Impossible to fly using a joystick after patch

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Ozzon, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. hostilechild

    Have the flight master hotas also. The major issue i have is the dam roll. Moving the joystick left or right basically is an instant barrel roll regardless of sensitivity/deadzone settings. You would expect recentering joystick to level out, nope leaves you at the same angle (fine for keyboard users sucks for joystick). No sensitivity settings work.

    I finally turned off the left/right roll from the joystick so that does nothing now and moved it to paddle buttons on throttle and put the ascend/descend on the thrust handle side buttons. This made it somewhat usable, but still i am better with the mouse and keyboard for now. Hopefully they fix it instead of making joystick act like a keyboard. Thrust is same way its on or off. Basically no analog controls at all its on or off.

    Last patch also seemed to screw with my g500 mouse, it has become "choppy" no more super smooth pixel by pixel movement, unless some of those joystick settings carried over to my mouse!! will have to reset them and see.
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  2. Bloodlet

    Pretty much this. I have a Saitek Cyborg Evo and it does exactly as described above.
  3. henpara

    Bumping this thread hoping a Red guy comes in and gives us some information on Analogue Controls!
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  4. Fusion243

    Just got my specially ordered joystick today and hit every hurdle along the way trying to make it usable. Wish I had seen all the joystick [issue] threads before I ordered... :(
  5. Bootstraps

    Hmmm. Theory.
    Suppose joystick users are just 3% of players.
    And suppose joystick users dominated mouse users.
    Then maybe for balance you would not want to upset 97%, so you want to remove joystick support.
    But that would be blatant so you instead cripple it till you figure a way to balance it?
    Either that or they just don't have the talent to support joysticks.
    Either way, no fun for joystick users :(
  6. DirArtillerySupport

    Something I've noticed about console ports ..I've always been able to identify a game that was written to run first on a console by simply having my joystick plugged in when I start the game for the very first time. The latest game was Xcom, a turn based game that has little or no use for a joystick. It almost always causes the game to behave strangely like the screen will often shift completely to the left or right depending on my throttle position or rudder...since my joystick is really worn it often means I have to unplug the joystick and even restart the game. The game itself has little to no control over mapping of the joystick nor a need for a is a turn based strategy game. I'm curious has anyone given up on their joystick and attempted to plug in a console controller to see if they can get it working for flying?

    Something else I noticed about joystick problems during got almost anecdotal attention despite the fact that an entire forum could have been created on the subject of users “consoling” each other on their latest purchase of PC hardware. Hardware they specifically purchased in anticipation of participating in Planetside 2 beta. I don't find any of this the least bit surprising since PS1 joystick support was a model for all other games to follow. It was and will likely be the last most comprehensive controller mapping interface I have ever encountered in a game outside of a pure flight simulator.
  7. Bootstraps

    Not sure I follow... it is or is not surprising? Seems to me that if they did a good job on One then this lack of support for Two would be surprising.
  8. DirArtillerySupport

    I'm not sure I follow either since none of this makes any sense for a purely PC game. If I had found the joystick mapping and configuration tool from PS1 inside PS2....I would have tried to wake myself up from the sexiest dream in many months just to see if it was real. It would not surprise me at all if joysticks get even a “meh” from the devs. They are too busy restarting servers to bring us helmets.
  9. MaxT

    +1! Fix this already!
  10. [RSS] 1stLt_EnDeR

    Joystick users need something like individual axis sensitivity settings.
    I understand that these vehicles would theoretically move in a different way from your standard flight vehicle seeing as how they lack rudders, but I find that the game's yaw sensitivity for joysticks is sickeningly low in comparison to roll and pitch.
    I can change the joystick sensitivity lower than the in-game options allow by altering the UserOptions file, but since there is no individual sensitivity settings, the roll and pitch become flawless while the yaw doesnt react at all. It moves so slowly that I can almost not notice it moving left or right at all.
    Something must be done about this (don't care when just care that it does happen).
    I refuse to use the mouse and keyboard to fly. Being forced to move the mouse then pick it up and replace it in the middle of the mouse pad then move it again and repeat the process during fights would drive me insane.
  11. entr0py

  12. philux

    A proper, full-fledged support for joystick, throttle and rudder is crucial to me. I will opt for an annual subscription when this is implemented right. Until then, I wait and see.
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  13. henpara

    This! SOE you lose Money here!
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  14. DirArtillerySupport

    It really was a dream come was hella confusing back in 2003 since I had never seen anything like it before in a video game but over a period of 9 years I configured everything from foot pedals to steering wheels and applied them to anything on wheels or that could fly, turret rotation on stationary AA guns and even on max suits.
  15. henpara

    Another Bump. It would be really nice to get an answer from an official about this concern.
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  16. NostalgiaForInfinity

    I went and submitted a report through the bug system. I recommend more people do that. However, some response from an SOE person would be nice here. Frankly, if proper joystick support is 1 year away then I probably won't play this game that much. I WANT to fly. I can't with the ****** mouse/keyboard.
  17. Sidetraxx

    Just installed this the other day and I agree. The joystick controls are terrible.

    I mean, they have an analog throttle there that works fine....yet nothing for the X or Y axis ? Are you kidding me ? Why put 1 in (the one most people with a joystick probably don't have.....hotas for throttle), but not the others that are the most common ?

    It doesn't make any sense to me tbh.

    Other then that, great game atm.
  18. Snotgurg

    With the Saitek software you can assign your stick X and Y axes to mouse X and Y. I tried this yesterday with my X45 and this gives me very nice precision and controllability. What you have to do is assign the axes to mouse X and Y in the Saitek software and remove the axis assignments for Roll left and Roll right in PS2. I put the sensitivity in Saitek software for the mouse X and Y all the way up, else roll would be way too slow. In PS2 I have aircraft control sensitivity at 0.5.

    This fixes the issue for me, but stil eagerly awaiting better joystick support in PS2!
  19. NostalgiaForInfinity

    Wow, hold on there ... I gotta try this. Thanks for sharing! I have little experience with the Saitek software but in case I fail completely can you export you profile or something and share it here?
  20. -a4-

    I sometimes use a Logitech Extreme3DPro stick.
    I did a "find" for "joystick" within my UserOptions.ini - there are two settings.
    JoystickSensitivity=0.795000 (default is 1.000000)
    JoystickDeadzone=0.100000 (default)

    Uninstall the Logitech Software and use the windows default drivers and software (Game Controllers in Control Panel) to calibrate your joystick as described in step 1 here