How to balance NC infantry?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rendezvous, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Xae

    Read the AA crying threads that happened after the AA buff was announced.

    The servers went down for a performance patch. People came up and started crying about how AA was ruining the game.

    Then SoE Reps pointed out that the AA changes hadn't gone live yet.

    Human perception is largely based on what you WANT to see, not what you DO see. People went into the game expecting AA to be overpowered and they saw it. Even though it was the same.
  2. Xae

    Do they work per Unicorn?

    What else would they work on?
  3. HerpTheDerp

    Per a completely fictional in-game unit of time called a "cycle" that pretty much every real-time game ever made utilizes?
  4. Xae

    Ticks is what they are usually referred to in Real Time programming.

    Here is why you are wrong:
    Ticks or as you call them "Cycles" are generally server side. It is done to consolidate the information processed and whatnot.

    Recoil and Bloom is all client side. Also, look at the raw tabs on that spreadsheet.
  5. Pax Empyrean

    Because they haven't changed the weapon stats since then, stupid. Until they do, my experience is current.

    Ok doucherocket, let me explain something to you: arguments don't make themselves, but the identity of the person making the argument is irrelevant to the validity of the argument itself. It doesn't matter if I'm the one saying it or someone else, so when you start demanding I provide you with player stats, I can see where you're trying to go with it and then tell you to go **** yourself.

    Feel free to waste your time looking up my player stats, but they don't record the second character made using the same name after the first has been deleted. I switched from NC to VS for the sake of Magriders and no-drop shotgun slugs.

    Posting my personal stats doesn't back up the arguments I'm making about weapon performance. It is, at best, anecdotal evidence. You're trying to make this about me, instead of about the argument I'm making, because you're stupid.
  6. HerpTheDerp

    Doing recoil and bloom client side seems pretty insane considering how easily you could tamper with them.

    And ticks are not only for consolidation. Any real time game must rely on ticks, because "real time" is impossible to do from performance perspective. You have to "constantly" update the game state, and what is "constantly"? Hundred times per second? Thousand? Million? Turn the knob far enough and you'll kill any, even the most powerful CPU - even if nothing is actually happening in the game.
  7. Pax Empyrean

    Exactly my point. People perceive the NC to be underpowered because other people say so. They could make the NC guns all perfect copies of the TR guns and NC players would still complain about how bad they are, simply because they see other NC players complaining.

    "NC" stands for "Nonstop Crying."
  8. Rendezvous

    So basically you just said that you switched to VS from NC because there are weapons in VS that you think are better.
    Second, you refuse to back up your points with stats and performance. A player doing bad doesn't have as much valid arguments as a player who has experience and knows what and why it happened. Just because you found an argument to make, doesn't mean you can defend yourself well if you don't show where you come from. I can just take a quote from a wise philosopher and claim it's my argument, but when somebody challenges me, I wouldn't know how to back it up because I didn't make it.

    This is the same to you. Post your stats so people can know how well you stand with your points and see you didn't just pull up statistics and use them to argue. I can also just look up statistics myself and use them to make arguments but have no experience. This is where you stand. You use statistics to argue, but yet we don't know if you actually experienced it.

    I'm stupid? Last I checked, I'm an AP student with a 3.8 GPA going to university to major in E.E. I already got accepted into 7/10 universities I applied to.

    How old are you anyway btw? If you're a grown up, then you're one stubborn one.
  9. Pedroig


    You are not multipling Recoil and CoF for your accuracy. Since CoF is from a central point and Recoil changes that central point.

    With that you get:

    Rating By DPS:

    Rating by Accuracy/second:
  10. Odin

    So the em1 for example having the same exact stats, recoil, cof, bloom as the default carv but having 18% less damage is balanced according to the trolls...
    Go read the data pulled directly from game files some of the balancing is broken towards nc in this game.
  11. xBoneBreakerx

    no... just no... the other day i was face to face with 2 heavys and a light assault as a heavy and i got all 3 of them and still had 1/4 health left... only change i would like to see don to infantry is bullet speed (at least for the NC dunno about the other empires) since leading in a game with so high risk of lag is ridicules... at its current state long range engagement favors the lucky not the skilled...
  12. Xae

    Show the math.
    Why is it multiplied?
    Why not additive?
    Should there be a coefficient?
  13. hostilechild

    Was funny seeing SOE give everyone a sugar pill yesterday. Nice placebo effect :D
  14. Phrygen

    I like how you completely ignore the fact that it was people like you that cried for NC nerfs to happen in the first place.

    and you haven't debunked anything, and the devs know it.

    buts its fine dude, if buffs don't come before the account wide purchase change, you will figure it out when many NC quit and reroll vanu and Tr. maybe you will get it when there are no NC left.
  15. Xae

    So mad.

