Dasanfall Stats Site is biased now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pruto, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. BITES

    Ditto .. I'm a MAX player but its still a very usefull tool.

    Well said...

    That being said I'm owning the Megahigby board :p its all that matters :>
  2. Posse

    That's confidential, though if you look at several profiles you might get a clue of what it represents :D
  3. equinub

    With there being no PS2 END GAME. :eek:

    For many battle rank 100 players Dasanfall is primary reason they're still playing planetside 2. :p

    Comparing statistical epeen and amount of external medals/awards is funniest way to gauge an individuals MLG PRO Levels. :cool:

    If Dasanfall created an " I LOVE DA" or "custom" selectable stats .GIF/JPG image, the popularity uptake would crash the site.

    So thank you Ender and 50ShadesPurple and others involved.
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  4. Wafflepancake



    back on topic:
    In all reality people are forgetting the site is technically for an Outfit. So while they can use the stats they generate on their site to help their members and adjust their own strategy, we should be thankful as the ones who drive the nail in their coffins that they allow us to use their data. While I don't agree with their position on use of specialty weapons, it is Dasanfall and Dasanfall alone who can decide how they want to measure their members.
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  5. BITES

    "On your bike" sunshine.
  6. LibertyRevolution

    What if you bicycle has training wheels, is it no longer a bike? ;)
  7. Robes

    No, it becomes a four wheeler.
  8. toxs

    no one uses maxes