I now finish off teammates that won't stop.

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Hoki, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. alecholman

    so it's a team game and you should kill people just so you can re-heal them because YOU SPECIFICALLY must be the person to heal them. I have no problem with dying, but if you simply said "hey, stop running so I can heal you" I would. I dont know where every medic in the game is at this time. Yes I care about deaths, No, I don't care about my K/D. I get aggravated when I die. If you can say that you'd rather die and be rezzed to full health then healed then your ******* stupid. You're posts are also useless and are the reason most people probably quit this game; stupid posts and people TKing
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  2. MrLee.NO

    The worst guys are the ones running around SCREAMING for medical aid, repeatedly, but never getting any because they are doing that.... Running around. And I don't mean just during' combat... I mean people do this during slow periods too. When standing around would be completely safe.

    The fact that it is more efficient to kill/let the guy die and res super quick at 100% HP and then run on than to stop, heal at a slower rate, potentially exposing yourself to danger while standing still and holding the medic tool for longer instead of the gun, is a silly mechanic.

    If a medic TKs a guy with low hp that won't stick around for a heal, and then resses him, it is damn obvious it's not for the XP. It is to assist the team as a whole because a 100% health guy is more effective than a 10% health guy.

    Not saying medics should TK to do this, but I wouldn't blow his head off if it happened either.
  3. Audiofly

    Maybe the wounded chap is running to cover, or seen something on his screen you have not, or even running to a medic in his outfit/platoon. but no. you assume he is doing none of the above and shoot him for your version of greater good. way to go.

    whats next? shooting people at 75% health due to not being the specific 100% that YOU insist they should be at all times?

    if there screaming for medic and running around, just let them carry on. stop with the TKing
  4. Werefox

    Local chat is there for a reason - get a microphone and tell them to stop where they are. If they don't, fine, just don't heal them, they either have something else that is a priority for them, or they have no situational awareness, either way its not up to you to interrupt their fun. Personally if you did that to me I would /report you, then put in a ticket, and then get back to my preventative medical procedures - killing the enemy instead of my team.
  5. Draczar

    Most of the time they aren't running to cover, when I've played medic I've chased people around for nearly 10 minutes trying to get them to stop. While I don't TK anyone that does this it is very annoying, especially when somebody comes along and kills the guy in a few shots when he probably could have taken him with his health maxed out.

    Lets not turn this into a discussion about how selfish the medics are, if thats the case then I will gladly stop healing anybody who thinks that standing in range, or just running at a distance from me that I can actually heal you (because you can run and heal provided you're close enough), is too much to ask and spoils their "fun" (if you call immediately dying whenever the next enemy spots you "fun").

    It's not about XP, its not about padding some score, its about pushing the objective by any means necessary and for some medics if a TK or two means they capture the base then that was enough.

    In all honesty though, these people that don't bother to look behind themselves for nearly half an hour probably deserve being shot for having the situational awareness of a ferret in a cable pipe. I don't know about anyone else but I make good practice of stopping in cover to check I'm not being followed occasionally, or just make a rapid glance back and forward again. It's not hard and its saved me from deaths more times than I can keep a count of.
  6. Teleos Rix

    I dunno, if it looks like the player is going to run out and give a free kill to the enemy, putting him down is for the good of the faction. Yeah I dont expect people to stop the millisecond you start to heal them but after like 1.5 seconds there is almost no reason not to know you are being healed and wait for the medic to finish up.

    If they aint to bad on HP, or low on HP but shields up, a friendly shot to the back usually reminds them they need healed and someone is trying to do it. Just dont get carried away with the love taps ;)

    Its ok to try to maintain a decent KD, but it shouldnt prevent you from doing your job. Sure I love farming 200 infantry kills with my HE Lightning without dying once as much as the next guy, but I balance it out by suicide charging with tank mines, trying to repair things under massive fire, etc.
  7. BrownKidTR

    I do hate chasing someone with low health, but wouldn't kill them as a result. I would never use the nano regen device, sorry that is for healing myself, or if many soldiers close by need healing.

    What drives me crazy is when somebody is crying medic every 5 seconds, and running like a chicken with their head cut off. I get trying to survive, but hiding in a corner would make it easier for one to get healed.
  8. LameFox

    I revived some guys yesterday... and they kept running off before I could heal them. I'm like... what? You want to go back out there with low health? Well... okay, I guess.
  9. Maleficus04

    I've gotten so much enjoyment out of this thread so far.

    I've never actually done this, but you better believe I've wanted to. It's not always the same case, though. If someone has low health and starts sprinting just as I try to heal them... Fine, whatever. They can deal with it themselves and I'll be doing other things. If they run around for a minute and a half yelling "MEDIIIIC!" "I NEED A MEDIC OVER HERE!," however, all the while not taking a half a second to see if there's a medic trying to catch up to them, then yes. I want to shoot the **** out of them. I'm likely not going to do it, but I definitely understand how someone might want to.

    I wouldn't mind medics being given some sort of anesthetic in the form of a long club with which to render the hysterical patients unconscious while they're being treated. I think that would solve many problems.

