How many people enjoy the pointless nature of this game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arsinek, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. Dulu

    Stopped reading.

    Did you miss out on the games that piece of trash was trying to replicate? Mainly Dark Age of Camelot, World of Warcraft, and Everquest?

    Warhammer wasn't even as good as MMO's 10 years older than it.
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  2. exLupo

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  3. AzuratteV

    It's like CoD or BF3, except when the fire-fight starts everyone magically disappears and then pops up 10 feet in front of you with a shotgun. I'm sticking around for a while longer in hopes something happens that makes it more in depth or I'm out.
    *cough* fix the reaver *cough*
  4. Pixelshader

    I keep logging in just to fly my scythe through/under/around trees and buildings.

    I love getting better at flying. That feeling when things you had to think about before, are now just instincts. That feeling when you get in 'the zone'.

    I love watching my practice pay off in 'real' situations.
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  5. Clail

    It's a lot more enjoyable when you join a squad or outfit and set your own goals for what you want to get done in a session.

    I actually prefer open ended games like this than the linear on rail MMO's we've been getting these past few years.
  6. AUspicious

    Amen brother, but the sad reality is that modern culture has ruined more than gaming. The gems are getting rarer, but they're also more rewarding to find. If PS2 can regain more of PS1's depth and forge it into this generation of tech then I'll be playing my Dream Game and PS2 will be this gens version of what PS1 was. A rare gem.
  7. VexTheRaven

    ALL games are pointless. I don't see what your point is.
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  8. SmellyBoots

    My fun is in the teamwork and pushing people back.
  9. Banick

    What is the point of any game?

    To enjoy yourself.
  10. Inkos

    Pointless? What do you think would be Game that isnt pointless? BF3 ist pointless, CoD is pointless, Eve is pointless, XYZ Game is pointless, Even Dark Age of Camelot, witch is one of the best MMO PVP Games ever was pointless because a days work could be undone by a night raid.
    You play to have fun, and the big battles, the possibility to play in so many different ways. That is was make this game funny. Yes It would be nice to have some more strategic gaols but they will hopefully come.
  11. bluEyedillusions

    I would posit it has little to do with COD and more to do with the popularity of gaming.

    Gaming has become a larger grossing media than even movies (Yeah, gaming is bigger than Hollywood).

    With a growing community that absorbs more and more kinds of people, what do you get? You get *everything* from *everyone*. Video game communities used to be small. Think back 15 or so years ago. Who played games?

    Now who plays games? Everyone.

    It is because *everyone* plays games that the community for games in general has become what it is.
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  12. Tasogie

    fair point, an true too, I hadent really thought about it in those term's.
  13. beastmode619

    planetside 2 is a great game but i do agree there needs to be some sort of objective after you capture the land. it should unlock something like how you mentioned in warharmmer.

    But...This game will only get better with time. just take a look at the future plans and intentions of this game. hopefully they come true because if they do this could be the NEXT BIG THING....that every game tries to copy and catch up to... like how WOW was in MMORPG...

    nobody could catch WOW because at the end of the day they had toOOOO much content to keep up with and such a great foundation in their gameplay.

    Planetside 2 has the foundation of gameplay PERFECTED.

    It has a head start on the competition by being the ONLY 2000 player MMO FPS out there...AND its faction based...

    so as long as it can remain consistent...and maintain a positive flow of content release.. this games content will get so far ahead that games wont even be able to catch up IF THEY WANTED TO...
  14. haniblecter

    OP stopped playing a month ago, still hangs around the forums to tell people he's stopped playing a month ago.

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  15. Tasogie

    Theres a school of thought that PS2 is just a quick cash grab because of their financial **** their in. As they need $$ for creditors before the fold. Now, its true they are going bankrupt, but as to whether PS2 is a cash grab with no real backing to it, I dont know.
  16. Bill Hicks

    What is getting me is that defense is a pointless effort. Its too easy to get in and just click on generators while aircraft just carpet bomb the base, and once the enemy tanks get in, its a wrap. Bases need to be closed up, create shields on doors and windows, and add better turrets on the base.
  17. DeadAlive99

    It's been about a month now since I played. I just spent $15 on WoT. That was the same $15 I had planned to spend on on triple SC, but changed my mind since they had still failed to address the metagame.

    I find it incredible that some of you are perfectly happy to just shoot stuff, with nothing else going on. That itself doesn't bother me, but this elitist attitude that goes with it is just annoying. It's really no different than someone from an older generation scoffing at some new piece of technology, like a cell phone, and saying, "you kids are just spoiled today, you want all these frills and extras, but us 'wiser' folks know that you don't really need them". Same old same old.

    What's funny is that playing a game to "just shoot stuff" is actually lowering the bar. That's the lowest common denominator you can use and still call it a 'shooter'. It's a severely old school mentality, and I mean like 'pong' old school. Some of us like our games complex, with lots of depth, objectives, character progression, lots of things going on. We like awards, badges, ranks, scoreboard, etc. We like it all. We don't want to be here in 2020 playing another batch of 'pong' shooters with rockin' graphics on 3D monitors listening to people who spent $1000 so they could "shoot stuff". We want a game that offers more than, "I shot you", "Yeah, but I shot you too!".

    I also find it absolutely hilarious that because there is one single large battle on some of these servers, that the fanboys think their game isn't dying. lol I mean, gee whiz, I can logon and go fight at a bio lab or crown for 12 hours straight, that doesn't mean squat. In fact, the only thing that means is that nothing has changed. Three giant continents and 99% of the fight is at '2' locations. Talk about redefining 'success'.

    Btw, I play for fun too, it's just that this game is not fun, so I don't play it. If the objective of SOE was this so-called 'sandbox' game where you just run around and shoot crap, then I guess it's a raging success. Low pops. ftw.
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    The Terran Republic are a conservative, authoritarian, collectivist nation who strive to regain contact with the homeworld and reunite the warring factions.

    This game teaches to be nationalist.
  19. MurderBunneh

    When you play it for fun and the guud fights it is a blast. When you play it to cap bases for xp or are getting farmed for xp on Indar it is not so much fun.
    Yesterday morning I had an amazing session where it was me and a handful of NC on Connery fighting TR in the Northeast corner of Amerish near the NC warpgate. All the hills and rock outcroppings made for epic infantry fights. There plenty of avenues for flanking and spots to hide from air power.
  20. forkyar

    that and id add,this is a fps,there is no story line,this is not wow or games like that,you play to have fun,this game is about teamwork and endless war,there is no story line,phat loot for this or that,this a team game ok.