Emerald's Rock Bottom

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CorporalClegg, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Arghy

    Hahaha you do not 'out skill' a client side LA with a pump, you get lucky and he misses. You have zero recourse in that scenario but to get lucky or die.

    A lancer nest is a giant stationary target thats absurdly obvious to spot, whats this taking damage from an unknown source? are you near VS? are they in the same hex or an adjacent one? PULL MORE ARMOR! No.

    You look at your surroundings and hide your armor until your air spots the lancers and your infantry cleans them out. This means coordination with everyone well guess what those lancers are coordinating also. Complaining about lancers is like complaining about bursters being impossible to counter with ESF's--ITS DESIGNED THAT WAY GENIUS.

    You don't infantry charge a man in an AI turret across an open field and you don't armor charge a lancer camp. Put a beacon behind or near the lancer camp and drop in with anti infantry weapons and tear up the distracted lancers.
  2. Paragon Exile

    I don't see this discussion going very far in a productive manner.

    It's just my opinion that "instagib" weapons or things that don't give your enemies any recourse are bad for game design. I've seen things like this in other games and it makes me sick.
  3. Xasapis

    Sniper rifles are bad for game design?
  4. Paragon Exile

    Depends on how they are implemented.

    The Beam Rifle and Sniper rifle in Halo 2/3 were good for design, as they were power weapons you couldn't spawn with and needed to control the map to acquire, not to mention you needed to headshot to kill. They encouraged skillfull play and rewarded players who knew what they were doing. Snipers in Call of Duty can be spawned with, with no limitations, can OHK on most of a target's body, can be used outside of their effective range easily and use bullet magnetism. They let even novices profit with little effort and infuriate their victims.

    Two game series; Halo did it right, Call of Duty did it wrong (and people lapped it up).
    • Up x 1
  5. LibertyRevolution

    Sniper riffles didn't OHK on this until a year after launch...
    I wish they never changed nanoweave.

    Everyone hates things that kill them without a chance to defend yourself...
    See air, shotguns, snipers, AI mines and so on...

    The should add an new suit slot called reinforced helmet, it should make headshots do legshot damage.
    That way when a tryhard goes for your face, you can body shot him and win.
    Could you imagine the tears? LoL
  6. Xasapis

    Never played Halo (don't own a console), but what you describe is mostly how it works in Planetside 2.

    Bottom line, one hit kill weapons can work just fine, it comes down to proper implementation.
  7. Paragon Exile

    I agree, Planetside 2 does it well enough that I don't mind.

    Except for Scatmaxes, **** those things.
  8. vsae

    Yeah, lets reward inaccurate clueless bads like you for being bads, that would be great game design.
  9. LibertyRevolution

    Yes, wouldn't it?
    There is flak armor to counter OHK deaths from AI mines, so why not a suitslot to counter for headshots.
    Seems fair to me.
  10. Xasapis

    I suppose that could work. Are you dying from sniping fire that much to warrant one though?
  11. LibertyRevolution

    I don't die to snipers, as I never stop moving since they changed nanoweave. ;)
    Most snipers can't hit a randomly moving target.
  12. Xasapis

    Then why would you equip such a module, when something else can give you an actual advantage you can't replicate with random movement?
  13. LibertyRevolution

    To counter the tryhards that aim for headshots...
    Like if I am at a base fighting AC/DA and I know the guys I am fighting go for headshots.

    Just like I put on flak armor when I know I am going to be exposed to explosive spam.

    I want it to work like flak armor, but for headshots.
    It should should make headshots do 50% of a bodyshot.
    So it would work just like vsae said:
  14. Xasapis

    Tryhards? Seriously? So the people who can bother to actually aim are tryhards?

    Personally I wouldn't mind it. Wouldn't change much, since they can obviously aim and you (think you) can not.

    50%? Keep dreaming, when the reduction is 90% for legs shots and nanoweave gave one extra bullet worth of protection.
  15. LibertyRevolution

    Yes, if you stop and aim at heads, then you are trying way harder than me, so yes.. tryhards.
  16. Xasapis

    Won't happen. Well, it could happen if they go the Titanfall's way and start including auto aim weapons. That way the lack of skill is rewarded more than the effort to improve.
  17. vsae

    Flak armor is a hint that game design went into toilet.
    Countering skill by crutches would drive away all the competitive players into vehicels or maxes and then you will cry even more.
  18. LibertyRevolution

    I prefer games with hard counters, they are more balanced.
    Please see my new thread on removing OHK from AP rounds for clarification.
  19. vsae

    I dont care what you prefer. This game isnt what should you prefer. Rockpaperscissors is a bad balance design and is only viable in MMORPGs not in shooter games.
  20. Xasapis

    Well, even in mmorpgs, there is a trend lately to move away from class based trinity designs (like WoW) and move towards a more skill based oriented design (like GW2). Both are viable in the mmorpg space and it really depends on the play style you prefer.