Complete: MAX Punch Auraxium

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NUKABAZOOKA, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. BITES

    Herp durrrp ... yeah .. cause all factions have a permanent run speed AND damage increase like ZOE right?... try thinking BEFORE posting.

    Knew I should have gotten those crayons....
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  2. Zombo

    This was about pure speed, and don't tell me you can't manage to run into enemies with the standart charge and kill someone melee, thats just sad dude :(
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  3. BITES

    Crayons table Zombo, Crayons Table Zombo
  4. f0d

    you always take advantage of any chance you get to tell everyone how good you are dont you?

    let the man have his 5 mins of fame
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  5. Ender

    Thank you for proving my point.
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  6. BigIronRanger

    LOL now i am certain you are hating on me. every reply i get from you is always so spiteful and contemptuous.

    if you read mustardes comment carefully you would have seen he also bragged about him being the first guy to auraxium all the pistols and very egotistically saying "yours truly" then linking the stats to his somewhat ubiquitous pisolt challenge thread which he posts on every single thread about auraxuiums and which in my opinion is not very impressive considering me and some other people have more auraxiums alone than he and NUKA combined.

    Mind you im not as egotisitcal as you think i am i only post my achievements on threads that are relevant to it. Just stop hating on me dude. I can be a reasonable and competitive guy at the same time just the way you attack me seems like its personal hell i was talking mustarde dude not you dont know why you felt the need to interfere.
  7. Typhoeus

    Meh anyone getting auraxium with a kinfe is more impressive then this. Sorry but ZOE max *yawn*
  8. BigIronRanger

    Ahh but you see thats where the real challenge kicks in dude, anyone can do something they like it takes willpower and determination to do something they don't

    LOL its funny cause you are the guy posting your pistol and sniper rifle challenge on every bloody thread.
    also i think i got all the pistols to auraxiums before you but i didn't feel the egotistical need to make a thread about it and i could have added my name to your thread ages ago but i didn't why cause apparently i need attention.

    Probably contradicts your beliefs about me as to why i haven't made a thread about me having all the infantry weapons on auraxium huh?

    Seriously dude stop acting like an entitled ***** towards me just cause you are supposedly (commercially) the best infiltrator on these forums.

    I didn't directly reply to the OP's post and say "oh look i have all these medals and im better than you" i sincerely said that he should not have made a thread like this given the current circumstances the adulation was inevitably drowned out by the frustration and hate for the blatantly broken ability that is ZOE .

    I only replied to your post cause i knew it was only a matter of time before you posted the pistol or infiltrator challenge care to explain the difference between you posting your pistol and infil challenge thread on every achievement thread and me posting links to myself and other players to show that there are players who have done more than restrict themselves to a single class.

    So you are allowed to stroke your ****** but i'm not allowed to stroke mine i don't know that does seem a bit hypocritical.

    Anyways nothing personal here just shedding light on the lack of inequality presented in your reply to me, all that is superficial of course.

    The real matter here is that NUKA added insult to injury by completing the MAX punch auraxium while utilising ZOE i mean what did you expect daisies and sunshine, i mean the first reply to the thread has more like than the OP goes to show huh.

    Why did margaret have to reply to such a trivial and meaningless post when there are tons of others out there putting heaps of thought and time into constructive posts regarding the game especially people like you mustarde who so "unselfishly" only promotes the infil class ever wonder why there is so much hate in your threads and why only other infils support you? "I mean what would mustarde know about ZOE MAX he's probably 200 meters out taking pot shots at helpless medics and engies, he never has to deal with them"

    Well that was fun anyways i hope we can be better people after this little tiff .:)
  9. CommanderShwan

    No reasonable person would have 1,600 hours in a game that has barely been out over a year. Seriously dude, that's a good 17% of your entire life over the course of last year was spent playing this video game. That's just going off the soldier you linked, not even counting any other characters you have on PS2 let alone any other video games you may have played.

    Now I could sit here and call you a loser and you have no life or whatnot, but it's pretty apparent with your posts that you have a serious video game addiction and I urge you to seek help and salvage yourself before it's too late.
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  10. f0d

    every reply you have made in this thread is talking about how easy it is to do this and OP isnt good at all
    i just disagree that it isnt a good auraxium to get - sure you might have 19264537483 auraxium medals but did you need to come in this MAX PUNCH AURAX thread to show them off? and say ""It could be said that he is trolling"?

    im just saying let the OP have his 5 mins - he did well getting that aurax max punch and i congratulate him for it.!
    at least mustardes congratulated him on it instead of being a downer on it

    if you said "good work OP you have a little more to catch up to me though" then i wouldnt have said anything because you wouldnt have been a debbie downer on him

    who gives a flying poop if he used zoe - its still a hard aurax to get imo

    and i dont hate on YOU i hate on your degrading comments towards other peoples achievements

    are you better than me: for sure
    do i care that i suck: not really - i play games for fun, not stats or being the best
  11. Scienta

    You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. This man went the distance and then you **** on him.

    Congrats NUKA. Don't let those ****heads drag your accomplishments down.
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  12. MrMurdok

    This thread suddenly took an intersting turn.

    At which point, I'd like to remind everyone that Purple Community Girl is not a game developer anymore, and therefore all of your "Why do you comment on this thread instead of balancing ZOE" are just silly.
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  13. ajma


    Congrats OP and ignore the ********.
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  14. f0d

    she cant comment on weapon balance or game fixes but she can comment on things like this thread
    then everyone comes in here and s***'s on her for being nice and polite and saying congratulations

    no wonder nobody from SOE comes on these forums when people say stuff like they have in this thread
  15. Nocturnal7x

    Now to it in a max that doesn't have super saiyan speed.
  16. Mustarde

    Well BIR, nuka and I have a history together back to December of last year, when we tried to race each other to aurax the infil weapons. It took 2 months or so and by some insane fate we finished within 30 minutes of each other. I started chiseling away at pistols while he started playing other classes, but we still talk to each other on twitter and in game, and I subscribe to his stream and watch when I can. I was very excited to see him reach the max punch aurax - there are few things in this game that are worth cheering on others for.

    So you could say, my mention of that aurax experience we had together was relevant to his new level of awesome with the max punch, especially in response to all the hate he was getting for doing this as a ZOE. I suppose I could have sent him a private tell suggesting he try pistols next but I didn't really feel the need to do that.

    I don't blame you for lashing back at me and trying to find some way to make me look bad after I expressed some annoyance towards your habit of posting about how awesome you are and how many auraxium medals you have in thread after thread. At first I was impressed, but as you've continued to beat that horse dead, I am finding less and less interest in reading threads where you manage to both brag about your own skill and accomplishment while putting down all others around you. You are undoubtedly a good player, but your forumside KDR needs serious work.
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  17. Ketadine

    Are you a masochist ? :)
  18. MasterDemoman

    GJ getting auraxium on a MAX that runs faster than a Light Assault with Adrenaline pump.
  19. Gary

    Really don't see it being difficult, Just time consuming, Level 9 VS here with Max with Rank 1 ZOE... Majority of enemies turn to run because even 3 - 1 they know it is a joke. This means they are not facing you and since you move faster you just chase them down.

    Whilst it is a Feat to get auraxium on them it is a time consuming one not a "difficult" one with the current VS max.
  20. Covah