Do we continue to support developers by continued purchases or do we let our wallets speak....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Delax, Dec 17, 2012.

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  1. Phyr

    Exactly. You ungrateful children.
  2. Dazamin

    Thats not exactly what happened, and if you think that was the major factor that changed the minds of the company, and not the thousands of cancelled subscriptions then I really don't know what to tell you.
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  3. Broke1

    Of course I ****ign know what's causing the problem. CPU optimization is piss-*******-poor, and nonexistant for AMD users, who are **** out of luck, and have been FOR ******* MONTHS.

    >And it doesn't matter if it's a problem.

    Yeah, if you want Crock of Dookey. I for one, don't want another god-damned arena shooter. Right now PS2 is a piss-poor BF3 clone.
  4. Steppa

    One thing I've not been able to figure out is why the GPU box is greyed out/unselectable. I'm running 35-40 FPS in big battles so I'm of a "it's not broke, don't fix it" mentality. I tinkered with the ini file a little but I still get the best results, for both beauty and performance, with everything on HIGH. I just which I knew what the GPU option isn't available.
  5. Bad News

    I do not pay to beta test a game, once this open beta ends and when they have fixed colorblind support so i can join a squad and see the different on my own squad and enemys, then i will **** my sundys.
  6. pnkdth

    I disagree. I'm sorry your expectations weren't met but even those are subjective at best, rediculous at worst. My experience with the game does not mirror yours, and have yet to find these game breaking bugs you're talking about. It is definitely rough around the edges but when you make posts like this you're just exaggerating for the sake of exaggerating.

    This analogy fits perfectly if you're still sitting there with the beta client wondering why the game doesn't launch. I recommend removing all beta content and doing a fresh install.
  7. Goomba

    None of those things are an opinion.
  8. ChipMHazard

    If you do not feel like a product/service is worth paying for then you should obviously stop paying for it.
    I don't have a problem with people refusing to pay for ingame items/services until they feel like the game is worth spending money on.
    I don't have a problem with people who believe that the game will become better as time passes on and thus want to support the developers.
    I don't have a problem with people who think that the game is completely worth spending money on.
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  9. Rokeugon

    The game is great however the game is totally ****** and is no where near the point of sinking in money into the game i just used the 500 station cash that SOE gave us last year
  10. voody

    True, CCP wasn't and still isn't Sony. Just because Sony is Sony, though, it doesn't mean they are magicians. The notion of big name = good product and/or high expectations is something i never quite understood personally. There is a kind of prejudice in this sort of thinking that i just don't like, i guess. I mean, there were small companies who made a great game, grew and continued to make great games. Then there is small companies who made a great game, grew and started to release mediocre or plain bad titles and finally there is huge companies who release good and/or bad titles. Names don't say much. Actions do. I am not saying this game right now is what it could be nor do i want to make a 1:1 comparison between Sony and CCP or Blizzard. I am saying that games, which are great and acclaimed today often started as something incomplete and unpolished and almost always caused overreaction, panic and anger within its community when they were initially released.

    About the community involvement, yes, CCP is pretty good at that and yes, they had a downward slope in active accounts. But what does that really say? Blizzard is very reclusive when it comes to things they intend to do or set their priorities on things not all customers would agree with. The state of is a good example there. Yet their games are, at least later on, of very high quality and usually very successful. CCP is very open about it comparatively but despite their interaction with the commnity managed to upset people to the point where masses of players didn't want to play anymore. Not because CCP didn't do X in Y amount of days, like it is here, but by implementing things no one really wanted or deemed to be unimportant for years up until the point it backfired. It's not like CCP wanted to move in a direction the playerbase didn't like and got flak for it. It was more like they moved it into a direction the players didn't like for too long. Also, there was the Hilmar incident you may or may not remember.

    Sony on the other hand hasn't moved anything yet. The game is out for a little more than 3 weeks and i just don't see the point in indirectly asking if there should be a massive boykott right now or not, which would most likely kill the game because the studio SOE is just a subdivision of a giant corporation which cuts off dead limbs much faster than a fairly independant studio like CCP, who can withstand pressure to a certain degree with sheer passion for what they do. This might not be the case here.

    If this game looks like this in a year from now, without a somewhat decent metagame, imbalanced and generally lackluster in several departments i will agree that they dropped the ball. But right now i think people should take a deep breath, relax a litte and see where it goes. Overall, yes, player power can indeed work and sometimes it is necessary. But with great power comes great responsibility. Spiderman told me.
  11. Delax

    I'm amazed at some of the assumption and audacity of some of you. I shouldn't be surprised though, it is the internet. It's left me flabbergasted though that some felt I was attacking the game and demanding a boycott. Which I wasn't and to those that openly attacked me with verbal threats and calling me a child don't even deserve this reference to honestly. And I thank the mods for dealing with these petulant and facetious posts, because they don't belong in this community.

