Am I the only one tired of instagibbing scat maxes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpeedFreakPS0NE, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. typnct

    i didnt mean anything but stats :D(no offence was meant or anything just some raw stats ;) )
  2. JibbaJabba

    You might be confusing the sound of phoenixes. Ravens only make a notable sound at the location of firing.

    Ravens tend to be the thing NC maxes switch to when the infantry fight ends. You'll see a lot of ravens after a zerg does a base cap. The players invested 450 nanites for the CQB infantry battle and don't want to throw them away. Rarely do NC players pull Maxes expressly to deal with armor. Heavy assaults are more effective at most (not all) ranges and don't incur the risk of losing a MBTs worth of nanites to some tank or (especially) harasser.
  3. Demigan

    Above mentioned, the typical excuses:
    "It oneshots you!" -once every 50 shots, assuming you are standing almost against your opponent and you aim pinpoint perfect on your opponent or else RNG will screw you over. The Latency system is more likely a culprit to make people think they were one-shot, similar to people thinking others only need 3 shots to kill them due to the latency system while they required the normal amount to go down.
    "Oneshots with Slugs at range!" -Slugs deal 500 damage each shot within 8m, 20% less range than a Sunderer length. One-shotting at range would require headshots, which is unlikely due to the COF which you can't reduce. So as usual it's a lie/complete misunderstanding of how shotguns work. You got "oneshot" at range by a slug MAX, you must have missed something.
    "oneshots you the frame you appear in his screen" -C4 can be thrown through a doorway without you having to expose yourself, which the other MAX's have less trouble with as they don't have to sit next to the doorframe to be effective. And again, one-shotting someone is unlikely and takes more skill than the TR/VS MAX's who only have to hold the trigger and look at you.
  4. Demigan

    The reason is that TR/VS MAX's are useful outside in an AI role, while NC MAX's are only useful indoors (again, in an AI role). This extra versatility means TR/VS MAX's are used outside as well and used more often, which will drop their KD as outside still remains a risk.
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  5. Demigan

    You know what I'm surprised about? How people complain about NC shotguns. Shotguns are CQC weapons, whenever I need to fight in a Biolab, I'll more often have Falcons equipped rather than shotguns. Falcons can OHK enemies if you hit both shots and the enemy isn't wearing flak, and they are accurate at range but require some leading. I have auraxed one Falcon and are on the way of auraxing the other, while my shotguns are sitting on the shelf collecting dust because they remain unreliable and too situational.
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  6. Pacster3

    Thing is that maxes in general are useless outside. You won't find many pull them unless they want to do some AA(for which a lightning is better and cheaper tho) or fight CQC. VS Max is way too vulnerable to C4(we can't instagib those LAs...unlike NC) and rocket launcher(can't stop them from shooting at least once, maybe twice)and small arms fire(no shield, and the guns are not exactly accurate either). If I pull my Max then the goal is simple: Take one enemy with me...and drag enough fire on me that my team can kill the enemies while I die. Kamikaze and distraction is not exactly great for the high amount of resources, right? But I seriously got no idea for what else I should pull a VS Max these days. I mean it's great that I can shoot from longer range than NC or maybe TR...but fact is: When I do it I die to rockets cause at those ranges every heavy that is not standing in the middle of an open field has a better TTK than my Max.
  7. Demigan

    Thing is, the TR and VS MAX's are used outside. Not much, but they are. NC MAX's aren't.

    I call bullcrap. Due to latency for example you can kill an LA before the first hitmarker reaches his screen, essentially doing an "instagib". Additionally, the VS MAX only has to hold the trigger and look at his opponent, which the picture-perfect NC MAX would love to be able to do. Also, VS MAX can shoot LA from ranges where the NC wouldn't be able to be as effective. For example, from the top of the stairs to the bottom...

    Just to reiterate: In a biolab, the most CQC and MAX-friendly environment in the game, I prefer Falcons with slower rate of fire and no magazine over the shotguns. Simply because the shotguns rely too much on RNG and CQC pinpoint accuracy (whereas the Falcons rely on ranged pinpoint accuracy but have large projectiles making hits easier).

    Unless you are standing almost against them and manage that pinpoint accurate OHK, you won't be stopping them with NC MAX's either. VS MAX's have a higher chance of stopping them because they can use range and reliable firepower, similar to how other classes can also kill infantry that pop-up and fire a rocket.

