Great work on the ZOE Mod

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Shockwave44, May 9, 2013.

  1. MrK

    You didn't understood much of the video I'm afraid. He didn't go miraculously unnoticed when running in the middle of ennemies. He was moving too fast to be shot. The TR MAX was simply UNABLE to keep up the circle strafe.
    ZOE basically turns a MAX into an infantry guy with MAX Armor - 20% .

    The saving grace will come from the fact all these berserker will completely disconnect from their support and stop being repaired whie fighting. Which is currently the only thing keeping MAXes alive. So I'm personnaly not yet sold on the OPness of the ability. But it looks a tad too much.

    On a sidenote : "Keep my OP weapon because I'm unhappy of my current gear" is nowhere near a correct reason for keeping something OP
  2. Xasapis

    They could actually make it a feature and make it unable to repair while ZOE is active.
  3. Ash87

    If they fix that, fine then.

    And no, you would be getting the nerf because you (I'm assuming) and many others are using an exploit. Good job.
  4. Ranik

    And wrong you are. They reduced the armor downside so it's not even much of a downside anymore.

    20% reduced armor, anywhere from 15% to 25% increased damage, 50% increased move speed.

    Oh and are we trying to change goalposts and compare it to lockdown?

    Lockdown makes you immobile champ. ZOE doesn't have nearly as big of a drawback. :rolleyes:

    Comet STK vs harasser 8 without 6 with

    Comet STK vs Lightning 18 / 15

    Comet STK vs Prowler 23 / 19

    Nebula STL vs MAX 69/56
  5. Qaz

    Last I checked (3 days ago), ZOE didn't affect any AV weapon. Did that change? If so, i'd still argue for this to be reverted, actually, as it should be primarily an AI bonus.

    I'll do some testing in the play-test tonight and see how it goes. The damage penalty was extremely severe before, so we'll see whether it's more usable now. Anyway, I'm curious ... what's the TTK of a lockdown onslought (those are the equivalents, are they?) max against a ZOE max? (how much HP does a max have, and has the ZOE dmg bonus changed from 25%?)

    The point i was making by comparing ZOE and lockdown is that ZOE people pretend both to be the same due to both conveying a dmg boost, which is a straw-man argument due to the boosts being in completely different leagues.
  6. Ranik

    The damage penalty was 40%. It is now 20%.

    The ZOE was bugged with the Vortex. It is now fixed.

    The ZOE always affected the Comet.

    Basically they reduced the downside and touched nothing else....

    Looking at TTK now.

    Hmm apparently VR is broken for NC / TR. But 2x Nebula + ZOE vs a max is a TTK of around 4s
  7. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    The downside is still double damage taken from Infantry in that case.
    I'd say that's a rather huge downside.
  8. Ranik

    You might want to check your numbers. :rolleyes:
  9. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    80% base resist.
    100 damage shot deals 20 after resists.
    20% reduced, = 60% resist.
    100 damage shot deals 40 after new resist.
    40 is 2x 20, so it's double damage.
    Unless they finally managed to add in multiplicative resistances, in which case they should start by applying that to kinetic.
  10. NickNak

    After looking at a few videos, I see the ZOE Maxes don't have a little floating animation, was hoping we'd get one :(
  11. Quiiliitiila

    What suit slot are you using? Maxed Kinetic armor? That's the only way that I see you surviving for so long against all dem bullets :p
  12. Xasapis

    The TTK with the current Nebulas are pretty good as well, the problem with the nebulas in general is that they are so inaccurate, you don't get to do headshots. It is a fast firing gun though, meant for close combat. Nowhere as effective as scattercannons, but pretty decent nevertheless. I'm pretty sure the TR has an equivalent ... checking ...

    Ok, nebulas are sitting in between Mercys and Onslaughts in rate of fire. Mercys are about twice as accurate though and Onslaughts got about 70 more rpm, both TR weapons though are one tier damage less than the VS one. So Nebulas are basically a bit slower firing Onslaughts with a bit better damage per bullet.
  13. Ranik

    Tested 2x Nebula + ZOE vs max = 4s TTK.

    Tested to 2x Onslaught + lockdown = 3.25s TTK.

    (Numbers approximate)

    One of these is immobile. The other is faster than normal....

    Putting video up. It'll take a while. Either way the "you take double damage" line is wrong. You take about 20% more damage. Without even adding armor upgrades.
  14. Xasapis

    I was talking about the specific guns. The test server abilities are there for ... testing. They'll go up and down and the developers will collect data and maybe just once we'll get an empire specific whatever that is not underwhelming compared to the two other empires and won't need multiple buff passes to be on par. In other words, some proper testing.

    I have roughly 9.000 certs now saved for the max stuff. I still don't have the vortexes.
  15. Qaz

    How much HP do maxes have, exactly?

    Just played around with ZOE a little, and the runspeed is glorious. Especially the bugged run-speed. I.e., sprint to max speed without ZOE, and then activate. I guess i went 50 kph or so? As awesome as this is, it won't make it to live, obviously. It also caused problem with me getting hits on targets, actually.
  16. Ranik

    I was just listing the results I just got. The TR / NC abilities are situational in different ways.

    However currently the ZOE ability is far less situational as it's total positives outweigh it's downsides. That's all really.

    I'm honestly not sure. MAX's have X many health points and 80% innate resistance to Small arms fire. People say that you take "double damage" since the armor reduction is said to be 20%. But in reality it seems to be that it reduces your armor to 70-75% innate resistance or something like that.

    Example With no armor upgrades at all:

    Engineer carbine vs normal VS max = 17 Bars of damage

    Engineer carbine vs ZOE Max = 21 Bars of damage.

    AP mine = 13 Bars of damage

    AP mine + ZOE = 15 Bars of damage
  17. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    So how much damage taken increase is it, then, if it amounts to 20%?
    4% more damage taken? And 16% for Explosives?
    Or is it 5% flat? In that case, it'd be damn great against vehicles. Still weakens Kinetic armour, though.
  18. Ranik

    From just quick not very scientific or thorough testing.

    Example With no armor upgrades at all:

    Engineer carbine vs normal VS max = 17 Bars of damage

    Engineer carbine vs ZOE Max = 21 Bars of damage.

    AP mine = 13 Bars of damage

    AP mine + ZOE = 15 Bars of damage

    20% basically. Before actually adding Flak / Kinetic armor.
  19. Kireles

    ZOE is still massively over performing with bursters:

    ESF shots to kill (no ZOE) = 40
    ESF shots to kill with ZOE = 24

    Liberator shots to kill (no ZOE) = 83
    Liberator shots to kill with ZOE = 54

    This is broken and in need of tuning before it goes live.
  20. Stew360

    it over perform with anything

    its awefull mechanics that should never ever be implemented ,

    ZOE will create much more Hit box registration issue due to the netcode of this game who as problem to handle speed on infantry

    ZOE will destroy the infantry vs maxs balance since all the balance between the 2 was base on speed and speed only

    ZOE will destroy the balance of range and speed between NC scateer maxs and VS maxs because the vs maxs will be able to avoid the NC scatter effective range

    ZOE as to be aborded

    VS players as manage to make one of my tread remoove where over 80 players as express their opinion and got the other one lock the point still stand ,

    This TEST servers is for testing purpose and the ZOE as prooven already that it cant be balanced to either worth it or be balance if it worth it it wont be balanced and if its slower peoples will complain it is useless

    So the TEST servers as done its job on this one showing us that in real combat this idea cant work in planetside and should not be implemented , its the sad truth

    So we need to come up with better idea for the Vs Max abilitys