith

    I wouldn't say that, as the MAX can take on greater numbers of players at the same time, and stands a good chance of downing them all before they can do fatal damage. HA would be dead in the same situation. Different tools for different jobs.
  20. Sledgecrushr

    Default rocket launcher will take a max out in 2 shots? Anyways your welcome for the advice.