Impossible to fly using a joystick after patch

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Ozzon, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Ozzon

    I'm starting this thread again.
    It is still impossible to fly any air plane in this game due to default joystick sensitivity being extremely high, any joystick movement causes an air plane to roll. It has been this way for a couple of weeks now, please everyone who has this problem post in this thread and report a bug in game. I'm using Cyborg Fly 5 joystick btw.
  2. Zenchess

    I can affirm that joystick control is wayyyyyyyyyyy too sensitive right now. I set deadzone to the minimum and sensitivity to the minimum, using a saitek x52, and i either turn very slowly or not at all , or insanely fast. It's completely unusable.
  3. Ozzon

    *bump* hopefully some dev sees this, please report this problem in game!
  4. Believer

    Can anyone document which are the true analog settings?
  5. Sentnl

    Then use a mouse. Mouse and keyboard is capable of maneuvers a joystick can't possibly do.
  6. Karck

    +1 on this, it's impossible to use.

    And those of you recommending mouse, please realize that some people prefer this option.
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  7. Idono

    Not that we just like it. A joystick always has an advantage over a mouse when it comes to turn rate.
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  8. Believer

    er I use both at the same time
  9. Phragg

    Not necessarily true in all cases, but a skilled operator with a flight stick SHOULD out-maneuver a skilled operator with a mouse any day.

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  10. Mansen

    Heh... no. No they really don't. They are both analogue controllers - both have a sense of accelleration. But the mouse wins when it comes to small precise movement (i.e. aiming)
  11. Sentnl

    In real life sure, when you're dealing with the elements of Earth.. in a non-simulator video game. Incorrect.
  12. Idono

    A skilled joystick user can be equally as precies. And the the joystick wins in pure manuverability since it can applie constant acceleration without interuptions while a mouse user needs to move his hand to the opposite direction to not run out of mousepad. I can guarantee that i will always win with a joystick in any flying game vs a mouse user.
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  13. Sentnl

    A joystick CAN NOT pull off some of the maneuvers ESF are capable of, it's impossible.
  14. Mansen

    Put your baseless argument where your money is then - till then I shall refer to imperical data.
  15. Idono

    Baseless argument? This is from years of experience and logic. You can never manage a prolonged constant force on any axis on a mouse since you will always run out of table space. Thus you have to reset your hand position and lose force on the axis. A joystick can theoretically stay in the same position forever and always have the same force on any axis. This is also proven in basically all games with flight physics. Those that can use a joystick always win in terms of turn rate and maneuverability.

    Start using you'r head instead of making baseless arguments on things you clearly don't understand.
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  16. Xerv

    Essentially I can set my joystick to its bare minimum 1 sensitivity on both x and y axis. And it doesn't move. I set it to 2. And tapping the joystick down extremely softly jerks the ship up about an inch. There is no way to use it effectively.

    Currently using the Logitech Extreme 3D pro.
  17. Naceo

    I have a Logitech Extreme 3D pro with the sensitivity set to about 1.21. Dead zone set to .05. Works fine.

    Of course I also don't use any of the joystick drivers from Logitech, relaying instead on the basic windows detection (In my experience, any joystick driver other than the basic windows game controller tends to suck pretty hard).
  18. Ozzon

    Everyone with this problem please remember to report it in game!
  19. Xerv

    I'll give that a crack when the AU servers are back up thanks Naceo. Ill reply with how it goes
  20. Xerv

    Definitely an Improvement from what it was. Pitch I can work with now. Rolling imo is still a bit sensitive but I suppose that will just take practice to get acquainted with. Thanks again Naceo