How have Ravens escaped a nerf this long?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Paperlamp

    They're obviously the strongest 2nd gen AV and AI weapon by a significant margin. They're one of the most annoying things in the game for vehicles to deal with. They're about as spammy and stupid as PPA is against infantry and they're simply too effective at landing shots on vehicles compared to every other MAX AV weapon.

    Damage has to be reduced, and/or wire guiding needs to come with a more strict range limitation.
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  2. Yeahy

    Yes 17% or so to be exact.
  3. LibertyRevolution

    I agree they need to nerf the audio.
    NC had like a dozen maxes up on a rock and the entire base was nothing but SCREEEE SCREEEE SCREEEEEEE.

    My own gun's audio wouldn't even play, you have any idea how ridiculous that is?
    Why is my own guns audio getting clipped so I can hear a stream of 24 SCREEEEEE SCREEEEE constantly going..
    I swear this game gets even more broken every time I login...
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  4. Zero M0nster

    yes yes yes I hate Ravens and they need a nerf badly (too competitive compared to vortex and fractures)
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  5. NC supporter

    It already takes 2 hits to kill infantry with it, if your going to do this have them lower the price tag too. No one wants to spend 1000 certs for something that takes 4 hits to kill infantry and supposedly is an anti armor weapon.
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  6. Fellgnome

    Uh...have you used the VS/TR 2nd gen AV weapons?
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  7. LibertyRevolution

    Vortex does 167 damage per shot. That is a 6 shot kill.
    Fracture does 210 damage per shot. That is a 5 hit kill.
    Raven does 335 damage per shot. That is a 3 hit kill, AND IT IS LASER GUIDED TO ITS TARGET.
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  8. Dracorean

    Took RoF and TTK into account?
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  9. LibertyRevolution

    Does it look like I was calculating TTK there buddy?? No I wasn't.

    You want me to tell you the TTK of Vortex on infantry? I can do that without math, its INFINITY.
    No infantry is going to let you shoot it 6 times with a Vortex..

    Meanwhile the the Raven max is SCREEE SCREE SCREE from 300m out 2 shotting you (both arms)...
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  10. Dracorean

    Your sounding very silly honestly.
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  11. LibertyRevolution

    You are sounding very much like an NC main..
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  12. andy_m

    Get someone in your squad to take care of the Raven wielding MAX units.

    Problem solved. No Nerf Needed.
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  13. Flashtirade

    In this episode of Paperlamp whines...

    I bet we're going to see a few more Raven threads within a week or two.
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  14. LibertyRevolution

    That is not how balance works. SOE nerfs the working weapon down to the same incapability of the worst equivalent.
    So until ravens are just as terrible at killing infantry as a vortex, we can call it OP. ;)

    Personally the audio bothers me more than the damage..
    I have actually logged off because I am sick of listening to them spammed for 10mins strait..

    Then again, I don't pull armor, and I don't fight at bases were the point is not inside a building.
    I don't get killed by ravens in buildings much, as NC has the shotgun option for that range..
  15. Dracorean

    I do main them actually, but I don't really like the ravens.

    Apparently, this guy did a TTK test against a galaxy.

    In the description he listed the TTK against a galaxy, Here's a copy paste;

    "FALCON (NC) 31s, RAVEN (NC) 37s, COMET (VS) 37s, VORTEX (VS) 62s, POUNDER (TR) 35s (23s with full deployment mode), FRACTURE (TR) 36s (28s with full deployment mode)."

    The falcon being more powerful, then there is the Pounder, and Fracture, but both change when deployed. Anyway from personal experience I took note that the TTK of the ravens seem to vary at ranges unlike the other factions weapons given that the Raven's projectile speed is a slow 85 m/s, its TTK becomes longer at ranges past 100 meters, its RoF is also the lowest at 48 rpm. Suppose the thing that makes people say its 'powerful' is its guided ability. Which is nice, makes it easier to hit things but the Falcons are just more powerful and unless your fighting magriders there isn't much of a point to the Ravens. Though given that its TTK is effected by range I could say that if they lowered the speed of the projectile by 20 or 10 it might make them a bit weaker.
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  16. andy_m


    Using Rock>Paper>Scissors, Balance would be Paper>Paper>Paper.
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  17. LibertyRevolution

    The slow projectile speed is good, it means you have time to aim it, a faster velocity would make it harder to turn.
    Far as the past 100m thing, that is just feels... it actually has 0 damage dropoff.
    Max Damage:335
    Min Damage:335"
  18. Dracorean

    Well its not really that noticeable to the player, but lets say you shoot at a target that's roughly 300 meters away with the ravens, its gonna take longer until the rocket actually hits the target, then if the target was 30 meters away. Its more like, 'time of impact' which doesn't really effect the damage but it does effect the TTK.
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  19. Paragon Exile

    They're not a huge deal. Maybe make them a bit slower, but nothing big.
  20. LodeTria

    The same time the Lancer gets nerfed.
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