How many people enjoy the pointless nature of this game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arsinek, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. Tezma

    Then you haven't seen Daiblo 3 forums yet, LOL LMAO
    But yes this is getting old, reading all these peoples complaints.

    It's real simple, You don't like the game anymore then move on. Plenty of other games out there.
    Go back to PS1 or go play CSS or something.

  2. LegioX

    The game is pointless. It's a mindless Zerg Killing fest with no metagame whatsoever. It's a childs game of ring around the rosie, where you cap bases, move on, enemy caps base you just capped, you move back to cap base, they move up to cap base you just capped at frontline, rinse and repeat. Pathetic.
  3. chilly154

    All this whining is coming from the vets mostly. That's all I see since beta.
  4. chilly154

  5. Duff_Chimp

    How many people enjoy the pointless nature of this thread?
  6. forkyar

    stop bumping this pointless thread.
  7. Duff_Chimp

    Less bumping more humping.
  8. Morrow

    oh so I can read that its going to take another 2 months before one more new cont arrives? and another 4 months before we see a new vehicle? the term too little to late comes to mind. there is nothing on the roadmap that shouldnt of all been done before this game was released. But like I said I respect those of you that still enjoy ps2.