Well, in the VR on the test server I've just been it doesn't for some reason. Maybe I've encountered a bug without knowing it.
I had high hopes, but gotta say Iam pretty disappointed to these changes. When its always just nerf nerf nerf, who does that really serve? It just pisses people off. There is nothing to look for or get exited about and will only result people losing interest and get frustrated to the game. I mean how about instead of the current nerf list there would be something like this coming for example: Vanguard: Added weakpoint to its rear. If being shotted to a rear armor BEFORE the shield has been activated it would put the shield on cooldown or disable it until the tank is fully repaired. That would reward flanking and put Vanguards in a same spot as other tanks when being flanked and caught by surprise. Prowler: Faster deploy/undeploy time or added armor to the side and front while in lockdown. Or something completely new, not really sure about this one. Magrider: Longer burn time from 1 second to 2 seconds or/and omni burner to make it better at dodging incoming fire and escaping. I dont know about you guys but I would be looking forward to changes like that instead of just nerfs to everything. About the weapons: Reason to use Saron over Halberd is because it was better against infantry. Guess not anymore. Better take Halberd. Enforcer had good sustained damage, but it was lacking on burst damage which lowered its effectiveness quite a lot if the enemy was using cover to poke in and out. Now that its getting a hit to the sustained damage why use it instead of Halberd? Vulcan is still gonna be crap so Halberd is the only viable option. Soo everyone is going to be using Halberd. Ain't that fun and all and really brings out the differences and uniques of each faction?
The Saron nerf is uncalled for. I requires good shooting to consistently peg infantry with it and now it will be next to useless against them. The Viper nerf is over kill, it is an AI weapon and it's effective against infantry... wow. All that was needed imo was a nerf to its AV abilities. That wy it would keep what it's main strength is but lose it's versatility The Canister is terrible and I don't see these changes making it much better, but it has been buffed so I guess SOE is doing it little by little The Vanguard shield was fine imo. Don't see the issue with empires having certain strengths over others. The Vanguard trades AI capabilities for being a better AV tank . Still I don't think 6 seconds is going to matter, a good Vanguard team will still wreck players that don't play around the shield effectively..... Yes I'm talking about you Klypto and Alarox What I would like to see: Magburner - Just to have a longer duration
Simply looking at the changes I'd rather see the current state being left untouched as it will provide a more fun experience for all factions over the proposed changes...
As someone driving a Prowler most of his time, I find the HEAT and HE nerfs uncalled for, they were already so badly nerfed, that people didn't even bother anymore. Why do we always get the short end of the stick? What will it take to nerf the damn AV Mana turret? Ugh. Sorry for rant, it makes me sad.
Basilisk As the OP say, Basilisk base ammo pool should be increased (by 50 or 100) to match better with the new RoF. Ranger. Finally ! Now this weapon can be used with the new correct ammo pool. C75 Viper. We get a 15% overall damage reduction. All infantery will be killed in 2 direct hit and Flak 5 wearer in 3 direct hit. Against MBT, that means we will need 6 magasine from front instaid of 5. (and still 3 from the rear). As an C75 Viper autoloader user, I think they should keep the alpha damage and the total damage per magasine (or clip, I never know). But to lower the DPM, just increase the reload speed. However, as an infantery player, I think it will help me to survive : actually, infantery die to Viper autoloader even with flak armor 5. For once, they don't nerf to the ground. I'm fine with this.
Basilisk is already crap at range. It needs no nerfs. Enforcer was already on the fences against the Halberd. This will make it even less viable as the Halberd has the huge advantage of alpha damage. Overall AI nerfs are not needed. They already happened, for f** sake! When will this stop? Shall we mount PS1 beamers on all tanks, maybe that will stop the infantry tears?
I can only suggest what has been said so many times already both on the forums and in other places: Magrider- buff the Magburner, ideally make it omni-directional but more fuel and a lower activation cost are needed at the very least. Slightly faster main gun velocity would be nice too. Vanguard- some sort of a change to the shield mechanic (there are a lot of ideas floating around) and a complete redesign of the C85 to fill an AoE AI role similar to the PPA. Possibly improve the vehicle handling to compensate. Prowler- redesign the Vulcan, it's just not a very viable idea for tank combat and a nightmare to try and balance. Haven't tried the changes to the Marauder yet but after the nerfs to the main cannons it might need a buff to be on par with the PPA. Another thing I support is giving the ES abilities their own slot and while I like Aesir's idea of giving the Kobalt to the secondary gunner I doubt this will happen any time soon. The reason why I'm pessimistic about seeing these changes actually happen is because they require quite a bit more work than simply changing a few existing values and so far the changes in the update seem to be exactly of that sort.
That's exactly what I've been saying. They're trying to fix problems by tweaking numbers when we may well need something more substantial after so many tries of tweaking numbers.
At some point you just have to realize that "vehicles" in this game aren't vehicles at all. They're infantry with a different skin. You're not so much driving a tank in this game as dressing up as one. Vehicles are scaled across the board to have about the same killing power as an infantry class, but with 10x the HP (and a 10x larger hit box to offset their higher health). They have immunity to small arms fire, but that's negated by the fact that they're so much bigger and easier to hit with any other weapon. The vehicle secondaries are infantry primaries, and the vehicle main guns are infantry heavy weapons. The only difference is the animations and the fact that infantry primaries can't damage vehicles. The Saron is basically an NS-44 Commissioner mounted on a tank turret, and the PPA is a Lasher with a slightly different animation. All of the MBT guns are just cosmetic variants of an HA rocket launcher with a little more or a little less splash damage. The infantry guns have a low COF and make up for it with recoil; the vehicle ones have no recoil and a high COF to make up for it. If you want to run around the battlefield wearing a tank costume instead of an infantry costume, then vehicles are great. But that's as far as vehicles go. They're strictly a play style or cosmetic choice, not a qualitatively different class of units. It's hard to see how that's ever going to change, since making vehicles work like they do in real life would mean they simply slaughter infantry, and that's not going to be a big hit with the majority of players that prefer to run around with a rifle instead of a hood ornament at the bottom of their screens.
