Thats why I'm gonna farm infantry with my PPA like crazy. Really rub in how stupid this was. No AI nerf will stop the stat padding effect of spawn room camping low BR players who have no clue how to use tunnels. I could do it with an AP cannon.
The only thing that will happen is a PPA nerf, which will come anyway, if not a nerf across the board for AI guns because of some fuzzybunny reason. They should add shields covering whole bases blocking everything trying to pass through it ((from the inside and outside) except infantry, sundys with the shield breaker and vehicles from the empire owning the base), connect it to a generator so it can be shut down and everyone should be happy. Also there should be a generator(or whatever the things name is) in every base for the spawn room(s) so that once the spawnroom(s) are gone the base is lost. If the defending empire cant hold the generator they are up for the shelling season and have no right to complain then. And with the addition of said shields tanks should get unnerfed as infantry now got their basefights. Not an easy thing to pull off but i see no other way to shut InfantrySide2 up. No nerfing and unnerfing/buffing of guns/vehicles will shut them up, someone will always complain that they cant solokill whatever vehicle they want or that it ruins their oh so precious battles. Im playing PS2 for hunting enemy vehicles in my tank with a full AV setup. I only kill infantry when they point a lock-on, mana, etc. at me or run at me with their remote control in hand (dont even get me started about that little thing). It is annoying as sh.. that some HAs/engis got nothing better to do then aim at me with his lock-on/mana while im just blowing up other armor and with that forcing me to kill them. all they see is a cert pinata to crack open. Also, all this nonsense with cutting down vehicle numbers and making them rare is bs, i want vehicles to blow up and the more there are the better.