I am a GOD!!!!!

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Shredthewolf, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. MaxDamage

  2. MaxDamage

    Troll harder.
  3. Vadimir

    Sorry Bape but that's not a valid argument because the TR & VS MAX's only have halve a LMG per arm. So yes they could indeed nerf the NC MAX so that it no longer has two full shotguns.

    Now I'm not saying that's what they should do, merely pointing out that just because the NC MAX has two shotguns doesn't mean they necessarily have to be as powerful as two of their infantry counter parts.
  4. Devrailis

    If you think that I have nothing better to do than make a case that NC MAXes are completely broken or that they require no skill I can assure you that that is not the case. I don't hide my profile, it's right there in my signature, go ahead and click on it. You may notice I play NC, BR 53, no boosts, never farmed in a lib, never lol-podded, I don't even have pods certed and I'm currently sitting on about 2.3k - hell my most used vehicle is a sundy. I earned every cert the hard and manly way - by farming the **** out of TR and VS - on foot.

    Check out my most used weapon by the way. I'll give you a hint, it ain't a Zephyr.

    I hope you can see that I have no agenda in this. I stand by what I say as I am simply calling it like I see it.

    What I did not say was that anytime an NC MAX destroys a group of people it is purely an issue of power. That NC MAX needs to EARN his positioning, which is not always easy as any experienced NC MAX player can tell you. What I am saying is that if I were to run into a TR MAX, a single TR MAX, even 2 TR MAXes, and lets say they were pretty damn good and we both manuveured into our ideal ranges - guess who would win?

    I would.

    It's not because they sucked, it's not even because I'm all that great - though I believe I'm pretty damn good with the **** I've pulled in my MAX, the problem is, the MOMENT I get into my ideal range, those TR MAXes are ******. F U C K E D. The TTK against other MAXes when I am packing dual Hacksaws is about 1 second. It takes an eternity for a TR MAX to kill me at the same ranges where I can achieve that kind of raw power. If I see two TR MAXes holding a stair, I'm NOT going to charge up it, that would be giving a free kill. I will NOT lumber slowly down a hallway giving those TR MAXes a full 2 seconds of fire. However, assuming they are as good as I am and assuming that we are fighting in a typical CQC environment, I. Will. Win.* That or I will not engage. That's the conundrum that a TR MAX faces against a skilled NC MAX. The NC MAX either wins the fight, or there is no fight at all.

    * (Okay, okay 95% of the time. There are some damn good TR MAXes on SolTech, like Liberty for example.)

    This is as obvious for me as an NC MAX player as it is for a TR MAX player like MaxDamage, hence we are in agreement.
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  5. Fethrion

    You are not God, but I kinda agree that MAXes are powerful, though the cert cost tends to be very high :D.
  6. kukuman

    maxes arent near to powerfull , they suck because some high admin is lazy to push a button to kill maxes and dont make them bulletproof as ps1
  7. XenomorphZZ

    That bug about no damage registration is not really a bug, its called "convergence"...

    Also, #@$% guns on maxs, make them melee!
  8. Inu

    A ninja / katana based max suit, would be amazing. Maybe only 50% of the armor of the current max but 30% faster than average infantry.
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  9. Purg

    No, it's a bug. Have had several instances where they've got close then it doesn't matter what sort of range I put on them, I can't hit them even though I'm right on target at 5-10m. I thought they were hackers that were taking no damage but given that quite a few of us have had the same experience, I'm more inclined to believe it's a bug.
  10. kukuman

    purg , the bug you experience is about network lag ...
    -if you have less than 60 fps lemme tell you that some of your hits wont register (no time to calculate them so your comp skips the packet envoy)
    -enemy strafe wont let you aim the right way : no true prediction in this game, network lag

    convergence exist , and this is why the max crosshair is one dot and two parenthesis , the closer your enemy is the most you need to aim with the parenthesis that match your weapon side ( . ) remember your crosshair ? ( doesnt it look like a female breast ? )
  11. Jack_Frost

    I don't understand all this QQ about MAXes. Any shotgun will destroy a player close range (say <8m) in just 1/2 second. Why should a MAX with 2 shotguns be any different?
  12. Purg

    I doubt it's lag. Was on one of the points near NC's warpgate on Esamir trying to stop us losing our vehicle bonus and on a decent sized streak when I had a medic run right up to me then away from me. Was hitting him and couldn't register a hit on him - thankfully he was in that much of a panic he didn't return fire. A buddy of his then came around the corner with a rocket and was able to drop him through the medic.

    There are certain circumstances where a player will run right up to you and they essentially become invulnerable regardless of what you do.
  13. kukuman

    this happens when the third person you shoot at is unpluging his ethernet cord and plug it back (rubberbanding) or when mass packet loss is happening .
  14. Voroshilov

    Been running ext. mag dual mercies for a couple days now.... 6+ KD is not unheard of and the deaths are usually from messing around with HA.

    In fact, I rarely die in a MAX at all. Charge is my "panic omg run forest run" button :)

    NC Maxes only present a problem if I round a corner and boom there it is... If distance is 20+ m and his charge is on cooldown, free XP for me.

    If he charges, I charge in same direction :D run away....
  15. Profosho

    I play every faction max on SolTech, and been having a lot of fun since we are able to max deploy now. I use Nano-armor and solo at the enemy crown mostly around north of base - C. I average about 20-25 kills before running out of ammo, and get multiple 50+ sprees each day with the help of finding an enemy engineer ammo pack. Going rambo like this nano-armor is a must being solo if you want more than 6-7 kills without slowly dying.
  16. Weirdkitten

    Being in a MAX suit is neither on foot nor particularly manly. It's more manly than being in a tank or aircraft, but that's not saying much. Sorry, claiming cert farming in a MAX is the hard way makes me chuckle :p
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  17. Wildclaw

    When playing HA I currently have 84% resistance to explosions while my Resist Shield is active (really need to get the last level for 95% resistance). Doesn't stop me from getting one-shotted by direct hits from various explosive sources. It is really really good when not getting directly hit though. Can sit right next to a frag grenade detonating and it only takes a small part of my shield.

    MAXes have 2000 actual hp, which means that their effective hp vs infantry (which is what he was obviously talking about, since KA doesn't change the actual hp) is as follows.

    2000/ 0.2 = 10000 EHP without KA
    20000/0.15 = 13333 EHP with KA
  18. Bape

    Well let look NC is only good at close range plain and simple that where he is most effective. If he does nerf the damage then NC max would be the worst max and i mean worse even in our specialty range CQC. Sorry but i bet a million dollars he just gonna mess with max resistance against small arm and RoF.
  19. wingspan

    Risk/reward. MAX shotguns do more damage than player shotguns, and the MAX is much more durable than a player. NC MAXes are at a disproportionately low risk for the damage they put out.
  20. Devrailis

    Hehehe, you may not enjoy being on the receiving end, but there ain't nothin 'arder an manlier than an NC MAX.

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