[BAX] Black Arrows

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by ZEPLN, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. ZEPLN


    We fight on Mattherson (US East).
    We hold outfit operations at 8PM EST on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
    Op times can change depending on the needs and schedules of our members.

    Join us! Recruitment is Open!

    Founded on July 20th, 2009, the Black Arrows [BAX], formerly known in Planetside 1 as the 1ST Special Recon Battalion [SRB] on Emerald, is a growing outfit maintained by dedicated PS1 veterans and new players alike. We reformed under the name "Black Arrows" when the PS2 beta went live, and we've been on the offensive ever since.

    We are composed of intelligent and skilled players who know their classes, rely on each other, and use every resource and piece of intel available to them to maintain the highest level of situation awareness. We are NOT a zerg outfit, nor will we EVER be. Our skill as a whole is already capable of turning away enemy forces who either match us in individual player-skill, or have us vastly outgunned and outmanned. We believe there is more to this game than throwing endless numbers of idiots at an objective, and we operate under that belief regularly. If you think you can contribute to this group, we invite you to join us.

    We hammer objectives with sheer player-skill. Our outfit operates as a very effective QRF (quick-response force). We train to keep loading times for Galaxies and Sunderers under 20 seconds, an ability we effectively utilize when responding to invading forces. We drop on targets as a single unit. Our members watch each other's backs, and nobody strays from the pack unless they are ordered to do so. We roll into objectives with superior player-skill, situation awareness, and tactics to control the flow of a fight. We set ourselves up in strategically valuable positions and force the enemy to respond to us. We respect (most of) our enemies, and we never underestimate what they are capable of. We fight on our terms in almost any engagement, and the objective is ALWAYS more important than kills. If we cannot achieve our objective, we do not retreat. We go down in a blaze of glory, doing as much damage as possible on the way out.

    If you value the PSU outfit rankings, we are a top NC Mattherson outfit.

    If you want to join us, these are the qualities we look for:
    • BR 60 (soft) MINIMUM
    • 2.0 K/D (soft) MINIMUM
    • Ability to Adapt
    • Situation Awareness
    • Teamwork/Coordination Oriented
    • Effective Communication Skills
    • TeamSpeak 3 and a good microphone
    NOTE: A soft requirement (BR and K/D) is something we are willing to overlook if you show exceptional quality in the other join requirements. We do value player-skill, but we value teamwork more. Synergy is what makes us successful.

    I frequent the Planetside 2 forums almost daily, so post any questions, comments, or concerns here in this thread or in a private message to me.

    A message from our fearless leader, Ltiy:


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  2. ZEPLN

    Bump! Give is a try if you're interested! We have a trial status just for you to decide if you're a good fit in our outfit!
  3. Jaamaw

    These guys are serious business, always a good fight for us at NNG!
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  4. Cu4tro

    I see this tag just before my loading screen all too often. If you're NC and you want to run with the best, slap on the BAX tag.
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  5. AnonymousPZ

    Really good crew, always a fun fight...

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  6. Schoff

    [BAX] are a great bunch to play with! They know how to get sh*t done--CML loves when we've got their support.
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  7. ZEPLN

    Thanks for the compliments!
  8. Travesty

    Do you want to be with a group of players that can regularly defeat a platoon with a squad?

    Do you want to be with leaders who encourage their team instead of berating them?

    Do you want to be in the highest ranked, hardest hitting, fastest moving outfit the New Conglomerate has to offer?

    Do you have what it takes?
  9. ZEPLN

    We are still looking for skilled team players. Head to our website and start your trial membership today!

  10. Ender

    What's with you NC? If you want to take your gameplay to the next level app to BAX. They have a 95% activity rating, 33/40 logged in as of yesterday. If you like this game and want to wear blue, do yourself a favor and give a serious look to these guys. LT is a standup lead, constantly trying to find ways to improve his outfit.

    I personally guarantee that as this game evolves, smaller faster outfits will become more prevalent because of their maximized efficiency and teamwork. Get in on the ground level, I mean unless you DONT like rolling with experienced players http://www.planetside-universe.com/outfit_leaderboard.php?server=Mattherson&members=24

    PS: Please inform me when you guys do reachcast so I can make sure to pull multiple battle sunderers ;)
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  11. ZEPLN

    Thanks Ender. I'll make sure we get at you for that event.
  12. Valiant Viet

    Highly recommend! very coordinated and provide a friendly community.
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  13. Travesty

    We appreciate the compliment, Valiant.
  14. InterSlayer

    Was great fighting you guys on Esamir the other day. Wish there were more outfits like yours on the vanu side!
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  15. ZEPLN

    Thanks InterSlayer! I would recommend DasAnfall (DA) on the VS side if you're looking for a similar experience (and haven't already tried them). They are a high-skilled outfit roughly the same size as ours.

    Or you could throw an application in to trial with us. ;) We're open to cross-faction recruitment. Just make sure you mention your main in the application.
  16. Travesty

    And we have a shiny looking website thanks to Zep.
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  17. Ender

    There are ;)
  18. Kartoffel

    These guys are amazing. As a [DA] member, these guys put up an awesome fight anytime we come across them. If you're NC and sick of the TAS zerg and are looking for people with skill, check these guys out you will not be disappointed.
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  19. MeatballMobeus

    Had a blast fighting you guys tonight on Esamir! You guys have a really good group going over there!
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  20. ZEPLN

    Thank you Kartoffel and MeatballMobeus! We always love fighting DA and GOTR.

    On a side note, we just had our ReachCast interview! Look for it on their website under the "Planetside 2 Podcast/Interviews" tab on Thursday (2013/6/6). Thanks again Torkz, Noxx, and Deringer!