Emerald's Rock Bottom

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CorporalClegg, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Hatesphere

    No, i am saying thats what it has turned into since both NC and TR haven't had their boyz descend in quite some times concerning fighting the VS.

    Except every side, even the NC and TR play the redeploy game, not just the VS :rolleyes:. Its just at the moment NC and TR are whole heatedly ignoring the VS at the same time keeping the pressure off, so when someone actually decides to attack the VS they have the population to spare because "VS are icky" so no one will come to the fight.

    No I dont think losing is fun, but I think that a challenge is worth the effort. right now the majority of NC and TR have defeatist attitudes and ignore the VS by telling themselves "they are OP" or "they are too organized" when in reality they just dont want to get it together and fight the VS.
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  2. TheShrapnelKing

    If it's any consolation to anybody almost 90% of my kills since Emerald was formed have been VS, simply because I hate them so much. I WANT to fight them, I WANT THEM TO DIE. Everyone else needs to think like me - if you hate them, don't avoid them, take pleasure in killing them.
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  3. Hatesphere

    exactly, thats why I switched from VS to TR, everyone was ******** about the population and I dont like to fight on the higher pop all the time. now I kill mainly VS and keep a positive K/D to boot, they are not gods.
  4. EGuardian1

    The VS are not gods. I maintain a positive KD all the time even using TERRIBLE weapons like the Duster, the Canister, and Fortuna Shotgun (i refuse to use the carbine side of it)

    But this ISN"T about a single player's experience, this is about factional experience. If you decide to actually try and get something done and you continually meet a wall of enemies you alone can't break, and your allies aren't organizing a proper strategy,

    It's like someone who wants to fly an ESF, so they take one out and want to fly and have some fun - maybe get into some A2G fights. Then a Gank Squad comes by and hammers him with 3 AA ESFs and two Shredder Libs.

    Good for the faction, bad for player experience. What do you tell the player who got ganked? "GIT GUD." "Get a buddy to drive a Skyguard for you". "Join an Air Outfit and fly with other people." "Don't go near giant fights," "Stop flying, you'll anger the skygods."
  5. Negator

    You contradict yourself with those two lines. You admit to it, but dont like hearing it?
  6. Linedan

    Oh man. I remember RGQT doing a couple of Lancer/Burster nests covering that southeast warpgate and yeah, there's several spots down there that are an absolute female dog to root a half-platoon force out of.
  7. Gammit

    That's the main one I had in mind. No tech plant, and no easy or medium way to get one.
  8. a-koo-chee-moya

    1. So, it takes advantageous high ground and an organized platoon for Lancers to be effective? Seems pretty balanced to me.

    2. Its a bit underhanded, but you are right next to your home base..... and its really effective.
  9. LibertyRevolution

    You can pull a gal from any base with 2 air terminals, so any tower base and any large outpost with an air pad..
    You can pull MBT from any tech plant, whether it is yours or not if you hack the terminal.

    There is 0 reason to depart from your warpgate in a vehicle.
    As of right now there is only 1 reason to even be in a warpgate, and that is to get to VR training..

    In fact if you ever hear a SL or PL say to go to the warpgate, then you should know you are being led by a moron.
  10. Yeahy

    Pretty sure a few months ago somebody posted a similar thread, but VS was replaced with TR and lancer was replaced by striker.
    History repeats itself ya know?
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  11. Yeahy

    There are just as many OP weapons for NC and TR.

    First off, Ravens are stupidly powerful. Never call them UP. Ever. It took forever to clear out that mess. And second, this is why NC have zero sympathy amongst the community. You abuse broken weapons, massively outnumber, and then pretend to be the underpowered underdogs.

    Fact of the matter is that no one wants to fight against a rapidly redoploying force which always outnumbers you, can instamurder aircraft and tank alike from afar, and has a long range spammable anti armor.

    See? I just applied that to your faction. You know how insulting that feels?
  12. Rentago

    I don't know, I figured anything in number was OP, infact I thought teamwork is what makes anything in this game OP.

    Be grateful it wasn't a bunch of NC with mana turrets and maxes on a hill, they are NO fun. Try to remove them with infantry? Shotguns! Try to get around them? Laser guided rockets! Try to go over them and you'd get instagibbed with a combined effort of rockets and flak. To actually remove them took a team of galaxies trying to crush them, because I don't think anything has a chance against an MBT that features a shield.

    Its a good thing their whole population tends to be dumb, or they'd actually know how good they have it. compared to the rest of us, which surprisingly the complaint has been limited to like two weapons and not a whole faction like the NC blessed with Higby's favoritism.

    Remember when Higby and others kept worrying the Lancer would be used to snipe infantry with while from day 1 the Phoenix was a camera guided infantry killing machine?
  13. Gammit

    You really do just skip everything I write, don't you? I already addressed this. But feel free to repeat yourself again.
  14. CorporalClegg

    Are you actually chastizing me for "flying low and predictable" less than a hex outside of my own warpgate?

    Congrats on ganking a bunch of unsuspecting aircraft, yes it caused confusion for a long time. NC are not known as quick responders and it took five minutes for the orders to (in all caps) call for defense of our own ******* warpgate.

    It wasn't all lancers sure, but thats what killed us and did the VAST majority of damage. A vortex max came in second. Close enough. Sure you probably would have killed me with flack or lockons. I didn't see a warpgate camp coming, your right.

    I find it funny that you think its criticism that we arent try-hardy enough. I view that as a compliment. The liberator you shot down was mine, and I use the duster... so yeah. MLG bro.

    Let people have fun with a damn game. Dont be a dick. You gain NOTHING by sneaking deep behind lines and shooting down flights headed to TR space, other than a couple of giggles and hate tells.
  15. DatVanuMan

  16. DatVanuMan

    I don't get it. VS forces infiltrated NC lines and began to pummel the warp gate because NO ONE would fight them. What if the same thing happened to the TR? Question is: Why wouldn't YOU guys do the same thing? Sure, it may not be fun for you to be pinned at your own warp gate, but there is something called redeploying, and there is something called tactics. Just because your warp gate was "camped" doesn't mean the VS are doing anything wrong. Anyways, how is it that your superior numbers, general surplus of vehicles, and proximity of aircraft unable to defeat this 15-man army? Redeploy, attack from behind, be rid of them.
  17. CorporalClegg

    Case in point. "We are underpowered underdogs"

    I never said the Lancer was OP. I should have been more clear. It's been a common topic of complaint amongst VS on the forums and that annoys me. Stop whining, your ESRL is fine. That **** can wreck entire convoys.

    And its still disgusting powerful against the oh-so-unstoppable raven max. Get two guys with a Lancer. Boom insta-Gibbed max.
  18. Rovertoo

    Maybe I didn't word it right, but I feel that "Get better" is different from "Go get in a platoon".
  19. FocusLight

    Yeah, the south-east gate. I *LOVE IT* when we get camped into WG there, it's so easy to farm the campers, it's barely even funny. I can shoot those guys with ease from inside the WG with impunity, and they can't do anything to shoot me back.
  20. Roland2TowerCame

    oh noes somebody set up an AA ambush nest.
    I've never had that happen before by any other fac..no wait, it's happened lots of times before