Balance Pass Post 2: Nanoweave and Related Features

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by joshua, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. Scatterblak

    Dead wrong. That takes them out of the fight. Their very presence and effectiveness is enabled by the medic, and regardless of what class they return as, the fact is, they had to leave the fight to change classes. Their effectiveness is because they're up front, in the fight, and the medic is the key. Same with the engineers.

    The fact that, due to tactical and environmental factors, each battle will always have enemies that are more 'key' than others; many times, these will be maxes and tanked up heavies up front bringing the pain, and the effectiveness of a sniper is questionable. Many times, however, a single engineer rep'ing a couple of ZOE's or a couple of medics healing a succession of heavies will be the guys enabling the enemy to hold key ground, even when outnumbered. When that happens, snipers are of inestimable value.

    All the complaining is basically the same mindset that brought the lattice, nerfed the planes, buffed the maxes, etc - in other words, just the next step in reducing the game to massive infantry fights with no need to consider battle tactics beyond spawn and run out shooting.

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  2. Zorro

    On the contrary, nanoweave should not affect headshots, as that is unrealistic. If you want extra head protection you should have to get a specialized helmet.
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  3. libbmaster

    Look, some things irk me in games too.

    But using the "Realism" argument in a game with teleporters, personal shields and laser guns is silly.
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    LOL Like anyone's going to read this.

    Anyway, I think the max limit for long-range-bolt-action-sniper-headshot-one-shot-kill ( or LRBASHOSK, as I like to call it) should be 400-600 meters, BUT it should be affected by nanoweave beyond 200 meters.
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  5. Nintyuk

    Well I think the Limit should be default Infantry Render distance which is around 300m far as I know.
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    That's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too little IMO.
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  7. Nintyuk

    But how can you snipe what you can't see?


    Just kidding. How about they increase the render distance while scoped?
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  9. Nintyuk

    Nahh, I'd rather they left it as is. That way snipers can be as far as they possibly can be away but not be out of render distance for the person being shot.
  10. Scatterblak

    Because that would be Hard™. SOE didn't build the engine, they licensed it - if they could do Hard™ stuff, they would have built the entire game from the ground up, and we'd have 90% less problems across the board.
  11. ADUILO

    Wikipedia info is not always 100% true, but there are other websites saying SOE made it themselves.
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  12. Serafine

    With all that changes can we PLEASE have an improved version of adrenaline pump? (higher ranks may either give additional running speed or additional speed while walking, jumping and aiming down sights).
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  13. runtt

    sounds like a bad idea all around
  14. Takoita

    I would suggest looking at UBGL after this change. If it is gonna have less damage, and the little splash radius / weak arc it has now, it would become much less useful at actually doing anything but spawncamping from above - the very thing you are getting complaints about. Wouldn't want the thing to go the way underbarrel shotgun did if I were you.

    Overall castrating of explosive radius the patches introduce bit by bit comes off more as a stop-gap measure for bad base layouts than anything else. I wouldn't want explosives to become confetti crackers whose effect I could completely negate by standing three steps away, such as seems all the rage in modern mainstream shooters.
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  15. Klondor

    Then you make it your priority to shoot EVERY. SINGLE. MEDIC. I've found myself in many occasions where i've had a target rich environment causing a problem for my allies, so i took every single medic, and engineer down that i saw healing, and repairing. Soon enough i made such a nuisance of myself, that they began respawning as infiltrators to put me down. That takes each medic and engineer out of the fight for that time to help stall the assault. It's the little things, man.
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  16. gartho33

    there will be a Cert and SC refund on this right? "Balancing" shotguns was one thing, and in the right hands they are still beastly, but this change is nothing like a balance, its a flat out change in how the item functions. if this goes threw i want my money back, as well as any time i spent with it, but we know how time goes... once its gone its gone.
  17. ADUILO

    Yes, they already said there will be a refund for Nanoweave. They didn't say anything about BASRs or anything else, though.
  18. Thanks0bama

    Why do people complain about people sniping from 200+ meters? It's hard to OSK any target that isn't standing completely still. For every medic or engie I've killed there were three I never took a shot at because they weren't standing around or using a turret. Also, even though nanoweave 5 limits OSK to 80m I usually just go for a headshot and hope that the person I'm shooting doesn't have NW5.
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  19. rbryson74

    Where is my cert refund?!?! This change went live today. But I do not have the certs back. Any update please?!?
  20. Gav7x

    For some reason we didnt got actual patchnotes for this, please we need them