    You don't want a shield for the VS/TR MAX. They have too short reload times to really make use of a shield, especially the VS MAX. By the time your shield animation is finished and the shield actually works you have to put it away again because you are reloaded.

    As for the ability to withstand small-arms fire, VS/TR MAX's have an easier time mowing through a hallway because they aren't limited in ammo capacity and any kill they make won't have tons of wasted ammunition going into the kill and they can fire for multiple seconds at a time without stopping. This means that the VS/TR MAX's have an easier time weathering small-arms because they can cut down more small-arms sources, IE squishy infantry.

    I think this is a good situation to say "learn to play".
    For example, with the vanilla TR MAX with a pounder+chaingun, I can easily mow through half a dozen infantry. It's easier to use than the NC MAX, it's more forgiving to use than the NC MAX, it can be used for more extended engagements without going into vulnerable reload than the NC MAX... really the NC MAX has one trick up it's sleeve that's not even reliable, but people don't understand how it works and complain about it.

    It's the same with shotguns. People complained about the fact that shotguns could "OHK" and were too powerful. But with the exception of the pump-actions, you had to stand in knifing range and fire at the head of your enemy to achieve a OHK. The fact that shotguns were designed to be superior CQC weapons did not register, and people kept complaining and complaining until shotguns were nerf... Oh wait not the devs called it "rebalancing". Now Shotguns barely outperform other weapons like Carbines, but with shorter range, more RNG and less versatility (a CQC SMG can still be used at range with trigger discipline but a shotgun can't).

    Yes, so why are you doing it? There's other options, like not doing kamikaze and distration and using your resistance and firepower to kill enemy after enemy, preferably by being so menacing and damaging to anyone who shows their face that they only come at you piecemeal.

    Here's a suggestion: Pull one so you can learn how to actually use it. Perhaps you should play pocket-engy for a while and see how friendly VS MAX's pull off killstreaks. I see more than enough VS MAX's pull it off so it shouldn't be hard for you to find a VS MAX who can show you.

    Wait, you are so bad, that a Heavy with a rocketlauncher has a better TTK on you than you have with an AI MAX? This is absolutely not the game's fault.
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  8. typnct

    the only reason i can see people mad about it is because they dont know how to deal with maxes in general

    1. get 2 c4's
    2.get 3 or 4 granades
    3.get a shotgun
    4.get smoke xbow
    5. take la ambusher/drifter
    6.shoot 2 smokes - reload
    7.throw all the granades
    8.shoot smoke again
    9. get inside throw c4

    thats it, prob most maxes are low health or are barely alive alongside with their support, from here on your squad can charge inside and instagib anything with 1 2 shots
    pros:excelent for clearing rooms in general
    cons:as expensive as using a max(almost - 350 nanites)
  9. LaughingDead

    It's weird, I haven't pulled a max in ages, I honestly assumed it was directed towards the infantry insta-gibbing the max with C4 when I saw the thread title.

    Personally, I treat them like shotguns, they're garbage that I do not heed. I plink them down from range and win, if it was a Tr or Vs blueshift or mercy max, then I'd treat it like a heavy with an LMG in which case try to trade positively constantly, keeping my HP near max. If you're CQ against an NC max, you're doing it wrong.
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  10. Pacster3

    You know, it's not possible to hit NC Maxes on range unless they are stupid enough to let that happen. Neither TR nor VS are capable of capturing anything from a distance. They HAVE TO come in close. In any kind of building there are more than enough boxes to hide behind and not do a long range fight unless BOTH want to. Yes, you can stand outside as a VS Max, use your blueshifts(which are far from pinpoint...but how shall someone who never used them know that?), hit some not so smart people and even make a kill here or there...just to watch them being revived/heal/you name it. You can do that for hours. You won't win anything with that tho.

    That Demigan thinks you can stop a ambusher LA with blueshifts, is downright hilarious. A single shotgun can stop them tho.
    And yes, I have seen NC Maxes outside. I can't remember when I saw the last dual comet VS Max tho...;-)
  11. adamts01

    After 2 years of TR, I spent some money and tricked out my NC alt (now my main). I have to say that I'd take the NC Max over anything else. What it lacks in outdoor ability, it makes up for in point taking and point holding ability. Auto shotguns that reload while shielded are borderline OP. That said, I don't want NC nerfed, but TR and VS Maxes fixed. Between the Max, Vanguard and infantry guns, NC has it made. The Reaver is hit or miss, depending on how good a shot the pilot is. Most would be better off in a Mossy or Scythe.
  12. Demigan

    I want TR/VS MAX's "fixed" too

    I don't see how the TR/VS MAX's are behind on the NC MAX in any way when AI is concerned. They are easier to use, what they lack in immediate firepower against other units they make up in the fact that they don't overkill as much when they do and the fact that the extra firepower of the NC MAX only counts in MAX vs MAX combat, and they have longer range.

