How have Ravens escaped a nerf this long?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Vixxing

    ROFL Zoe does excactly NOTHING to Vortex more than give you 30% more damage FROM everything, and its almost impossible to kill infantry with Vortex....
  2. AlCohonez

    Why it escaped - because it's not OP in the first place.

    Check KDs, you will see TR Max AV is at top of the charts.

    The reason you've seen so many ravens outside of bases is because its the only mid-range alternative for NC. Don't expect NC to run around with shotguns at mid range since slugs are a joke.

    Just because NC has no other choice for mid-range weapons and resorts to use of Ravens which bumps all the "per hour" stats, it doesn't mean its better then other factions weapons, check the KDs for yourself!

    If NC had chainguns or some rapid firing lazers from space then we would use them at mid range, but we have shotguns, shotguns and shotguns, so obviously everybody go raven the moment they need to go out of that corridor or doorway.
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  3. Bape

    Pounders enough said.

    From a NC to the whiners

    If you get on a tank a NC will get on a Max and get you off the ****** tank deal with it.
  4. cruczi

    "KD's"? Are you implying kill death ratio somehow matters?

    Here are some stats...



    Ravens are far better at killing vehicles than either of TR MAX AV weapons.
  5. Pikachu

    They are unnerfed because no one has complained on them since last nerf until recently when it became fashionable.
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  6. y3ivan

    Yes, it does. BUT not directly if you are been targeted.

    Prime example would be on landing pads shooting at tanks below their turret angle. And of course, you need to anchor down, unload a magazine and unanchor to shift to a new position once detected. The idea is to deal massive DPS before the enemy react to your presence. Factures could kill an MBT from the rear in 1 mag thats 3-4 sec TTK with anchor.

    I still prefer fractures vs tanks (vanguard & magrider) especially at range (100m or more). Factures itself has lower drop and highest velocity and its buffed with anchor mode.
  7. DrPapaPenguin

  8. AlCohonez

  9. DramaticExit

    Uh... what numbers am I looking at here?
  10. AlCohonez

    1) KD
    2) KD of BR100
  11. DramaticExit

    Thank you. It probably would have been wise to mention that in the post with the stats.

    How much time is this data covering? Is this the entire time ravens the 2nd gen MAX Av weapons have existed, or is this from the last two weeks, or what?
  12. \m/SLAYER\m/

    anchored Prowlers annoying to, you getting damage from nowhere, and death-screen doesn't shows their cannon
  13. taxidriver

    If something is needed, than a buff against vehicles and advanced mags...
  14. Linus

    The ravens are as spammy as the PPA, for sure (the comparison stops here)
    I hate to be targeted by this weapon but my tank is rarely destroyed by it.
    When a Max with dual ravens is around, I am just forced to fall back a bit, to play smarter and to use cover more.
    Nothing wrong here, I adapt my gameplay.
    Like many said here, the audio of this weapon is annoying ^^

    However, i find that all the AV and AA max weapons in general (vortex included) should be less powerful after a certain distance, to keep those ones only usefull from close to medium range
    Compared to the tanks, a Max is much more tiny, has a strong firepower too and can be repaired as well.

    The lighter weaponry they have, should not allow them to reach the far targets.
    Currently, the Max replaces the tanks too well (AV or Skyguard)
  15. Winfield

    Yeah, then we can nerf lancers/vortexes aswell. One of the main reasons I don't use vehicles anymore is the "fun" I have getting shot outside of render range.

    This is true. It's also a fun weapon to use because of that mechanic. I really don't know how to nerf this weapon without making it ~useless.
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  16. Frostiken

    Why the hell would an AV MAX ever need to fight vehicles at long range? That's completely not the job of a MAX.

    Armor is more threatening at close range. If it's at long range and you can't fight back, you can simply hide - chances are, they are going to be of little threat to you and your teammates themselves.

    If it's at close range, hiding is no longer an option, and you need weapons to deal with them. If you can't fight back at close range, you're at a massive disadvantage. It's the same damn reason why you typically don't take a BASR to an indoor battle. The advantage of the Falcons over the Fracture and Vortex is that you really don't need to swap out your weapons when the vehicles get closer.
  17. Liquidrider

    Coming from a TR character this thread loses a lot of credibility. Have you used the Ravens before? And if so do you have the stats to justify the nerf?

    And simply comparing weapon stats to other maxes is NOT going to work. Not when TR has lockdown which significantly increases fire rate.

    I am in agreement with nerfing things when statistics backup OPINION
  18. MacavitySWE

    Ravens are awesome at medium/long range, because you will hit where you aim. As long as you have your reticule on target you cannot miss. Whenever I play my NC character I use the Raven, it's awesome fun. Plus you can be effective somewhat against infantry as well as good against vehicles.

    Vortex is kinda the same, but requires charge-up, and can be tricky since it does deviate a little bit from the center at longer ranges.

    Fractures... I dunno.. Fractures to me are the worst AV weapon, I only use them on stationary targets that are like beyond 50-100 metres, they kick too much and have so low damage it feels the pounders are way more effective overall.
  19. FLHuk

    I prefer Falcons to hit Armour but then Swagrider so they are a necessary evil due to piss poor design....

    That said I can't stop farming infantry with them as it's just toooooooooo easy not to! Again piss poor design.....

    Remove splash to infantry, direct hits only do damage to infantry, no OHK. Just too simple to have been ignored.... But then SOE :rollseyes:
  20. Ghosty11

    Well in reply to your original post, how exactly does ZOE help the Vortex at long range if the damage multiplier drops off at 10m? ZOE is all but useless for a Vortex MAX.