Just hit 50 members a couple of days ago! BAX ops have been fielding 30-35+ individuals each night for the last week! Recruitment is going extremely well, and we're doing even more damage now. Put in an application and become a part of the most effective NC quick-response force on Mattherson! JOIN US
Thank you, Subito. I'm happy to hear that DT is back in action. I shot at you guys a bunch in PS1 and was eventually recruited as an alt for resecure ops. Fun stuff.
We went up against BAX a couple of times this evening and I have to say I'm surprised to see that you're not a bigger outfit. You were very effective and a pleasure to fight against. We look forward to exchanging bullets with you again. -ByroniusMonk BWC
Thanks ByroniusMonk! We were definitely standing in front of you guys a lot tonight. It's nice to get some compliments from big names like BWC. Also... I see you're recruiting for Star Citizen. Maybe I'll see you in there some day (2 years from now? lol).
Tired of your Zergfit? Join our Leetfit. http://www.black-arrows.com/ Ugh....I can't believe I used gamer slang....
Leetfit implies you look down on people who aren't "elite". Remember dat when usin gamer slang yo! Btw, was fun running ops with y'all last Sunday. Hopefully can do it again!
What I really think makes us elite is our teamwork and cooperation, as well as our dedication to the group rather than any individual's killing ability. I believe that if a group of players enjoy fighting along side one another only leetness will come.
Temporary interruption in all of our services. We will have a new website domain and TS3 server momentarily. Contact officers in-game to receive the new TS3 information. EDIT: Recruitment has been halted for the time-being while we train up our new recruits. EDIT2: All services have been restored! Sorry about the inconvenience. New website: www.bax-command.com
I hate fighting these guys. Not because they trash-talk, or even the fact that they're NC. They're just that good.
These guys Jackhammer their way through the front-lines, buckle down and defend places I have never seen people defend before. Have to give them mad props.
BR requirement raised to 60. Recruitment status is once again open! Please check us out at bax-command.com and drop an application on our forums! And thanks Firmware and Jaamaw for the compliments!
Want to watch us during our OPs? Check out Pyronin's Twitch or Ryno's Twitch Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday from 8 pm EST. to 10 pm EST.
Hey guys, Would you be intrested in a 12v12 or 24v24 On the test server at some point? Much love from across the pond. Pella