Idiots beleive Gatekeeper OP while reality&fact disagree

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CapEnTrade, Oct 30, 2015.

  1. Jake the Dog

    Sigh. You are a hypocrite.
  2. CapEnTrade

    Vauge insults are vauge insults and are also vauge.
  3. Flag

    The point was that the same argument you've used to defend the Gatekeeper was used to defend the PPA.
    Every unique PPA wasn't out-performing the Marauder (cannister was an odd one so I'll ignore that), but the degree of use was in a similar fashion to at least the Harasser GK.

    Both weapons were used in abundance compared to their relative peers.
    So, if this metric is irrelevant to weapon balance, and as such should be applied to every weapon for the sake of being consistent across the board, then the PPA was unjustifiably nerfed.

    Now, for the sake of the argument I don't actually want the old PPA to be reinstated, it was more to prove a point. So let me ask you this, were you one of the people strongly in favour of nerfing the PPA? If so, what was your reason for supporting the sentiment?
    Because here's the thing, chances are that whatever reason you come up with are the very same you've denounced with this thread.
    Go on, by all means try to prove otherwise, with -numbers- and referrals if you can.

    And your proof of this statement is .... ?
    Low damage output? No, the dps is quite good, and consistent at almost any range.
    Accuracy? Best bar none.
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  4. Jake the Dog

    Because you're the the only idiot I've seen in the thread.
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  5. CapEnTrade

    That must be so because "in a room full of idiots, you're the idiot."

    I'll be back with some video to put you and your mob back in your place.
  6. Jake the Dog


    edit: Im kinda expecting to be rick-rolled....
  7. CapEnTrade

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  8. Jake the Dog

    Keep in mind that Darth Sideous's overconfidence was his downfall.
  9. Cynicismic

    I'm not going to even bother contributing something even remotely worthwhile to this thread, because the discussion will never get anywhere, or at any rate will never evolve beyond covering one another in salt, the discussion will be extremely volatile, and there'll be massive amounts of stubbornness from people across the two prevalent viewpoints - basic forum psychology tends to dictate that those in the middle are more open to both interpretations at either end of the spectrum while maintain their viewpoint, although it can be influenced. No offence is intended in anything I've said or will say later on in this post.

    This thread will only accomplish hatred and the souring of relationships. That is not something I want to be a part of. Even if I contribute my opinion to the discussion, of which ebbs more towards the overpowered/relative power being too great argument while staying at the middle ground, (I won't go into too much detail and leave this at ambiguity), what will that accomplish other than myself being dragged into the maelstrom of arguments and hate? This thread is already 7 pages long. Most of what I've read is either comprised of petty insult hurling, offensive tones and general unpleasantness from most participants. People have given their thoughts and all this has resulted in is derision and spite. That is not something I want to be a part of. Forums may be bad in this regard all-in-all, though threads like these bring out the worst of what some posters have to offer.

    If you want to continue hurling balls of salt at one another and "discussing" in this thread, then I wish you luck, and May the Force be With You. I for one will not be taking part. Cynicismic out, for good.
  10. GaiusJuliusCeasar

    Cap, you go on, and on and on ..........and on about facts. but you NEVER substantiate them. I am aware that you might be some overwordly godlike creature but just because you think something, does not make it fact. a fact is something that can be objectively proved (sorry I know I use difficult words it is a failing of mine, but prove means that there is evidence, arrrgh I cannot do it without difficult words .. can't help it)
    and I will say again that people think the gun is ruining the gameplay, because it is too efficient, I am sorry if it offends you but to me that is OP - I will happily call it something else but it will not change my impression that it is too efficient.

    PS I want the old Saron back .....snipe snipe snipe
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  11. Kdog559

