Expect to pay SC or an arm and leg for class abilities

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lucidius134, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Lucidius134

    New AV Turret is 700SC or 1000 Certs.

    Things to expect in the future: Paying money to get class skills.

    Icarus Jump Jets and Stalker Cloaks? Chances are they'll be re-added later with a nice Station Cash price tag attached.

    You will be gouged
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  2. Gavyne

    To say AV turret should be a class ability is like expecting all heavy assaults should get annihilators and anti-air rocket launchers by default. It's an option, not a class ability. Be glad the option is there, and that you could work up certs to get them IF you want to.

    Engineers have done fine for the past 4 months without this, I'm sure they won't die just because something new came out.
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  3. JebusRicecakes

    i got a chance to see an outfit member test it for the few minutes i had on post hotfix, that thing is BAD *** i can't wait to see the tears of whiners for they shall sustain me for many years to come
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  4. Zaik

    oh no not 1000 certs, that'll take me a whole week or two of playing a game I enjoy to get.

    edit: Actually did the math, assuming I maintain my 140.22 exp/minute average It'll take just short of 30 hours of play time, not counting medals and such.
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  5. Col_Jessep


    Wait, you were not joking? :eek:
  6. pnkdth

    Yeah, and then you have to spend even more to max it out. It was always going to be an engineer ability, $medly just figured out how to suck some more money out people. I mean, the issue isn't just the cost, it is that it should already be there and the certs you earn should be spent into the turret.

    Hopefully this isn't a trend because nonesense like this is going to create massive gaps between vets and new players.
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  7. Nature

    You think they are going to give new stuff for free? Dream on, **** the players $$$ is all that counts.
  8. br4k3r

    So, paying 14.99 a month for 6 years and earning every single piece of gear, versus playing for free and buying only what you desire... Which is the better model from a customer stance?
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  9. Myzik

    I think its only going to apply to damage dealing utilities. The advent of the SC purchased ace tool is a bit of a sad development though, since it probably means we won't be seeing non-damage dealing variants of the ace tool.
  10. phreec

    Class ability? It's a non-default weapon you're thinking of getting, no **** that it's gonna cost certs or SC.
  11. Col_Jessep

    You know, I'd be fine with spending money for pretty much everything IF THE GAME WOULD WORK AS ADVERTISED. I think there are really more important things SOE should work on. Like server merges and render issues.

    Anyway, you guys have fun. I'll look for a game that works. Probably have to look at Indie titles for that these days...
  12. Gavyne

    Your sig is quite ironic. SOE just gave you something you need to aim, and you're raging about it.

    Good luck with indie titles. People that stomp around talking about leaving for indie titles often either never leave, or they come crawling back because they realize indie titles just suck even worse.
  13. Zaik

    oh no, not another week or two of playing a game I enjoy. how dreadful.

    Real *** story: F2P game under constant development has operating costs. Generally speaking, if they're creating or finishing new content, they're probably going to want to make money off it so that they can continue to write people paychecks. If it was SC only you would have a very real point. However, it's not, and it really doesn't take that long to get 1000 certs these days, and it seems to only be getting faster with time, not slower.
  14. Arreo

    Yeah, as someone who plays Engy as my primary class I have no problem spending certs/SC buying this.

    You are getting a non-default weapon that is pretty much a straight upgrade from the MANA AI turret, so yeah you should have to spend something to get it.
  15. LameFox

    I assumed ages ago that every new weapon added would be 1k certs, and it doesn't seem inaccurate.
  16. Mythicrose12

    I would gladly use 1000 certs to get the Icarus JJ for my light assault.
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  17. pnkdth

    Because that is the reason I'm annoyed at this. I have no problems buying stuff like and support SOE but I do not approve of deployables being sold with SC. Unlike the gentleman above I'm not going to gladly pay 1k certs for something that was already around and a part of the class in question. Weapons and cosmetics, fine, I've bought tons of them. Class mechanics and stuff, nope, that ain't cool.
  18. Mythicrose12

    Technically, you are buying a weapon not a mechanic. The Icarus JJ I would get would be closer to a mechanic as it is not capable of killing enemies. Consider the AV turret similar to buying a jackhammer or lasher for a HA. Single weapon for single class. Sniper rifles and scout rifles count in my book as well as well as the new "faction" rocket launchers in the Roadmap.

    In the end, SOE needs to bring in some money. Constantly improving aging items won't do that, sadly.
  19. Nonsensei436

    Getting an annihilator isn't really an option, but an absolute necessity. In order to hit air at all you need a lock on rocket. The decimator is more suited to ground targets. So your choice becomes spend money on the annihilator (or wait weeks to get enough certs) OR just die constantly to air and be helpless against them.
  20. UndercoverDolphin

    don't buy it lol, it will be massively nerfed very soon. it's to make people buy it, then nerf, because atm engineers are sniping and owning liberators, it is absurd how OP it is.