Great work on the ZOE Mod

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Shockwave44, May 9, 2013.

  1. Stew360

    your a biased dude

    and you just think about youself and your personal little fun but this ability will ruins this game and it need to disapears it as way to negative impact on the game balance

    it will ruins the infantry vs maxs combat

    it will create more hitbox problem and lag compensation latency problem and hit registration mess up due to the speed and mobility that this game cant handle
    it will ruins the range balance between VS maxs and NC maxs

    and the NC maxs ability is nothing more than a balistic shield with no splash damage protection so those shielded maxs will still get hurt by rocket in their feet and also theyll be easy to c4 etc...

    This ZOE need to disaspears once and for all it was a horrible idea from the begining and is must not be revisite it must be abandoned
  2. Shockwave44

    That's what you get for nerfing our magrider.

    Like your hacksaws?

    Yeah, that's not biased either.
  3. Ranik


    The ZOE Module is a direct upgrade to both the NC and TR abilities.

    Currently the downside is so small compared to the upsides it's a joke.

    And dude. If I actually agree with Stew on something. Then you are CLEARLY in the wrong.
  4. Stew360

    you proove my point 100 % biased you think about your personal pleasure and not about the balance of the game , i do not like to have a faction that have CQC maxs

    its a awefull design choice as well

    ive figth in the past many time to have the scatter type become common pool awith restriction that mean no scatter + cycler , scatter scatter and cycler cycler only ... thats said

    this new ability is discusting it ruins the game compleatly and as a solo player whiout eng suport and whiout anything i was able to desimates peoples even maxs , with a eng i should have been invisible impossible to kill with c4 as well etc...

    this Ability need to go and SHOULD NEVER EVER MAKE IT INTO THE GAME

  5. Shockwave44

    The VS have nothing great other than this so I could care less.

    The TR have a 50% increase in fire rate and projectile speed. The NC have a shield with lots of health and auto regen. The VS run fast.

    Yeah, real game breaker.

    It's funny though because I never said nerf the TR or NC even when the ZOE was crap but here you guys are right on cue. Already want it on the chopping block.
  6. Ash87

    A.) I really thought there was a ROF buff in the early versions, but w/e

    B.) The reason that the ZOE will get a nerf, is that VS are abusing the ADADA to disrupt the hitbox on the max unit. The solution is simple: The movement speed buff only works going forward, and there is a cool-down and powering up time on the charge. That way it can't be switched on and off at will, and will still grant you that powerful push... as long as that push is forward
  7. Ranik

    Right, balance goes out the window because you want an OP toy........
  8. Netsurfer733

    This seriously looks bloody *amazing*. Absolutely blew me away to log on and randomly see this - I didn't even know there was an update out today :D
  9. Shockwave44

    I'm VS and we finally got something really good and you want to take it away and you expect me to just sit here and take it?

    How is it not balanced? The video showed no one really trying to kill the VS MAX. You do realize he takes more damage when activated? The video shows they are basically ignoring the VS max because everyone knows how crappy they and they figure they'll deal with him later.

    Are you saying we have something better than you? Kinda like how you have better tanks, best ESL and stronger guns than the VS does? Funny how you didn't bring that up.
  10. Shockwave44

    Who said it's not balanced? Are you a dev?

    Most new weapons nobody knows how to counter and you're already crying to have it nerfed.
  11. Ranik

    Like I said. You'll just defend your toy. No matter if it's balanced or not. :rolleyes:
  12. Shockwave44

    Yeah, the TR and NC have never defended their toys before...:confused:

    I haven't even killed anyone with it yet. I've only ran around with it in the VR room.

    What makes you think its unbalanced? What experience have you had with it?
  13. Barosar

    What good is faster movement going to do when so many complain of poor FPS performance anyway? Lag compensation plague will make this unpleasant for VS.
  14. Nogrim313

    so the reason our ability will get nerfed is a problem with the client code that effects every single infantry unit.... or they could fix that problem with the client.

    we already have an only forward ability its called charge
    • Up x 1
  15. Rasui

    As a VS MAX player, please nerf the speed and give a little more damage and/or accuracy (depending on weapon) instead. Running around like that right now looks absolutely ridiculous and not in the good way.
  16. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Due to the desync issues it creates, maybe the speed needs to be toned down.
    I'd be willing to accept that, as a main VS player, in exchange for a slightly less flamboyant glow.
    I'd still like a sort of lumifiber trim on the max.
    An alternative would be to have an acceleration delay that hampers ADADA but doesn't affect the amximum speed.
    Has anyone tested now how much the damage taken debuff really is?
    Honestly, if Charge didn't exist already, that would have been a great a VS ability.

    Edit: I also liked the idea of no repair while it's active. Fits with being faster than the Engineers anyways.
  17. Van Dax

    As a VS player I used this on the test server and I say the only real noticeable advantage was speed, but what needs to happen is a more "floaty" change of direction to stop the adad. But don't take the speed away just make changing directions harder like they have low friction boots on.
  18. PsyStorm

    Hi mate appreciate the video. I noticed that on the first part of the video the LA was flying and trying to shoot a max that wasn't even firing on him so hence no damage from that guy. Then the max upstairs starts to shoot him and he dies. Nothing odd there and perfectly understandable even with the current live models. Further on in the video you take the first max buy surprise and run circles around him and then take out another max and die in the end. They didn't turn with you and therefore didn't connect as much. Let's bear in mind that this also depends on which weapons they were using as to how much damage you take. The last bit of the video I see 3 NC max of which 1 was using his shield and you ran from him. The other 2 Nc Max were turning to shoot other players as you ping him from the side and then another was chasing you with shield down. The guys in the tower aren't even looking your way mostly and you kill alot of them from behind or from the side. Notice that later you start getting some heat on you as people are actually paying attention and you almost die and run for cover.

    The point I am making here is this. If you are unnoticed you can take out a ton of players np. If they are focused on you then you die like you were an infiltrator. I have had infantry use the same circling tactics and kill me until I became more aware and learned to turn better. I don't think you should judge it solely based on your video as most of it was you surprising them and not some choke point or biolab where multiple fire is coming your way.

    We have had to put up with the NC Max dominating close quarters since the game was launched. You guys would be losing and swarm a biolab with umpteen of your Max and wipe out countless infantry. Now we have at least something that is different and maybe a counter. In my opinion the shield is going to be amazing if used properly by facing the heavy damage and the TR Max seems quite a bit stronger since the last patch. I want to see things tested a bit longer before this remove crap and especially this coming from an NC that has had over 6 months of farming with their Max on the rest of us.

  19. Lyel

    Yeah, seems to me that it is over buffed. The game should not support ADADADADAD, that is an entirely player made movement that real military do not use. Giving that to a max can cause problems, and apparently it has since the hitbox is going out of control. It should increase velocity, not speed.
  20. Qaz

    The downside is pretty massive, no? More damage is deadly in places with lots of explosions (biolabs), and the damage boost it provides is nothing but marginal. Remember, ZOE is ~15% increase in DPS, while lockdown is a 66% increase in DPS on some weapons (mercy).