Complete: MAX Punch Auraxium

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NUKABAZOOKA, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. Phazaar

    So much lol in this thread.
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  2. SinerAthin

    Impressive challenge indeed!
    Good job.

    Indeed, ignore the whiners :p
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  3. SnipersUnion

    Well done on the Auraxim!

    Its clear from this thread that the ZOE ability not being nerfed sooner has now totally ruined both peoples sense of humor and ability to communicate with each other without foaming at the mouth ;)
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  4. BodyBagCowboy

    Congrats on that extremely difficult achievement. As a Vanu max user, I appreciate how much of a pain in the *** that must have been and how much c4 you had to eat. Landing two max punches in a row on a moving target is hard, I avoid trying it at all.

    Also, this thread has changed my opinion about nerfing ZOE. I was thinking it was maybe a little too good and should be adjusted, but after seeing the venomous hate and horrible sportsmanship from the turds on this thread, I feel that it should be buffed instead. Really, let these guys cry until they hemmorhage. No respect whatsoever. You guys would poop on Grinder and Fracture achievements too?
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  5. Cinnamon

    That's some commitment to punching.

  6. R3dBeaver

    jeezus christ all the haters here....

    it's still a feat that u can melee with a MAX. it's not THAT easy running around while glowing, effectively makin u a big target.

    it's not as magical as doing it in the other empire's MAX, but STILL. COME ON PEOPLE.

    GJ OP.
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    No sane VS will deny this.
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  8. TheFamilyGhost

    Wow, the childish hate is...disappointing.

    "grats on your accomplishment. There's not enough positive threads around here....glad you shared.
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  9. that_darn_lurker

    If my math is correct, that's as many times that Sawyer took a beat-down during the entire series of Lost.

    EDIT: LOL at all the hate in this thread.
  10. Ganelon

  11. EmperorZ

    ZOE master race.

    Shame on you Nuka.
  12. Zotamedu

    This feels about as impressive as an Auraxium on Zepher in January...
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  13. IamDH

    ZOE or not, still an impressive achievement. Yeah it was made easier but he still did it
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  14. Saool

    Well done mate.

    But good lord. I was going to make a sarcastic comment about Vanu punch clearly being overpowered but... Jesus. These forums are almost as deep a vitriolic pit of bile are EvE Online's. Almost.

    Again well done chief. Nuts, but dedicated.
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  15. MajiinBuu

    All these people saying it's because of ZOE.
    Who cares, the point is he did it.
    Congratulate him and go back to your constant [IMG]
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  16. umbrellapower

    He couldn't have posted this and expected anything else, considering it's been 6 damn months of ZOE. All NC and TR are thoroughly sick of fighting VS and their cheesesuits.

    And of course Luperza has to post in this thread, as she's a community rep, i.e. gets paid to make stupid jokes/faces on the PS2 Twitch channel and comment on inane things on the forums and Reddit (mostly Reddit).
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  17. PrimePriest

    *click on topic name*
    *see guy running around with ZOE like it's friggin light assault*

    Sorry, no respect from me.
    It's like getting Auraxium on know mostly tanks can't shoot back.
  18. Ganelon

    I'll see if I can find that rocketpod thread.
  19. Predator01cz

    mfw clicking this thread :D<(awww yisss)
    mfw threads loads and I see those ugly glowing claws o_O <(mmmkay)

    Getting it without ZOE would be an actual achievement.. This just makes it as valuable as medal on knife with Light Assault, except having 3x more health
  20. Hibiki54

    Congrats, Nuka.

    It's like the Barry Bonds home run records and the Ryan Braun NL MVP. You get a * after your medal