Fix Galaxy spawn above bases

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ajma, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. Whiteagle

    So what is your Argument against Galaxy Squad Spawn then?
    If the OP was Out Skilled, he was Out Skilled, and if he was Out Popped he was Out Popped.
    The Galaxy Squad Spawn doesn't factor into this equation at all...
  2. ajma

    I am the OP, you see, and my argument was that you can't shoot at Galaxies hovering at great distances over a base from the ground (like, directly below them). The current discussion originated from another post where someone stated that there were 3 Galaxies spawning people into a base and the defenders could not kill them because they were too high; then, Prudentia assumed they were being overpopped by 3 full squads and I just said that 3 Galaxies do not equate to 3 full squads.

    Honestly, I'd recommend you ate fish and spinach, they help your memory.
  3. Whiteagle

    So which was it then?
    Were you Out Populated, or Out Skilled?
    And how do Three Galaxies at the Flight Ceiling factor into either?
    • Up x 1
  4. LibertyOne

    High altitude gal-m-s's have paid me thousands of points and hundreds of certs. They're just fine. They're big, slow targets and my Skyguard loves them.
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  5. Whiteagle

    Exactly, the only thing I can agree with in the OP is letting Skyguards, Aspis Turrets, and Bursters aim straight-up, because that removes the only excuse they'd have for NOT shooting lazy Spawn Whales.
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  6. The Funk

    Spawn galaxies are a non-issue.

    1. The guys dropping from these are certs raining from heaven. You can see them dropping and know exactly where they are going to land. They can't see ****. More than once I have sat in the middle of a base murdering hapless gal spawners with a fat grin on my face.

    2. They have to spare a guy to sit up in that galaxy eating doritos so surely you can spare one to go ram its *** or grab an infil and start capping the next base, forcing it to retreat.
  7. ajma

    Gosh are you thick. It does not matter if I was outpopped or outskilled; if you want to know why it doesn't, then take the time to read and comprehend what you read. I'll just ignore you from now on.

    Edit: What's more funny is how you keep arguing against me, while you already said you agreed with me in another post.
  8. Crayv

    This is my main issue with them, depending on how far the ground is to the flight ceiling you have to move rather far away just to be able to hit the damn thing. I have seen where I had to move 200 meters away from it in order to hit it with a burster MAX. I do believe that is a full hex of distance.

    I also have an issue that an aircraft has more HP than tank... in fact has more HP than anything else in the game.
  9. Whiteagle

    I agreed with you on AA being able to aim upwards, not that Spawn Whales were the actual issue...

    Like I said in that post, if you think Galaxies at the flight ceiling only dropping TROOPS is bad, you didn't ever deal with the terror that is a Close Support Battle Spawn Gal.

    Well yes, the firing angle on an ANTI-AIRCRAFT weapon system not being able to aim near vertical is pretty ridiculous...

    Well the Galaxy pretty much NEEDS its huge Health Pool to act as a transport, just look at the Valkyrie and how it's low HP has people calling it a joke...
    Everyone shoots big transports because they are not only large targets, but they also might lead to a huge poly-kill...

    Were you around for Galaxy AMS in Beta?
    That was truly infuriating, because they not only made the Galaxy able to Deploy like the Sunderer can now, it got EXTRA shielding in order to protect the people it was spawning.
  10. Leeloo


    Move 15 meters in any direction to fix your "problem". Works with any AA weapon.

    But If you are that lazy, then you truly are hopeless...
  11. ajma

    Yeah, right. You're not very good at geometry, I see.