Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Guy Montag, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Guy Montag

    Who's with me?
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  2. DerpyHooves

    really this thread again?
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  3. Khorneholio

    Is this bullhockey argument ever going to go away? :/
  4. Germanius_GER

    Not me. -1
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  5. Erendil

    I eat CARV users for breakfast w/ my Orion.
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  6. Locke

    Faster ROF & superior accuracy are more important than strength of bullets with high recoil and bloom. NC weapons in general are just horrible to use in any sort of real combat situation while leaves people angry. Carv and Orion you can pretty much hold down the mouse button and get a kill if you control the recoil.
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  7. Plunkies

    It's not insanely overpowered but it's arguably one of the best weapons in the game. If they're going to leave the carv in its current state then they should at least allow the other factions to purchase a variant of it.
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  8. Deathbane

    NC complaining about weapons being overpowered.. really? REALLY? When you guys routinely drop me with what feels like a light breeze with your light carbines?

    Maybe its just my skewed perception as a TR fanboy, but ive always felt that the NC come out on top in a base fight where most of the combat takes place when on foot.

    Is the CARV really that bad when your weapons are so strong overall?
  9. desktop

    The carv is not overpowered the terrans skill that aims the carv is overpowered.
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  10. Revanmug

    Have fun with your already lost crusade. That battle was lost several time in the past... Doubtful the outcome changes in the future.
  11. Antivide

    NC weapons were never OP in beta. The only issue people had were with the Bolt actions (which is now a null topic) and VS weapons being weak, both of which have been addressed.

    I don't know where people are getting this idea that NC has always been OP, when it hasn't. It's only been a loud minority of biased individuals banding together to gain an advantage for their faction while handicapping another.
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  12. oherror

    i'll join the bandwagon....screw the carv, pistols are op they killed my max in 2 sec.
  13. Maderas

    Well, at least we made it a few hours before the NC started whinging again.
  14. h00n

    carv isn't remotely overpowered, it's just good.

    Now that
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  15. Incarnadine

    The Carv is at a good point, but the Orion is just ******* scarey. Problem with the Carv though is it (and the orion) are vastly ahead of the default NC lmg, which just blows horridly.

    The bought NC lmg's are more in line (I'm in particularly fond of the GD) but where anyone gets this idea of NC weapons being OP is just... silly. Slowest rof in general, same or SLIGHTLY (very slightly) higher damage, and more bloom that vs and tr in general. That's why I enjoy the GD the most, it's not the strongest I don't believe but it's fairly accurate and it's more about skill than spray and pray.

    On the NC note... Anyone play with the Warden much?
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  16. Deathrus

    We all the Carv is the best default HA weapon.

    Enough with the beating a dead horse.
  17. absolofdoom

    Shut up they took away my 2x reflex sight. You can't complain about it anymore.
  18. Undeadfred

    Even now that the carv can No longer equip the compensator (the best barrel attachment bar none) people are still throwing a fit?

    I'll say that the carv is probably the best naked default weapon. But compared to say a Saw with how well it scales with a forwardgrip, and a copensator, do we really thing a Carv is better? The Saw is viable at so many ranges, and is an amazingly stable shooting platform once upgraded. The issue is it takes 230 certs invested in a saw before you start to see returns on it.
  19. StormFrog

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  20. Zaik

    TR default weapons have low recoil and a less precise ADS CoF. NC defaults are the exact opposite.

    There's no attachments to tighten up the ADS CoF, but there are attachments to reduce recoil.

    Therefore, NC weapons are always going to be incredibly bad in comparison(more so than numbers would imply) when nobody has attachments for them(kind of like on a release day?) They come a lot closer together once NC get the -recoil attachments.

    Until then i'd recommend just playing medic.