Complete: MAX Punch Auraxium

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NUKABAZOOKA, Nov 26, 2013.


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  2. Necron

    Shouldn't this thread be locked like every other thread in the general forums that talks about the ZOE MAX?
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  3. Bill Hicks

    You do know she is constantly making vids. I pretty sure she has alot of other duties.
  4. IamDH


    That moment you say something that sounded funny in your brain to realize it was terrible
  5. EmperorZ

    Exactly, I demand a written apology from Luperza for writing the offenses made in this thread as well as an official word that zoe is going to be changed in the future.

    Until I get both of these, forever shall remain this taste.
  6. Kaale

    oooh look it you get to use the OP ZOE all the time you to can run around and kill people without even needing weapons because they cant get away....
    let me just stand here literally riveted and give you a round of applause....
  7. Goretzu

    If he was bothered about people mentioning ZOE [IMG] he had the option to do it without ZOE. :D

    (but yes it is still an impressive achievement :) )
  8. Mustarde

    I'm sorry I didn't get to respond to this sooner... but congrats Nuka!!! You auraxium fiend!

    I hate ZOE as much as the next person. But that doesn't take away from this, one of the more rare and entertaining auraxium medals to get in the game.

    All of connery should be afraid, because now Nuka can use his max weapons again :)

    Your next challenge is the pistol auraxium:

    For those who have a mistaken impression of sir Nuka, he was the second player in the game to auraxium all the infiltrator weapons (by 30 minutes behind yours truly). He's not a one trick pony!
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  9. BigIronRanger

    Yeah you and nuka aren't one trick ponies but one trick horses.

    you and nuka are a couple of steps below the following auraxium gods:

    Yours truly BigIronRanger:!/5428010618041267217/weapons

    Have no fear there is still time to catch up. :)
  10. FieldMarshall

    Nice work. A little less impressive that it was done as ZOE, but still pretty good tbh.
    Can probably be replicated somewhat on TR/NC with charge, and by damaging your enemy a little first with your primary.

    Max punch with lockdown would be OP cause you can punch really really fast and kill everyone faster
  11. Mustarde

    I'm not really trying to get auraxium for weapons/classes that I rarely use, or have little interest in using. I aurax'd everything available to me as an infiltrator, and now I'm happy to just use the weapons that feel best for me in a given fight. Clearly nuka is still chasing after weird medals though :)

    I knew it was just a matter of time before you came in here to show off ALL those medals you've earned. We can't just admire someone for a unique accomplishment without first acknowledging how great of a player YOU are!
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  12. IamDH

    I would be so annoyed if that happened to me
  13. TheBloodEagle

    I bow down to you for today.
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  14. Torqameda

    OFFS people. Some of you are just complete downers. Congrats Nuka! While I earnestly believe that the ZOE was designed by a sadistic bastard (you basically are encouraged to chase down any and all wounded prey after you taste their blood...), you didn't use your normal weaponry for those 1000+ kills; you went full man-mode and slapped a hoe. For that I congratulate you.
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  15. Makora

    I don't know about that vanu, but as a true blood TR, I'm working on it! Dual pounders ALL THE WAY! With lockdown ;D
  16. deggy

    ZOEs move at the same speed as infantry.

    So it's comparable to the Knife Auraxium.
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  17. supernauttt

  18. Mhak

    All I could think while watching this was "holy **** ZOE MAXs move so god damn fast."
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    it's telling that the "Ideas and Suggestions" forum is rarely ever commented in by devs, but Luperza took the time out of her day to compliment a ZOE max punch auraxium.
  20. Zombo

    yeah, too bad the other factions don't have a MAX ability making them faster

    wait a second...

    edit: Congratz Nuka, you are a beast :eek:
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