    Now to give my opinion, because some (if not most) have assumed I'm 'the bad guy' as this little social experiment ran it's course and went off topic around page 4.

    I love the game and I will continue to support the developers when I have the free cash available. However, I will take all of my purchases into serious consideration before spending my SC due to the previous actions of developers. I also feel that with the recent changes to many things, especially pay items, should have been automatically refunded to the user because the item they paid for is no longer the item they paid for, it's something else. It may look and have the same name, but it is something different. It would be like paying for a Mercedes, owning it for a while, and then they being forced to take it back to put an engine in it that is from a Honda. That is a bit of entitlement from being treated so well by other companies, but why can't they follow such good business practices? It would definitely make us very appreciative of them and would lower their "SoE is evil" standing and give them a better customer approach.

    So despite what people have assumed, OP here, loves the game and will continue to support the game. However, if things every did turn for the worse my wallet would become the talking point as it should be for everyone else. Anyone who supports a sinking ship deserves by throwing money at it deserve the loss, but Planetside 2 just left port and has a long time before we find out when she'll sink.

    Now for some replies.

    You are thinking way to much into the question. It's not a conspiracy theory or any kind of attempt at anything beyond getting a consensus from the players. It's simple curiosity on my behalf. I guess curiosity will eventually lead the cat to become crucified on the internet eh?

    No it is not. I love the game and I want to support it. The outcry I saw on the forums though leads myself (and I bet the development team) to assume that people don't enjoy their game. This is why I asked. I do have issues with the game, but these are things like when the jetpack breaks or the engie gun glitch.

    Assumption makes you and I look like ***-holes, so let's not do that.

    I have a few gripes with the game, but I'm 90+ hours in and don't plan on stopping. I feel the question was very general as 'our' refers to EVERYONE, not just the descenting opinion.

    Dear replier,

    Your issues are indeed my issues as they are everyone's issues. Because my issues with the game are technical bugs and poor optimization, not necessarily the gameplay issues.

    Sincerely, me.

    I would say, "Thanks for being decent everyone!" but that would be a lie.
  12. Leer

    It was a generalization of last Thursday's update that changed the rocket launchers. It was supposed to improve AA. Turns out it is bugged or is didn't work out that way they planned. HA rocket launchers have suffered over all.
  13. Zer0range

    I'm merely identifying your erroneous thinking.
  14. forkyar

  15. QuantumMechanic

    Regardless of the state of the game, people are going to stock up on station cash this Friday. Probably me too.
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  16. Dazamin

    Because a company like Sony has resources that a company like CCP can only dream of, which should give them the ability to put out a game in a better state. They are not in a position where not releasing now will bankrupt the company, so really there is no excuse for releasing unfinished games. The games that spring to mind when I think about companies rushing development are WAR, and SW:TOR, both of which rapidly lost subscribers and they never returned. Of course MMOs add content over time, but theres a difference between adding content, and asking your players to pay to participate in what is essentially still a beta.

    Any kind of boycott would be unlikely to kill the game, the majority of players would be unlikely to get involved. Also I wasn't really suggesting that there should be a boycott, more just trying to make the point that SOE is a business, and if you want a business to take note then you withdraw your custom. So if you don't like what they're doing, not giving them any money is likely to be far more effective than any number of well written forum posts. Personally I won't spend any more cash for the game in its current state.

    These are quite important elements, and should really be in from day one. This is why I complain about players participating in what are basically betas they have to pay for, I don't like the attitude of get it out and get the money in first, worry about content later.
  17. AzK

    I'm not gonna give them any money until they:

    1) completely redesign bases/outposts/towers and make them something totally indoor, where vehicles play no part at all.
    2) make ttks 2-3 seconds longer on basically everything, and get rid of the skilless cod/bf3 instakill gameplay.
    3) balance nc by either nerfing tr/vs or making nc themselves better, since their weapons, esf, and tank, are vastly inferior.
  18. Esxraptor

    A long wait coming ?

    Although to be fair... with a rolling program of game improvements... it's going to/maybe happen at some stage.

    Perhaps the January 2013 statement will cover some of your "wants" ?
  19. PapaMojo

    I support the dev's by continuing to be content for the paying players.

    When there is more of a metagame, prices are set to be more reasonable (see Horn), and there is more bug-fixing then I may be converted to paying customer. But for now, I'm content to be content.
  20. RadarX

    This one has derailed quite a few times and really isn't covering a specific gameplay topic so I'm afraid I need to close it. Your very valid feedback has been read and is appreciated.
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