Another day, another Phoenix buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by St0mpy, Mar 29, 2013.

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  1. FlayvorOfEvil

    And the TR could do the exact same thing with 3 prowlers and the prowlers can 1 shot you.
  2. Sedisp

    I'm sorry do you have some sort of crippling mental illness? You asked me for proof that the Striker did more damage than a Phoenix and now you're asking what stat I used to prove it?

    You see where it says damage? I used that. I assumed you could read a chart. I apologize for not treating you like a lab monkey.

    I seriously recommend taking a break from posting. The way you post makes you sound like you're really high on amphetamines.
  3. PS2Freak

    no, he is little TR-QQ victim-warrior. there are also some grown ups with tr. but what we hear on this forums are teenagers with no sense of anything. and seems most of them are Tr to me.
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  4. Ev3ntHorizon

    im not sure THB for me its always been like that
  5. Kon

    i dont think so,
  6. Teegeeack

    Hovering ESFs move. Ever so slightly, but no hovering aircraft stays absolutely motionless. Thus, firing a dumbfire rocket at one requires either luck or close range to be able to hit it, because the rocket moves so slowly and the slightest movement from the ESF will allow it to avoid the dumbfire. The pilot doesn't even have to be aware he's being fired at. The Phoenix, on the other hand, can be controlled. If the ESF moves, the rocket can be readjusted to move with it. I trialled the Phoenix for 30 minutes and was able to hit ESFs with it, something I've only rarely been able to do with dumbfire rockets.
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  7. AnotherNoob

    [Quote on the features of an engineering turret vs a wire/laser guided version of the phoenix]
    A lot of the time, on indar specifically, you stand up on the sides of the canyons in the south-east corner, and you can't shoot at the stuff below, because the angle is too steep. So as a TR, it is a very real concern...
  8. Shockwave44

    lol I do too.
  9. Shockwave44

    All this back and forth and still no videos. Come on, put your money where your mouth is.
  10. PS2Freak

    yeah, you are right :) [thought you were speaking fairytales about striker]
  11. Sedisp

    So it would have one disadvantage at one quadrant of a map.

    No it's a stupid idea.
  12. AnotherNoob

    I should have added a note that that quote and reply was about the drawbacks of an engineering turret, and why a wire guided version of the phoenix would have distinct advantaged over the current deployable version.
    (I will mend my post)
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  13. AnotherNoob

    Add to that every other place (quarts ridge, biolabs, techplants, just to point out a few) where there are height differences in the map, and all the other drawbacks that I mentioned.
  14. PS2Freak

    anyway, not everbody can have tv missile, its nc technology, sorry to tr and sorry to vanu.. you just envy us, and dont want us have something unique what you cant get.
    you could wit ease ask for striker change of how it function - but it will never happen. it ps1 gift to ps2.
  15. Zerran

    I think the one thing we can really take from this, is people love to point out the strong points of anything they can't use, while only pointing out the weak point of what they CAN use.
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  16. PS2Freak

    exact. perception isnt balanced, and people generally dont like to think - their perception of things dont work properly. rather they would blame it on others/circumstandces/fairytales
  17. centurionvi

    Like I said, tanks can be destroyed, and rather easily. Phoenix spam never ends.
  18. PS2Freak

    there is same spam of striker.

    there is less spam of lancer.
  19. AnotherNoob

    As I see it, the problems with the phoenix is the lack of counters. "Go somewhere else" isn't a counter... Shooting it down is only really available if you aren't in a vehicle and have a automatic weapon out, and killing the gunner is only viable if you have los on him. Running away isn't an option either, since the damage is front loaded.
    If I get killed by two weapons just as often, I still think that the one that I couldn't realistically have prevented is op, even if it isn't more frequent.
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  20. PS2Freak

    flanking, coordinated air-tank-infantry assault. done very well by Miller Tr.

    they can! not noobs - not crying - they found out the counter - no phoenix nest anymore there where tr assault was.

    i am tired of listening same lame storys about no counter and so on. there are counters. but some people don use brainz, they use only interwebz.

    next post - Organized Outfits are OP. Coordination is OP. Organization and Tactic destroys the game and so on.

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