Butcher and Godsae buffed or Betel nerfed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Collin, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. Stigma

    2 shotguns? o_O

  2. AlterEgo

    Hah. I'll choose the former. That way, when I get the Beetlejuice, it won't be nerfed, and when I get either the Butcher or GodSaw, both would have been improved. I like improvement over staleness.
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  3. TheSunlikeOne

    For NC GODSAW (and, maybe, other NC directives) could get "shield ignore when dealing headshots" trait. That would fit NC trait of high damage weapons and being high risk-high reward faction (because if you won't hit head, you still going to do damage to shields first).
    For TR BUTCHER (and, maybe, other TR directives) could get "endless magazine" trait. Every single bullet from ammo poll would be in the magazine, meaning solder won't have to reload at all, but ammo count is finite. It would fit TR trait of really BIG magazines and unstopable volume of fire.

    Do you think it is op? Well VS's unlimited ammo is too, yet it is in the game ). Just my opinion.
  4. nehylen

    Can't do that from a balance perspective: it makes the Butcher a straight upgrade to Carv, which the Godsaw isn't quite entirely compared to the Saw (lesser mag, lesser grip).
    But they could explore in the same direction, like giving it a compensator without hipfire penalty (not like you can hipfire properly anyway with stock Carv), and/or increase velocity some.

    They also could start by reverting the Malorn buff which is actually a nerf to a grip-less Carv, hence to the Butcher. Unless bursts never go above 2 shots, but i doubt it!
    Pre-Malorn buff, the grip-less Carv could only recoil 2 shots on either side. Nowadays it's 3 shots. So nerf.

    That's not the case, and the directive SMGs are just a poor, useless concepts as they are. What's the point of better ads CoF on a gun that goes all over the place? It's semi-useful on Tempest, and quasi-useless on Shuriken/Skorpios.
    The only directive ES weapons which can be considered beefed up versions are the directive carbines (straight upgrades to the default carbine+LS, or to the "S" carbines with UBSG or LS), though the grip zealots (most players i guess) can't aknowledge it.
  5. ALN_Isolator

    Battlegoose is a straight upgrade to the Orion so it's either fine or the battlegoose isn't.
  6. nehylen

    Who misinformed you so? The BG is an Orion with the heat mechanic (ammo slot). No rail or barrel attachment. Butcher is a Carv with SPA (ammo) and semi-ext.mags (rail).

    The BG is overpowered as it is, but it's by no means a straight upgrade to the default Orion
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  7. ALN_Isolator

    You don't consider infinite ammo an upgrade? I see a slight problem with this but I'm not sure why.
  8. LodeTria

    I think he means that old one where you could reload it to reset the cooldown if it overheated?
    Although I thought that got fixed.
  9. Isokon

    You don't understand.
    The Betelgeuse gives up the ability to use attachments and gains the heat mechanic. You might believe that the Betelgeuse is better than the Orion, but that does not make it a straight upgrade.
    Your suggestion would make the Butcher a fully upgraded CARV with a larger magazine. You don't give up anything and gain something. That's what you call a straight upgrade.
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  10. Scorpion97

    Be minded that although we have to compare the BG with the godsaw because they are both directive weapons,there is still a clear reason we shouldn't compare them which is that the godsaw is long range LMG and the BG is close to medium range one.thats why I thought of an underbarrel shotgun with SEMI-auto mode and fast equip time

    But if you have other ideas,so I'm eager to see them
  11. ronjahn

    Just jumping in this thread to tell anyone who suggests putting a shotgun on the GodSaw to staph.

    Adding a shotgun will not make the GodSaw any better. STOP.

    Kinda sick of this arguement. Just scrap the Betel IMO and give the VS an Orion with a few attachments, you know, like all the other directive weapons. I don't know why the devs thought that giving one of the best performing guns in the game unlimited ammo and recharging magazine was a good idea.
  12. Scorpion97

    Please tell me how a semi-auto underbarrel shotgun won't make the godsaw "better"?!!!

    And do you really want to nerf a weapon that I spent long long time to achieve it?!!!
  13. FocusLight

    Hello, I am a VS player. I'd like to propose, in this tread that talks about either fixing something that negatively affects the other factions or nerfing something that positively affects my faction, that we don't do either of those!

    No, what we should do, is ignore the topic of the tread completely, and instead go boost a bunch of VS options or nerf a bunch of options that affects the other people, because that will benefit ME, and we can't have any talk of not benefiting or reducing my performance!


    You have failed Pappa Vanu. Try again, this time with less blatant bias and calls to change the topic, and more engaging with the topic.
  14. Scorpion97

    This is coming from someone who think he's NOT biased

    We become biased when you guys become biased first
  15. Naphemil

    Actually, I really like that tr one. That would be a very interesting mechanic for the tr...
  16. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    Yes, sounds good in the first place, but is actually worthless if the COF acts like every other LMG with continuous fire. Accuracy is what people want, else meta HA´s wouldnt prefer the guns with less bullets and better accuracy. And to be honest, actually noone or only a very few make use of the whole mag of a LMG if it isnt already the one with the smallest mag. So unlimited ammo would still be better than endless/connected mags.
    For LMG´s the "heat mechanic" reserves are so large it rly doesnt matter, mainly provides unlimited ammo without restriction. For LA and Infi its just like a dream came true, the classes that take advantage of poitions apart of the battlefield, and for engi its crap.

    "Heat mechanic" with "" because it isnt the bad heat mechanic like we know from base turrets or engi turrets. Those things have a real heat mechanic with a big delay until the heat starts regenerating and cools down if you dont use the weapon again.
    The VS "heat mechanics" delays are much much shorter or just nonexistend like with the Phaseshift which regenerates immediately.
    Why exactly did they make them better than the stuff that was already ingame?
  17. FocusLight

    What then, pray tell, are you trying to say?

    The person I responded to is actively trying to change the topic away from "we need to either boost these TR/NC things that are lacking or nerf this VS one because there is an imbalance here" to "Screw that I say we nerf these other TR/NC things instead and boost the VS things I mentioned here" and you are angry about me pointing this out, why?

    You have yet to see me go and try and derail a tread about something VS wants fixed, so if you want to argue that trying to change the topic in this manner and pointing out the changing of the topic in this manner are both equally biased, you are out of luck.
  18. Naphemil

    because if you were to make them like the heat mechanic in the turrets then they would so much worse than their counterparts that no one would use them. obviously.... you have unlimited ammo but only 49 continuous shots in the heat mag, you're not gonna do **** to a max where as someone with 400+ mags would have the ability to decimate maxes with a continuous stream of bullets. you knock on a potential buff before you even realize how good it might be, that's your problem.
  19. Casterbridge

    How about we add an under barrel cyclone to the GodSaw, 20 rounds, switch modes GodSaw, switch again baby Cyclone, what could go wrong?
  20. OldMaster80

    I think tr directive weapons should have high rof and spin-up time as trait. Like the mcg: you need like 0.5 secs to get the max rof.