Another day, another Phoenix buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by St0mpy, Mar 29, 2013.

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  1. Tobax

    Thats up to the pilot and his problem, the cert is there.
  2. Teegeeack

    Hitting an ESF with the Phoenix is much easier than hitting an ESF with dumbfire. Don't use allcaps.
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  3. St0mpy

    Yeah exactly, its stronger than the striker, hits everything the striker cant, can scout areas the striker cant, basically youve just said NC was supposed to have their launcher be the best at everything and no other faction gets even a whiff of anything unique.

    As long as we get nothing better than a buffed annihilator or a weak decimator its all ok lool, and you wonder why people have started to call the NC op and dont want to fight you.
  4. l3lessed

    Kon is proving your point with his rage reply in all caps. He feels he has to protect his unfair advantage at all costs.
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  5. HadesR

    Should do more damage than a striker .. Striker takes 0 skill to use ..

    By all means lower the Phoenix damage but striker would also need lowering
  6. Armchair

    How about you stop complaining like the NC has the strongest launcher with no drawbacks?

    From all of your posts, it seems like balance is the LAST thing you want. You seem to want your opposition's gear to be strictly worse in all aspects.
  7. doombro

    As the phoenix justifiers like to scream; LOL GET GUD SCRUB.

    You can exit the camera guiding at any time, allowing you to reload sooner.

    If you predict the correct path, you can exit the camera early, effectively reloading quicker and increasing your RoF.
  8. Onetoo

    Flares are mandatory; none of the other cert options should even exist.
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  9. centurionvi

    So these things are being spammed more than ever. Just had a lovely battle at Crossroads where there must have been 100 heavies camping the B and C points flinging Phoenii every which way, they didn't even bother to attack the tower, they didn't have to. You couldn't get out of a doorway or run outside for a second without being hit by one, and even though they don't kill you, they do enough damage where the next bullet or splash damage that hits you will finish you off, so it may as well one hit kill anyways.

    Well done SOE.
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  10. St0mpy

    Awesome, some actual discussion, come on in buddy.

    Sorry about the headache, it was a quick test. Ill try explain. 4 Phoenixes (80%) put it to burning so technically it doesnt need more. However it took almost all the striker to kill from the same direction, just after 15 it wasnt as burning as the 4 phoenixes left it.

    Without getting all decimal pointy it feels as if the Phoenix has a hairs edge, but im willing to say joint strongest for now, for the sake of argument (I wouldnt want to be accused of exaggerating) as I said it was a quick VR test to gauge the change roughly.

    No matter what, they are very very close together, almost identical, and thats enough of a point to say its still FAR more op than the other two factions.
  11. Tobax

    And this is still better than before with tanks sat on that hill constantly firing at the doors.
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  12. l3lessed

    Yeah, they have made flak armor even more of a must, thanks to the phoenix. I was getting popped left and right so bad the other day by them, even after hiding behind cover. They're as stupid as they were in Planetside 1, but at least in PS1, I could steal them off enemies corpses.
  13. Leal

    Sure, after we can get a tank that can basically have a railgun mounted on it and can drive as fast as a lightning, have the best ESF, have the sub machine gun rifle variant, have the annihilator +5, have all our weapons come with a free extended magazines certification, have a secondary on our tank that shreds vehicles in seconds... What else am I forgetting?

    I have a TR character and its like easy mode when I play him.
  14. l3lessed

    Yes it is, because tanks are large targets that are much easier to hit or, if you're sneaky enough, C4. Then once they're dead, they have to wait on their spawn timer or resources to come back. Phoenix they spawn with, and the heavies can just hide and lob the things from out of sight. Makes it nearly impossible to retaliate or push back at all.
  15. St0mpy

    Instead of saying seems and challenging me with BS comments to defend or reply to it, why not ask me?

    Id gladly let you keep your OSK infantry while strikers cant even target them
    Id gladly let you keep your stealth OSK on ESF, while strikers cant even one salvo an ESF even if they stick around after being locked.
    Id gladly let you keep your 2SK to rear of MBTs, even tho thats around the same as the striker
    You can keep all those advantages (you already have) just to exchange for 1 thing.

    Lose the camera.

    Right now you have it all and have the gaul to tell us to stop complaining now you have every aspect of launchers on your side, balance is the LAST thing you care about. As long as its not NC having to do the balancing you are happy.
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  16. LordMondando

    Infantry damage is down significantly and it can't be used to OHK at range.

    As vehicle damage was previously about shrike levels, and now at slightly below deci levels its fairly minor.

    IS getting shot down / moved out of way of drastically more.

    And the speed buff, I'm not seeing it.
  17. Morticai

    I'll pitch in my bit of knowledge on this part. It was revealed by Higby that this ability will be nerfed with something more akin to IRNV, styled like the scope you use on your rifle. The added disadvantage is that infantry are not highlighted, simply grayish blurs that blend in with the background. The only objects highlighted are the functionality of a UAV becomes immensely crippled.

    While I strongly prefer playing as TR, I can't help but say that we've overlooked some of our own strengths as well, namely our ability to bypass smoke and flares with probe-shots that are otherwise impossible with other ESRL's. What's better, is that it sacrifices only one shot from a multi-round magazine, without much of a loss to TTK, to make any enemy vehicle vulernable to an entire squad after.

    Sure, the Pheanix and the lancer bypass it too, but they need a reload after and suffer reduced TTK, something we've got in a magazine-fed missile launcher.
  18. RobotNinja

    OMG!!!!!!!! That is insane!!!!!!! If you're driving a MBT around all by yourself, driving around in circles like a complete idiot for the half an hour it takes one Heavy standing totally still (i.e. free kill) while he cams to get 5 hits on a single MBT who can't repair his tank and graciously sits in the same a complete idiot...then it's like tots the OP. You know...if all that other stuff I said.
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  19. Tobax

    Just logged in to test and sorry but your wrong, its exactly the same as it has been last 2 days and got a whole room of guys on TS who all say the same. It launches slightly slower to help control it and then speeds up to normal speed. Range is also unchanged.
  20. skoorviel

    You're forgetting the Phoenix's major limitations:

    1. Its range is only 300m, far lower than unguided launchers
    2. The shooter remains stationary for the duration of the rocket's flight, which make him sniper food (or any-nearby-enemy food)
    3. The launcher does not start reloading until the shooter exits the guidance cam

    So yes, it packs a punch, but it's also slow, has short range, has to be guided manually, and makes the shooter an easy target. And it no longer OHK infantry at full health. I think it's pretty balanced.
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