Downtime on a public holiday??????

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mesdupkilr, Mar 29, 2013.

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  1. Nilidus

    • Up x 4
  2. Bankrotas

    Oh come on, easter is just adaptation of first harvest day for jews...
  3. Rhyl

    I just hope they fix proximity mines.
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  4. Raap

    I can't blame them, but it does tell you that in order to get the fixes you need for the game to be enjoyable for you, you need to be more vocal.

    Yes my boy, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
  5. Zenith

    SOE has more down-time than anyone else, and the down-times are also much, much longer. I suspect it's a side effect of having no idea what they're doing. :p
  6. Czuuk

    Holy sweet hybrid alien baby jebus. You do realize the servers are down because people have been crying since the last update right? Now people are crying that a free game is down for an hour to fix what people have been crying about for 2 days?

    I just can't get over the sense of entitlement of people these days.
  7. Czuuk

    There should really be a thumbs down button.
  8. Zenith

    2 hours actually, assuming they don't run into a 'technical issue' and extend that by another half a day.

    Your tears are delicious.
  9. Alien51

    I'll take that as a no.
  10. cheesefry

    Go out and breathe some fresh air, maybe take a shower and visit a friend, etc. It's not the end of the world, or even the day for that matter.
  11. Phyr

    Elighten me. I'm going to guess you're going to argue semantics, something like "primetime is when the most people are online". In which case you'd be wrong.
  12. Richardblabla

    "Now people are crying that a free game is down for an hour to fix what people have been crying about for 2 days?"

    Some of us actually spent quite a lot of money on this game. I'd say I'm entitled to play when I want.

    I agree it'd be nice to fix the Phoenix and Lancer, but does it really need to take this long?
  13. Czuuk

    I'm not crying. I'm just very disappointed that entitlement syndrome actually exists because nobody can tell the kids parents that they're just spoiled brats.
  14. Czuuk

    You are entitled to nothing. You spent your money on SOE station cash. You should read the EULA.
    • Up x 1
  15. Zenith

    To be honest, you are also part of the entitlement problem, because you feel entitled not to read entitlement posts. It's quite funny when you think about it.
  16. LordMondando

    In many ways this is the natural conclusion to all threads about this.

  17. Alien51

    Just because I'm going to argue semantics doesn't mean I'm wrong.

    That is what Primetime is, always has been. Yes Downtime will always affect someone , but they should schedule downtime so as to affect the least amount of people possible. Which would be not during the Primetime, which changes from timezone to timezone.

    Saying "No matter when they update it will be primetime for someone." simply doesn't make any sense. What you mean is, "Someone will always be disappointed." Ya that's obvious.
  18. Czuuk

    Not really. I'm here to fan the flames.
  19. Phyr

    Primetime in AU is different then primetime in EU, which is different then primetime in US. There are players from all over the world (Helios is very asian heavy for instance), it's always primetime for someone.
  20. Stadulator

    Ok big dog, so why aren't you playing those games? And not one of those companies you listed has an MMO that requires constant updating, so really, you havent' brought anything to the table
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