[BUG] Complete Reaver-gun breakdown: It's worse than we thought

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sdfasdfa, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. Excellentz

    New vortex is fine....Definitely not less superior than the AH. Sure AH may be better up close, but who gets that close? If I do I will bust them up with breaker pods.

    New vortex featured in this vid..
  2. LanceHavenbay

    Just letting you know, firing bullets into the Warpgate building... causes them to jut up and to the left. Go ahead. Fly your Reaver or Lib in there and fire straight in. I can make a video if you do not believe me.
  3. PS2Freak

  4. Excellentz

    I am confused...are you speaking against the OP's thoughts or what? Yes...create a video that shows this to be more clear..
  5. jm20

    I would prefer to shoot at targets that are not hidden below my HUD, let's bump this again.
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  6. cann0nf0dder

    my prowlers dualcanons are offcenter, too
    i want cookies !!!!!11
  7. Accuser

    But they don't auto-converge. If the Reaver cannon didn't auto-converge there would be no issue.
  8. SebDollar

    As a member of an NC Airborne Outfit, I have to bump this thread again.
    The gun being more off center than the Mossie or Scythe is a very slight disadvantage you easily can adjust to - BUT the combination of the very off center gun with the "auto-aim" makes it unnecessarily difficult to land shots in close dogfights.

    I really think that they should remove any aim assist, and let the pilot decide where the shots go! It would greatly improve how much I enjoy flying. And this is comming from a guy who have logged 100+ hours in my Reaver
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  9. Phazaar

    I'd give any amount of SC for Higby to come in here and post his thoughts on this issue. He plays NC; there's no excuse for him not knowing about this.
  10. HydrooPUMP

    Fix the convergence -.-
  11. Antivide

    Just move the gun to the nose and turn off the auto aim.

    Honestly, is it that hard to change the model? Just remove the top latch from the vortek model and stick it on the nose in front of the cockpit. Make the bullets shoot out of the NOSE instead of the CHIN of the dang Reaver.
  12. Excellentz

    Oh he knows about it....I bombard his twitter weekly with Reaver IMBA posts
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  13. SebDollar

  14. Leo Di Caprio

    So Higby replies to a pointless thread and this is at the bottom of the concerns.
  15. Excellentz

    Yeah sadly that is how its been so far. Go tweet it to him! He always seems to ignore me..but may as well try! Here is mine retweet it!
  16. NightmareP69

    I find the reaver main gun to be the best, the amount of damage it does is insane. You can take out ESFs in just a few bursts while the Scythe and Mossy main gun do piss poor damage and require you to waste at least an entire clip to take out one ESF.
  17. Solo Phoenix

    Having just discovered this thread, I wish I could upvote the OP more. sdfasdfa, you are truly an asset to the community. I am extremely impressed by the effort put into the research, testing and presentation of this work. I am even more impressed by your dedication and tenacity that keeps you here to refute the arguments of the people who think they can redefine geometry if they post enough times.

    As a player, forum member, and perhaps most of all, as a Reaver pilot, bravo.
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  18. rocketchicken

    Boring thread filled with ignorance and bias. I fly all ESFs and they are extremely similar with just enough small differences to make them fun. ESF-to-ESF balance is the most balanced aspect of this game in my informed opinion.
  19. ThundaHawkPS


    "Jaeger's best pilot". The famous ROCKETHICKEN, the man who without access to his infinity-auto-repair exploit got bounced by ThundaHawke's OP mosquito 3 times without even being able to return fire. Nice of you to grace this thread.

    And no, ESFs aren't remotely balanced. The mosquito's advantage as the top ESF is no less severe than the pre-nerf magrider. It's just less apparent because the ESF skillcap is higher than that of tanks. :)
  20. rocketchicken

    Ah ThunderHawke, who so famously was killed by ROCKETCHICKEN exactly 17 times in a row without him even being able to suicide-crash or eject. Who so famously killed ROCKETCHICKEN once while ROCKETCHICKEN was afk. Who so famously became proud of this moment and then exaggerated this skilled feat on the forums.

    It's good to meet you ThundaHawke, I heard you're famous on the internet.