    Also, Vanguard lets the NC have it made? The NC weapons with their high punishment for misses and not much advantage in them has it made?
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  13. Pacster3

    Yeah...overkill, really something to worry about. No really. I always am so pissed if my enemy is dead and I know I could have killed him TWICE. That really, really, really sucks. The only thing that sucks more is if he ain't dead and kills me instead...which is what the other Factions complain about. Brainiac.
  14. adamts01

    Same as with most platforms, NC has the hardest to use but the best once you know what you're doing. Those vet-friendly weapons probably explain why so many people think they suck. After spending a decent amount of time on all 3 factions I'm convinced that NC's failings are due to its communities within, or lack there of. You bring up superior NS stats on NC which is a brilliant argument, one that had me on the "buff NC" bandwagon for a while, but those solo stats end up being a weak argument in a team game. I'm still on the fence regarding the Reaver. I'd take NC guns and their max over anything, and the MBT would be a toss up between the Mag and the Vanguard, at least until lock down changes.
  15. Demigan

    Yes, definitely something to worry about. You hit someone, he's damaged, you hit him again and now deal far more damage than he had left. You've just wasted a ton of damage against an already dead target. This is something the TR/VS MAX don't have, allowing them to spread their damage accordingly against all enemy targets without having to reload so fast.

    I don't see other factions complain about it, and anyone with brains would notice that overkill is a bad thing for a unit designed to engage multiple opponents. Better spread the damage out like the TR/VS MAX, than fire far too much damage per shot (most of which misses anyway) and lose out on how many units you can kill per magazine.
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  16. Pacster3

    You really don't get it, right? As a VS Max I do not even THINK about fighting numerous enemies(at least not those with a bit of skill). I know that if there is more than one then I'm dead. I need that long to kill one that he can usually use his C4 or decimator against know what that means for a second target that then got twice as much time? You complain about stuff that is out of reach for the other factioncs...
  17. ssssssssssaaaaaaaaa

    it's quite easy.
    Your effective range depends on your playstyle. If your playstyle has a strong tendency to CQC I would recommend you to play NC.
    I tend to play short range style too, and even with VS MAX I prefer comets as AI, because they are more like shotguns.
    If you are a CQC player you will find yourself in rooms more often than in the open, you will come up with a knife behind the enemy snipers instead of starting a sniper duel, and running 200m will feel more comfortable than landing a shot with a sniper rifle.
    People who feel more comfortable at longer distance learn how to avoid CQC fights and will feel helpless with a shotgun, they won´t understand anything about why NC MAxes would be OP.
  18. JibbaJabba

    You're missing the point.

    TR MAX
    Point blank = kills enemy.
    Short range = kills enemy.
    Medium range = kills enemy.
    Long range = bothers enemy.

    NC MAX
    Point blank = kills enemy so !#$ bad that giblets will be stuck to the ceiling.
    short range = kills enemy.
    Medium range = gives comic relief to enemy.
    Long range = hides behind shield and is sad.

    The only thing the overkill does is give inexperienced TR/VS players the *illusion* that the NC MAX is overpowered and makes them whip up whiney little threads on the forums.
  19. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    The point of this thread, as confirmed by those even trying to defend the NC max probably because they don't their kill machine messed with, is that the NC max dominates in CQC fights which are where the **majority** of infantry fights happen. Having an overwhelming advantage in an aspect of the game that happens the **majority** of the time needs balancing.

    Either do something about the NC max or give the TR and VS a buff and for eff sake finally fix the self nerf crap (ZOE) you gave to the VS. TR and NC maxes actually have a trait that has a purpose, ZOE is just plain and utter garbage
  20. RedBlack

    So to answer your question: Yes, you're the only one tired of it.[/quote]

    Nope, not true. There are many, including me.

    You are just defending your OP Scatermax here.

    I have played enough Scater Max and have enough received OneShotkills from it.

    It is compared to VS or TR AI maxes OVERPOWERED. Buff the TR and VS AI maxes, or nerf the scatermax DMG per shot.

    And saying the Scatermax has no range, is just hilarious funny.
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