[Suggestion] Buff VS - Nerf TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PasitheeVS, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. Gutseen

    now i'll laugh very hard and tell u 2 Git Gud ©
    filthy casul
  2. Hoothers

    atm, teh queue system calculates the lowest faction population, and adjust acortdingly.
    on all servers, VS has the lowest pop ( bad weapons etc)
    this means that the queue will revolve around how many vs are playing
    If only 100 vs are on,k and 400 tr and 400 nc, well...like 300 players will confy sit in VR room with theri OP nc and tr weapons, doing NOTHING
    +vs= less queue for tr/nc
    -vs= more queue for tr/nc
    All the kids rolled tr and nc for higher dmg and higher rof, now THEY PAY THE PRICE, playing with themselfes in VR
    Game needs balance, if they wont buff vs, at least they can do is keep the kids in VR room
  3. Lemposs

    I could agree with a slight buff to the PPA, getting a little less spread when full auto (I mean it just goes all over the place)
    ZOE should quite frankly just be completely remade into something different, it will never reach a state where it is balanced.
    Magrider, play to its abilities and only vanguards with stand in your way (odd how the best magrider players I know, can obliterate all resistance, yet others tell me it is the worst, wonder why).
    Infantry primaries, I am not even going to entertain the idea that they somehow so large in difference that it makes a difference for more than 1 % of players.
    Vortex, you either get hit scan weapons that can hit half a continent away, or you get splash. Until then, appreciate that you have such broken weapons at your hand.

    Prowler can never really be balanced properly, it is vastly different from both the magrider and the vanguard, in that it isn't really made for pushing or roaming, but just standing back as artillery trying to keep anything at bay. It can only really be balanced by a complete rework of its abilities and strengths.
    Claymore I can agree with, it kills me more on my TR character than the NC and VS mines together... :(
    Fracture MAXes, I am not going to say much more than go use it yourself and tell me how it is somehow this god tier weapon (hint, it really isn't, especially against tanks that aren't stationary Prowlers).
    Infantry weapons have been mentioned, and I quite frankly find it hilarious that for such a long time they have been deemed extremely well balance, but here 3 years later they apparently are OP.
    Repeater and AMP could maybe use a little less RoF, but ultimately it is sidearms, balancing those aren't going to change much.
    Striker... Pffffff hahaahaahahahahaahha :p

    Honestly it is odd seeing how the VS once told people that they were the dominant ones, because they were just better and had better command structure. And now we have this, VS falling to the cross that the two other factions fell upon long ago, the same cross VS vilified...
  4. Campagne

    Yes, it would seem there is a discrepancy. However, there are simply less BR100s using the Orion.

    But if they're not using the Orion, then why not? The Betelgeuse.

    In fact, when the Orion is substituted with the Betelgeuse;


    The VS comes out on top.
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  5. Gutseen

    someone hold me plz, laughing my a$$ off over here.
    casul meter is of teh charts
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  6. zaspacer

    But what Factions are "winning"? Winning Battles or Alerts or Continent Locks? Which Faction is getting Warpgated? Which Faction has the least territory control? Which Faction gets double-teamed?

    # of people playing a Faction (what you listed) = how fun it is (power level, theme, learning curve, unit mechanics, etc.).
    # of times a Faction wins = how powerful it is (typically number of players, power level, etc.).

    Yes, TR has the Overpop most often. And yes, VS is often the low pop. But who is the Faction getting Warpgated, double teamed, and with low Territory control?

    If you want to nerf/buff, then do it with regards to who is winning. If you just want to get more people playing a Faction, then focus more on making that Faction more fun rather than just raw power level.
  7. Hoothers

    enjoy vr, hero?
  8. thebigbortishbort

    aaah yes , i could also say the only logical step to come is a banshee buff , make the banshee great again or the game will die by jewish voodoo magic.

    though in all seriousness i don't think they need such a broad range of buffs , the zoe i atleast agree with being a pretty coloured suicide , the others to varying degrees not so much , especially the magriders those things can be c*nts.
  9. Zvezdan

    Orion is used less by br100s and its stats are weighted down by virtue of it being a default weapon. Because it's a default weapon, every standard new player will have access to the Orion, which will drag down its stats. Additionally, because it's a default weapon, it has an auraxium variant that is functionally very similar to the typical Orion, but, by virtue of being VS, has the benefit of endless ammo. As such, a LOT of the skilled Orion players will shift over to the betelgeuse in live play because its lack of ammo at the cost of no attachments makes it easy to farm the everloving hell out of bad players. Skilled MSW-R and Anchor players have no attractive auraxium variant to use, so they stick to using the MSW-R and the Anchor the whole time and don't shift off of it for a shiny variant
  10. Ryme_Intrinseca

    You can not compare default weapons with non-default weapons, period. The br100 stats for default weapons have the drag factor of being a default weapon. Even br100s will usually use the default weapon before other weapons in that class, so they will do worse with it as they're not used to the class at that point.

