How have Ravens escaped a nerf this long?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. ILoveLucy

    You, you may say
    I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
    I hope some day you'll join us
    And Auraxis will live as one
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  2. flyingaxe1

    Being spawn camped by ravens is probably at the height of annoying things in this game and i feel like quitting so psychologically it wins over other weapons. Question I've been fighting quite a few (about half) invisible raven maxes since Mana turret "nerf" anyone else get this, cause invisible killing machines breaks the game so much when a prowler cains most of your resource pool and if so is there a fix on the horizon...Screee!
  3. AlCohonez

    They don't like when things fight back and when the zerg can't handle it needs to be OP.
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  4. LibertyRevolution

    You are right, I didn't bother, I took the strait damage numbers.
    When I looked at the indirect damage it was minimal and was not going to change anything.
    So I just used the weapons base direct damage for quick comparison.

    Here are the numbers for those that actually care:
    Ravens indirect damage = 115 before 0.6m and 1 after 3m..
    Fracture indirect damage = 30 before 0.6m and 1 after 3m..
    Vortex has no indirect damage at all...

    Here are the totals with the indirect damage:
    Vortex: 167 per shot
    Fracture: 240 per shot
    Raven: 450 per shot

    So yeah, now it looks even worse for the ravens. :golf clap:

    Pounders need an AI nerf.. I lockdown and fire one arm after the other creating a continuous stream of grenade spam.
    I am ok with Pounders being strong as they want for AV, as they have a ton of drop so they are more skill based than any other.
  5. HadesR

    Add them to the list of other things that need tweaking such as the Pounders and Banshee .. We might get there some day ..
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  6. Dracorean

    Well then the game is lying to us isn't it? But I'm not talking about anti-infantry.

    Long range combat for a MAX 'is' in fact possible but its not like your going to get kills from it. Mainly when it comes to long range it involves fire suppression, a tactic that not only MBT's can do, but MAX units can do this to MBT's, its usually when they get closer that's when tanks get killed by them. When I use my tank and I get peppered with Vortex or Fracture fire at range, I myself don't want to get close to wherever its coming from. Falcons/Pounders/Comets are the short ranged weapons that seem to go 'poof' after a cetain range. Ravens/Fractures/Vortexes are the longer ranged option, compared to Pounders the Fractures have little in the ways of projectile drop, Vortex is a laser light show, and Ravens are guided rockets, There 'are' long range options for a MAX unit I'm not saying that they have too, I'm just pointing out that they could.

    This is the one funny thing about the VS MAX's, I always have to deal with the buggers and what frustrates me about them is as they spam their vortex or comets, its like they are running around as they are doing so. Often I've seen NC and TR get pushed back hard with a darn MAX leading the charge and sometimes you get this random MAX unit behind your battle lines which is just as annoying. The way to kill a tank is to get close to it, reason for this is when you get close, its harder for the guy to aim at you, he/she has to back up away from you, being able to move fast helps, being flimsy doesn't, but when I use my tank, I never want to get close to a VS MAX, when it comes to TR though that's a bit different.

    Suppose its what I get for saying that the ZoE has some use, given that endless rage Vanu seems to have about them.
  7. RyanGUK

    I'm honestly for a Raven nerf, though the skree makes me ever so happy to hear.

    Anybody using Ravens should be moving over to Falcons anyway, buff the Falcons nerf the Ravens and we have a sweet deal <3
  8. NCstandsforNukaCola

    Threads I've seen from this guy were always "NERF THIS THING!"

    Please, Would you stop this?
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  9. groovy9

    A dual raven MAX is pretty much my favorite thing to play in this game. One MAX can keep a whole armor column busy from the top of a spawn room. Which probably means they're OP, but so much fun to use.

    That is, until one infantry gets close to you, then you're screwed.
  10. TheBlindFreak

    Great, another nerf crusade. Ravens are fine. Fix the other faction's equivalents.
  11. Ikarius77

    I'm TR main, but also played the other facts....

    TR lacks a good AV long range option.
    NC lacks a good AI long range option.
    VS ?????

    sorry, but i'm against nerf Raven...
  12. LibertyRevolution

    NC have weak ranged AI because they have instagib CQC AI..
    Being able to equip ravens and 2 volley any infantry within 300m gets rid of this downside doesn't it?
    Now what do we call a unit that has no downsides? OP, that's right.. That is how I see it at least.

    Ravens need to be completely useless against infantry just like Vortex and Fractures.
    If you want to kill infantry with AV, you should have to use falcons, which are not wire guided, just like TR use pounders.

    I also thing that fractures need a velocity increase to bring them up to par with Vortex and Raven range, but that is another thread.
  13. iller

    "Strongest 2nd gen AI weapon" .... LOLZ.... says a member of the faction that still has vintage Pounders...
    Fact Check: they fire slower than the new Striker missiles, and only deal 2x the damage. 2x zilch is still zilch.
  14. Yeahy

    So NC can get a good AI and long range AV in the same package?
  15. ColonelChingles

    Is it as good as the dedicated TR and VS AI options from 20-40m? Probably not, at least if KPH is any indication. The NC options are still limited by slow RoF and relatively small magazines.

    At extreme long range (beyond 50m) the NC AV options do outperform TR and VS AI weapons, but there's really no MAX AI that does well at those ranges.

    So the NC AV options are better than NC AI options at range, but are still worse than TR and VS AI options at range. In other words it's better than nothing, but still far from optimal.
  16. Tyrant103

    Well, if alot of NC are gonna defend the Ravens I might as well say, the PPA isn't OP at all. gg.
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  17. Frosty The Pyro

    the video didnt load for me, but I find those numbers a little questionsable mostly because it has pounders behind falcons. I am pretty sure they (falcons and pounders) have the same damage type, and pounders put out a lot more dps than falcons, and the most burst advantage could give the falcons is a second or two (but its more likely to be 0.5)

    I am also curious how he did the vortex (snap fire, full charge, partial charge, or untill auto release) as those all produce different results. Also vortex has substantial damage bonuses against ground vehicles but less so against air (as its the only one of said weapons with a legitimate chance to hit aircraft), using a tank or surrender would likely have given more usefull results in reference to vortex capabilities.

    that suprises me some, that the pounders are lower than the fractures, as I definatly break lots of vehicles with my pounders. Wonder it its because I (and I suspect many others) also pull pounders for AI work it adds hours without also adding vehicle kills. You wouldnt happen to have the corresponding infantry kill per hour to go along with those?
  18. Dracorean

    Well when it comes to TR weapons the variable seems to switch depending on deployment which overall improves its effectiveness, what I was trying to point out in my previous posts is that the other factions abilites effect the weapons of them, even if not that noticeable its there, the NC MAX unit lacks this ability so in order to compete the weapons of NC MAX's have much higher damage but the TTK is lower given its lack of damage/rof buffs abilites.

    The video had him shooting at a galaxy so TTK marks are much longer than against other vehicles, The way he fired the Vortex however is with max charge up. Problem is that they take forever to charge and thus has the lowest TTK out of the others. Even so if you just divide the TTK of the galaxy with the HP of a Sunderer it will result in a lower TTK compared to other weapons given the large health pool, but you might be right about the resist/damage values of the Vortex, regardless, the charge up mechanic does take too much time out of the TTK, I've been killed by the Vortex before in battle and it only took less than a second to take me out, which leads to the fact that the weapon works much well when quantity comes into play, well how I more or less see it anyway.
  19. cruczi
  20. Roland2TowerCame

    My VS AV arms take four hits to kill infantry and the guidance makes the raven range better than mine as well.
    I have the Comet VM2's.