    I can't really remember being killed so much by the gatekeeper to be honest cause it was not my biggest threat.If it was then it's not hard to avoid unless you stay still for it's good accuracy it has.Damage even isn't the problem either since it takes like 10 or more shots to kill someone from a distance if it hits them.We have the lancer to counter there gatekeeper which is far more accurate then that.Just get a couple people with some lancers and BAM no more gatekeeper.People ***** about the dumbest things just to get something nerfed.If one faction gets a nerf for a certain weapon then it's a matter of time that another faction gets the same sooner or later.We don't control the damn game no matter how much people complain or whine,but we can make a difference if the DEV's do hear us but that's going to take a lot of people to say that one thing is OP since it's happening to a lot or the majority of people getting killed by it.History of our weapons like the PPA and others I don't want to go into detail about has shown that history does repeat itself.Better enjoy the guns while you can before the nerfbat comes.Happens with all games and we can't control the gaming community just with our words so its quite a waste of time trying to prove something when the numbers of people who have been crying and whining about it is greater then the knowledge of some people trying to get a point across.Ignorant people have always had a say cause its all about business.You get one good player who knows how to use a gun that people call OP and you get 10 people who complain and might quit the game because of how badly they are dieing from it. Who you think the DEV's will listen to more to keep bringing in the cash out of fear they might lose 10 people if they don't do something about it and could care less then losing 1 good player who knows how to use it.They would rather have population in this game then lose the majority of us over a OP weapon that makes the game unplayable for SOME if not MOST people.It's just my own thoughts and opinion's.I played many games with nerfs all the time as well as most of you,but we all know that when something gets nerfed we jump to another OP weapon or vehicle or we ride it out until things get well balanced out which is something that is quite hard to do in games.
  12. XanIves

    Wait, so you're saying that the Sauron and the Enforcer are NOT supposed to be on par with the GK at long range? I mean, I'm all for asymmetric faction balance, but not to the point that the equivalent weapons aren't even in the same field of play. The GK has like, a 2x effective range compared to the Sauron, and even more so when compared to the Enforcer, (although that's because the Enforcer sucks at long range, regardless of how well the GK performs). The GK isn't noticeably better performing at medium ranges, because it's pretty easy to land most if not all of your shots at that range with all the secondaries, its discrepancy comes from the same ease of use at long-extreme range as well. Massive dps doesn't matter if you can't land the shots, hence why the Enforcer sucks at long range and is okay at close-medium. The GK's ease of use and consistent ability to land shots at any range is the reason it is outperforming supposedly equivalent secondaries.

    Now before you rant "WHAT'S WRONG WITH A SO-CALLED LONG RANGE SECONDARY PERFORMING WELL AT LONG RANGE", I'd like to say I'm not calling for a massive blanket nerf to the GK, just small COF increase, whether it be by the amount of time it takes to go down, or the rate at which it expands. In conjunction with that, I would ask for the magdump ability of the Sauron to be halfed, and to have zero to minimal COF bloom. The Enforcer would get a 100 mps velocity boost and half its previous projectile drop.

    Before you say anything about the Sauron, I'd like to say that what I proposed basically shifts its effective range out further while also dropping most of its CQC ability. As it it, the Sauron currently is a jack of all trades, master of none, which would make sense if it we didn't have the Aphelion, but as it is the Sauron has only a 20% longer effective range as the Aphelion, while having about half of the DPS when factoring in COF bloom and slow fire rate to be able to stretch the range out that far.

    Once all secondaries are on a somewhat even playing field, we can take a look at the overall state of long range secondaries, without anyone complaining about their faction being unfairly targeted.
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  13. Respawn

    I think we should just stop feeding this troll
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  14. XanIves

    "Mom, I can't come to dinner. Somebody's WRONG on the Internet".
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  15. Jake the Dog

    I'll wait for his videos at least then I'm gone.
  16. Flag

    200 m/s.

    No sniping with that.
  17. metrotw

    The problem with the PPA is that it could splash damage globs of infantry from extreme range. a couple of mags or harrassholes
    with the PPA could lock down an entire tower with no fear whatsoever of retaliation. That's the reason it got nerfed, and rightfully so.

    The Gatekeeper at best, can kill a single infantry at a time (granted from range) if they have no cover.
    If you are running around the middle of say, between indar ex and quartz, you are going to get clipped no matter what.

    The vulcan is still the superior mid-range secondary and the halberd is still the best all around. The gatekeeper is just being used
    a ton because since the game came out, TR had NOTHING to fight from range with, unlike the VS and NC.

    VS and NC have enjoyed, for FAR too long, the benefits of TR style guns. High rpm weapons, large magazine weapons etc. It's about time the TR got something in return.

    tl;dr don't be salty
  18. asmodraxus

    Except the GK is better at range then the following


    TR have always had a long range weapon known as the halberd
    VS and NC never had a close range weapon until now, and the TR have now got an extreme range weapon GK
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  19. Flag

    The core difference there is the word -range-. Splash is something a lot of weapons can do, but the range was a problem.

    ... incidentally, guess what is the problem with the GK?

    Btw, TR had hte Halberd, which was the best long range option (still is) for VS and NC. So to say "TR had nothing for long range" is a lie.
  20. Jake the Dog

    I did really hate the halberd lol. I like the GKs design, its just messed up rn. btw, how do you find the Aphelion I haven't had many gunners like it on my mag.