So glad that the Viper is being nerfed. Against any other tank cannon, if you are good at dodging and predicting fire, you can escape to cover from time to time. Against a Viper, the lowliest, most inaccurate noob can totally miss half of his shots and still obliterate you. In its current state, pulling a Viper lightning is pretty much a guaranteed 5-10 kills, and MUCH more if you're even halfway decent with it.
Why the nerf to the Prowler HEAT and HE cannons? People still use HE? This was just... why? Who was complaining about this? What purpose does this serve? HE was already nerfed to the point of being useless many patches ago. And what just gets me absolutely livid is that they nerfed the Viper but didn't buff any of its other guns. There was a distinct reason people were using the viper over everything else. It's because everything else sucks in comparison. No one uses the Lightning HE gun. The HEAT cannon is bleh compared to the AP or Viper for their primary roles. So their method of getting us to use these crappy alternatives is to, yes, nerf the one good gun the Viper has. Good grief.
You may be right about HE but HEAT is certainly more than viable and is responsible for more vehicle weapons kills than anything except NC Viper use by a substantial margin. source http://ps2.hive-net.com/faction.htm...3-23&endDatePicker=2014-04-03&worldselector=0
Well said... Ground vehicles have been nerfed pretty hard since launch, and have only received nerfs. Who wants to take bets that we will never see stabilised tank cannons for example...? Personally, I gave up on ground "vehicles" ages ago, because they're a complete joke if you don't have 50 of them, in which case a foot zerg will still roll right over them with AV mana turrets and C4. Its pure attrition when you fight infantry in any sort of vehicle, sooner or later you screw up, and die. If I were a tanker I'd be razing a much louder kerfuffle to be honest. With the NAR changes though, I hope that the whole vehicle side of the community can agree on one thing: Reducing the already questionable survivability of vehicles detracts from the gameplay depth, and compresses the skill curve further than it already has been. I cannot stress enough how much impact nerfing NAR will have on both air in general and the lightning in specific. Personally, I'm not too happy with the changes here involving vehicles so far. Buff AI secondaries? Fine. I will still never use them. People pull AV vehicles to kill vehicles, and shoot infantry if they decide to go after the AV tank. Not pulling an AV tank is about as suicidal as pulling a flash and driving over a minefield on a 45 degree incline. If I pull a pure AV tank, I should not be forced to have MASSIVE issues with infantry. These most recent changes capitalise on the fact that vehicles need to be able to adapt to changing battle conditions, else they quickly become useless. TL;DR penalising vehicles for going pure AV is a bad idea. They sacrifice too much now to stay competitive.
What purpose is the basilisk supposed to fill now? It's already impossible to kill infantry at range unless the person you are shooting at is really, really bad at playing and stands still for 30 seconds. Seems like this puts it right back to where it was before it was buffed.. How much more can this game possibly be tweaked to make it easier for people who run in front of tanks and literally stop and stand there blankly for several seconds? Is it really so hard to learn not to run into the firing lines of tanks? I almost never get blown up by them when I play infantry..
You could buff the AI and AA tank weapons all you want but no tanker worth his salt gives a cracker about them because you can't change the loadouts. It's like maxes that can't change their bursters out after being pulled. What, is he going to stand around for 10 minutes waiting for aircraft to come back - walk to the next base that is being attacked by air or re-pull the suit again just to switch to AI / AV? Like Aesir said, nobody wants to gun for those things. The only people who pull them run solo and lock their tank and swap to the gun when it's needed. You can clearly tell this by the fact that nearly anyone who gets enough kills with them to be recognized by Dasanfall has a completely insane kills to time used ratio, especially with the Canister. Like right now Alarox is trying to Araxium the Canister and Kobalt on the Vanguard (which is probably the only reason you would pull these weapons). We Vanguard all the time but I've only driven him around in the tank while he was gunning AI weapons for like 3x, and those are only super situational or good placement areas where being mobile would be more of a benefit like a massive infantry footzerg running to Mao. Usually it's far better for him to just use the tank solo swapping seats and have me shadow him in a stealth AP tank because it's boring as hell to sit in a gunner seat unable to do anything when it's not the time to use that weapon. People would just activate the shield when low on HP and get out and repair it mid combat. The attacker won't be able to do anything about it because it takes 3~ seconds for infantry that exited a vehicle to render, yet alone notice them. The hull rotating the turret is supposed to benefit traverse speed, but that doesn't matter in this game because tank turrets can snap a 180 traverse in like 1.25 seconds, which is arcadey/fun/bizarre, yet unfair for the Magrider. Doesn't matter, I wouldn't want your change to Hull-Turret rotation.
Lol, force multipliers that actually work. A moron won't last long though. The whole point of tanks are to rule the areas between bases. I'm not sure why I bothered to respond to you. It is (on live) one of the ONLY AI tank weapons worth using. All others are so mediocre that even direct hits get shrugged off by the omnipresent flak armour that somehow stops a tank shell. I just don't get it. Fine, its a videogame, I get that. But this is just silly.