Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Guy Montag, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. squairs

    you didnt expect balance arguments to lessen, now that its open to everyone?! ^^
  2. Skiidzman

    I want you to strap yourself to a Panda bear. Then proceed to play WoW. And then make an alt, using the race of troll.
  3. Sparks

    You must've missed the first incarnation of the scattermax rof bug then and the reaver afterburner speed bug just to name a few.
  4. CoolJ

    What was this thread about again?

    Having played with all of them, the T9 is no better than the VS pulsar or the NC medic rifle. They are all damn good. I don't see a problem.
  5. [HM]Krowe

    No... the CARV is not op, it may be the best default starting weapon with no attachments, but the SAW (was) pretty good if you had decent attachments. Although unfortunately I think VS and NC got hit with the nerf hammer awhile back in beta.
  6. GreySpitfire13

    Anyone who thinks the CARV isn't overpowered needs to switch to NC or VS and play for a few hours. I play mainly heavy and have played all three factions quite a bit. I play for the objective and do not care about my KD, but it is obvious when i check my stats at the end of my session and my KD is consistently 4:1 with the CARV and 1.5:1 with the SAW that something needs to be changed. I even have had a TR game where i was 130:8 with the CARV and i have never cleared a 3:1 with the SAW. Not really difficult to see NC and VS need a buff to their weapons...
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  7. Deathrus

    Yeaht he ScatMAx. I made a NC Just TO TK NC for the sctmax spam 90% of the nc all had maxes, yes it did happen!, Name was HowDoestheScatfel.
  8. raw

    You have my axe Orion Peashooter.
  9. hostilechild

    The t9 is also dam accurate at distance. Had more than one TR HA get 3-4 shots into my body at a range where 10x sniper rifle was near impossible to hit them. Only class i run from as sniper if turn towards me and shootis TR HA. Have to shoot cloak, run, shoot cloak run. As they will kill you during reload. Thank god, most TR HA stand still a lot :p
  10. Koadster

    Then I should be allowed the Puslar VS-1 for my TR medic!

    Also to people whining about NC weapons.. Higby posted a few weeks back all players are around 30% accuracy with NC a bit under.. so they got a small buff. Its not the weapons.. its you, if NC weapons were that underpowered they would get buffed.. Esp considering pretty much all the dev team are NC.
  11. Guy Montag

    You have no idea what you're talking about.
  12. Guy Montag

    First: no, it's not me.

    Second: Only a few of the dev team play NC. A lot of the actual content creators play TR and Vanu. The corporate guys play NC. So actually, it's MORE likely NC is supremely nerfed because the devs wanted to take pot-shots at the suits.

    I've played all 3 factions. NC is currently underpowered.

    Although I should also say a lot of blame goes to the complete ineptitude of 85% of the NC faction (most of which are literally COD-kids, as in under 18 and loaded up on Mountain Dew). I have NEVER seen so many useless players in any game launch EVER like I saw on NC last night in Matherson. Shameful.
  13. Zwan

    idk if i'd go as far to say it's overpowered. it's more like it just ridiculously easy to use/be good with. literally takes 0 skill to get headshots/kills with the Carv up to 100m, takes a tiny bit of skill to get kills over 100m with the carv (yes you can outshoot snipers with it). seems as though they planned for TR to be the "training wheels" faction for people to learn the game. really though once people get good at the game/aiming/more skilled you'll see more people going to NC/Vanu. A skilled NC player(has good control with his/her weapon) will beat a skilled TR player usually. on the flip side, an unkilled TR player will usually kill an unskilled NC player due to the difference in ease of use of the TR/NC weapons.

    VS seems pretty balance atm, same dps of TR(both more than NC), but have a reduced clip size generally and lose dmg over distance.
  14. JDCollie=VX9=

  15. Plunkies

    That would mean NC weapons are the worst weapons. If everyone has 30% accuracy and NC weapons fire slowest, the NC is at a natural disadvantage. Each bullet is a larger percentage of damage and each miss is punished more, which is further compounded by NC's last place TTK and poor CQB default weapons. If you don't understand why that is, think about why it's bad to have a 30% accuracy with a bolt rifle. Same idea.

    And don't be so naive as to think the Devs would want the game to be unbalanced because they play a particular faction. They make money, REAL LIFE MONEY, if the game is balanced and successful. But they aren't beyond making mistakes. One of those mistakes was buffing the Carv even when it was already a great gun.
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  16. destroyer239

    The CARV seems MUCH weaker to me than the NC starter heavy MG, at all ranges
  17. GamerOS

    All bugs, At no point were NC weapons OP by intended design of the Devs. (exccept for that moment were the SAW was buffed)

    The Carv is hands down the best starter LMG and one of the best compared to all the others, comepared to the SAW wich is arguably one of the, if not THE, worst of all the LMGs.
    Like most TR weapons it's got an extremely low skill gate, there is barely any recoil to learn and the weapon is incredibly easy to use out of the box and only gets better if one unlocks more attachments.

    The Carv is just to good in to many ways and has a way to low skill gate to justify it.

    The Carv has the highest ROF, low recoil, average COF and decent damage, it's easy to use and it's design allows it to quickly kill at close range and still be effective at longer ranges with full auto fire.
    The SAW has the lowest ROF of almost any gun in the game, very high recoil, and a COF that allows only for burst fire at anything beyone short/medium range, it has great damage but on range it misses to many shots and at close range it has to low ROF to compete.
  18. Antivide

    I meant infantry weapons. I don't really count MAX weapons as infantry weapons, as MAXes are more or less a infantry/vehicle hybrid class.

    Reaver speed bug and scatmax were indeed broken I won't disagree with that.
  19. Lightwolf

    Its all in how you use them. Try sticking to far walls and moving more slowly instead of COD charging.
  20. Garmr

    Both the carv and chaingun are insane, NC have nothing that can compete with it...