    This means that the only weapons you can usefully compare the orion to are the carv and saw. The orion dominates the saw at both open rank and br100. The orion is ahead of carv at open rank, the carv is ahead at br100. So the only useful conclusion you can reach there is that maybe the saw is underperforming. You're definitely not getting a 'buff vs' result when you compare like with like.

    (Based on kph from http://ps2oraclestats.com/monthlystats/ As this averages across the entire month it is much more reliable than the weapon charts, which are showing a series of snapshots that are more open to interpretation.)
  11. Raap

    We been here before, 2 years ago. You start going down this path again and before you know it you got a development team going in circles for months trying to achieve the un-achievable; Perfect balance. Their time should be spent on content instead, as that's what brings back players.

    Every faction has their strong and weak parts. You learn to deal with them as a player. That's the beauty of asymmetrical balance.
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  12. Diggsano

    I have Agrees and Disagrees for said parts of your suggestion

    I Agree that the VS Pistols should get a Buff:

    Where is that "Enlightened Equipment" again?

    And the ZOE Max should get a Buff, at least that it makes more DMG in all Ranges

    And Lasher should also be suitable for 1v1...of course it is made to play in teams for supression but every Team can supress if they would play togheter....even with Mini Chaingun and Jackhammers.

    I also Agree with nerfs to the Prowler:

    It can too easy Deploy and redeploy
    Has nearly no/easy compensateable Bulletdrop
    Suits perfect with Gatekeeper to long range

    And with that update Prowlers have get the most advantage.

    But i have to Disagree at the Striker
    If I want to dodge the Lockon of Striker, I simply drive next to a Mountain and they miss me and go into said Mountain

    Also we could fear Valks with Lancers and Phoenix...but nobody does it simply...


  13. Gutseen

    yep, bought Oculus Rift 2 see ur a$$ burn bright as a christmas tree
  14. Towie

    PPA - think it needs more than a slight buff - TR and NC equivalents score roughly double the KPU even though many Vanguard and Prowlers (in particular) are 1/2 whereas the majority of Magriders are 2/2. Same story on Harasser variant.

    As to the command structure, this used to be true on Cobalt until last year - when TR and NC started getting their act together big time. Now we have the joys of TTRO, RE4, Jesters to name but a few - all are very good and enjoyable to play with.
  15. Moridin6

    weve been the bigger pop before quit your bs crying making Vanu look bad..

    our stuff isnt perfect but neither is anyone elses and Some(most?) of us are getting along just fine with lower pop and broken(says you) stuff.

    Q Q
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  16. Moridin6

    Vanu IS all that matters :p

    but na man these Two losers.. they dont speak for us, most of us.
  17. DLL2

    wrong idee.

    Don't forget vs>nc>tr>vs

    You will break the cercle.
  18. Lemposs

    Well the problem with the PPA is that it is essentially the marauder with no arc, which was evident when it was OP. It can't get too much of a buff, where it is laser accurate again, otherwise it is back to being broken. MBTs rarely run the AI ES top gun, PPA was probably the only one that ever saw much popularity, take a guess why that was :p

    Yeah Cobalt have been good to be on for the last year, a lot of alerts ending with all three factions in the 30 %. VS however spend a lot of their time prior to the construction change, capturing the least populated continent with far bigger numbers, so in that case they somewhat had themselves to blame for not being as competitive as they could be.
  19. asmodraxus

    Complicated fix for the PPA

    Delete it/ rename it to Aurora (they can however keep the graphics of it)

    Give it slightly less gravity then the Marauder
    Give it two fire modes

    In mode 1

    Slower fire rate then the Marauder
    12 round clip size
    Slightly better CoF
    Slightly worse bloom per shot/ recoil/ recovery
    Similar damage profile

    In mode 2
    Just make it so that it fires half the clip off very very rapidly with bloom per shot (within a very short time frame i.e. a single second) with a hard "reload" time before it can refire the remainder of the clip.

    Voila something unique yet similar enough to not cause too many complaints from all sides rather then the pos that the PPA currently is.
  20. Peebuddy


    As to the OP:

    While I am pretty attached to Tr myself I can agree that each faction needs some re-balancing to address underused/ abused weaponry. But simply stating a flat buff this faction nerf that one just won't do and your examples of OP/ UP weapons are comically bad or over exaggerated.

    For example, if you want people to take you seriously then DON'T say the striker is OP or that Vs vehicles are absolute ****e. Just be thankful you haven't yet seen one of the forum posters who specialize is data mining stats and performances, I believe you might not like what they have to show you.
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