    In any case,
    Thanks for the funny thread.
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  10. X3Killjaeden

    In a heavily contested area i rather run away from a medic newbie with uncerted gun and use my medkit for instahealth then standing still and catch a grenade or get jumped by the enemy. Especially since you don't always die where it's safe... Just saying
    If a medic shoots me just so he can rev me i'll refuse, respawn and depending on the situation - kill them - they won't get certs from me if they are such selfish pricks.
  11. LazyBoot

    Like so many others have said: you don't get certs or xp from ressing a tk.
  12. Dortmunder

    Upgrade your piece of crap farm stick.

    Problem solved.
  13. WereRabbitz

    Dude no! let them die. Revive xp is much better!

    :p also i'm at Nano Regen 5ish? second to last one. they pop up at 75% so i just let them go if they run. No way i'm chasing after some moron who got shot in the first place. If they revive at 10% and run off just look at it as a guaranteed customer returning for business.
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  14. Audiofly

    @draczar , I wasn't trying to highlight medics as being selfish as such. but to team kill somebody that may have a motive for not standing still in my view isn't an option. if they are running around crying for a medic, let them run. they will learn or die. your use of time as a medic will be better spent healing the troops that understand to get in cover if possible and stand still when asking for assistance. I personally don't chase heals down if they keep running. i certainly cant condone shooting them just to fully health revive them!

    Admittedly when i spawn medic its with the outfit im in. and we have mumble for letting platoon members know when your on your way,healing, going to revive. if i come across a non outfit dude i cant communicate with ill heal if there asking and stood still, ill revive for sure, but if they run more than 5 meters or so ( normally as if there trying to lock a rocket on, changing position) then ill follow. anymore movement than that, then they are on their own.

    If players don't understand that when their health bar gets low, they need to seek out a medic ( were not hard to spot with the white banded helmet) then they may be better of going back to the FPS they came from.

    If I found myself running to an objective/gen as any other class with partial health, and get shot by a medic to get me to full health, i would almost certainly return the favour. I maybe be running due to timings on things. or generally to get the bloody shields up as fast as i can to stop a wave of sunderers/tanks gaining a foothold inside the base/gate. if i need medical help ill find cover and ask platoon on mumble. . if that brings no results ill spam for medic and stay still or search one out.

    Its called common sense, If people cant use common sense, then i dont see why time should be wasted on them. let alone bullets.
  15. LineTrap

    Can't be bothered to chase anymore. If they don't immediately stop when the big glowy green light starts on their health bar, and keep sprinting off in another direction, then they just don't get healed/repaired.

    Good players (i.e. veterans or outfit members) stop promptly and wait the whole one second it takes for my maxed heal tool to top them off.
  16. Evil Monkey

    OP, I'm presuming
    (a) you do not have a microphone and thus should not be playing a team-based tole (may I suggest a sniper or ESF)
    (b) you are too dumb to find the "local chat" button
  17. Oathblivion

    Once upon a time, the NC had just finished taking a base. There were many wounded soldiers, so one brave space necromancer was making the rounds and topping off people's health. Then, he heard a light assault with 10% HP crying, "Medic! I need a medic over here!!". Hearing the lamentable state the poor light assault was in, the gallant medic dashed towards him. But then, without a single enemy left alive within one kilometer of the base, the hysterical light assault began sprinting away, all the while screaming for aid! Try as he might, the medic couldn't catch the crazed patient, who was clearly entering shock from lack of blood.

    "I guess we have to do this the hard way." the medic said with a heavy sigh as he took out his tranquilizer pistol. With a slight grimace, the medic put three harmless darts into the back of the sprinting light assault, and the formerly elusive patient fell asleep. The medic then tended to the light assault's wounds, secretly wishing that he could've gotten some experience for his deeds, and the patient woke up shortly thereafter, good as new. The end.

    Moral of the story: shooting people in the back during battle isn't kosher. If there's no one around and they're just sprinting because whimsy took them, it is very cathartic to put them down. Also, when you know their shield is up, one pistol shot is usually enough to get their attention without harm.
  18. Croak

    I've got a similar policy I'm considering. Every medic that revives me with less than the maxed out tool, I'll kill. It's better for the team to let the "real" medics stand us up (faster and better) and denies the enemies a bunch of free certs.
  19. alecholman


    Seriously...? It really hurts you very little to NOT heal someone; to let them run off yelling medic when, in reality, there are hundreds of medics with lvl 1 tools. Sure, it might "hurt the team" to let them be revived by a lvl1 medic, but they are usually healed right after. Therefore, that statement makes no sense if your plan is to kill them and then revive them back to full health, taking virtually the same amount of time. Also, people may regard you as a team-killer and kill you as soon as you kill the person yelling for medic, resulting in both you and the person you killed not being able to be revived, further "hurting the team". This game is so massive that when you say team referring to you and the 10 people around you, it really means nothing.

    - Quote from someone who is leaving the forums.
  20. alecholman