    You always have someone to blame.

    It wasn't that NC weapons were blatantly overpowered in beta with higher RoF, Higher damage and more accuracy after they changed the pace of the game and delayed the TR/VS weapons. No it was whiners.

    It isn't that you get beat in a fight.
    No it was the weapons.

    And one of these days the clouds will part and everyone will see you are totally right!

    Pro Tip: 90% of fight are won or lost before the first bullet is fired or someone even spots the other guy. And it doesn't have anything to do with gear, it has to do with positioning.
  16. Pax Empyrean

    The Magrider is better suited to my style of play. I like to take my tanks mountain climbing, and nothing climbs hills like a Magrider.

    And yes, the no bullet drop shotgun slugs for the VS are awesome, and are better in my opinion than the shotgun slugs for the other factions. I haven't seen anybody else complaining about such a niche weapon, and this tactic is pretty rare anyway. Are you going to say that VS are overpowered because I'm using shotgun slugs?

    This is stupid. I do fine, but my performance is irrelevant to the weapon comparisons, which are best made using available data from the game files themselves. Players change their strategies according to a large number of factors. I played NC initially, created a TR character, and finally ended up as VS after seeing how their shotgun slugs worked (and getting sick of fighting Magriders at range in a Prowler; you NC idiots take your Vanguard for granted; that thing's a beast). I'm pretty sure my K/D is worse as a VS than it was as a TR because I have a habit of running around high intensity firefights with my healing tool out, reviving people.[/quote]

    What exactly are you trying to prove? That if I don't meet some arbitrary minimum K/D threshold my points are invalid? If I'm running a 10:1 K/D on foot does that mean you'd assign my arguments more weight? You're stupid either way.

    And yet you still default to measuring the validity of an argument by the person making it, rather than the argument itself. You're a ****ing dunce.

    Oh look, more focus on me rather than the argument. Great going, idiot. Let's just go with "more than a decade older than you, as if it matters, you twit."
  17. Odin

    What is it you guys are worried about, a balanced playing field? Wow maybe the in game data will show NC balanced at some point, would that be so bad? all i see is people defending nc having to be better to play the game and its funny.
  18. Phrygen

    obviously NC weapons were OP. Now they are UP, but people like you choose to only see what serves their own interests.

    Everything you say is because you are not an NC player. Simple fact of the matter is RoF makes the biggest difference in gun battles, followed by accuracy. NC are lacking comparatively. Damage difference barely means anything.

    but w.e, if they don't buff nc infantry, then go ahead and buff the prowler, and then add account wide purchases retroacively..... well then we can all reroll TR. It will be great fun
  19. Hosp

    1. Make our shots more accurate when screen is shaking. Make screen shake less when hit.+
    2. Buff damage by 2%-5%.
    3. Increase reload speed. This or
    4. Increase ammo count.
    5. Decrease recoil slightly. This. Not Both.

    My 2 cents.
  20. Rendezvous

    I don't care about the arguments, if you can't back up your points, then it's not valid.

    A five year old and say stuff off a paper and say that his argument is valid which it might be because he's reading it off a paper, but can he back it up? Most likely not. So back your arguments up with your stats showing that you know what you're doing in game and not just spitting out words.

    And as you stated, you like VS more, that means you probably don't know much about how NC is. Just the fact that you said you switched from NC to play VS JUST FOR the shotguns and Magrider means that you probably don't care about using other weapons which also means you have a weaker argument in this topic. Try all weapons for all factions before talking.

    Now show your stats showing how long you spent on each weapon and your overall stats. Because even if I argue with you, you won't accept my arguments because you might not be a good player and is just basing your arguments with stats. You're just gonna say that you're right because you read statistics.

    And I'm throwing real life into this because your history shows how you deal with people around the world. A person a decade older than me but might have failed school a lot more can say he/she is right even though he/she never did well in school and was doing drugs.