Am I the only one tired of instagibbing scat maxes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpeedFreakPS0NE, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. RedBlack

    Well someone got triggered....

    this is not about c4 or Charge.
    It is about showing at what range the scattermax can operate.

    you also realise that showing one guy getting a killstreak in an isolated incident means jack right?

    Isolated? Dude think twice, will ya?
  2. RedBlack

    But we are talking about the NC Max right now and not about pistols.

    I just showed you that NC Maxes can be effective at range and outdoors. And yet here you are denying it.

    nitpicking hypocrite.

    So you whant us to throw around with Video Clips?
    Nah man, thats just a mess...
    There are many more of them, check for yourself.
  3. Liewec123

    isolated: "single, exceptional"

    did you count how many people tried to c4 him over the entire 8 minute period, ONE, freaking ONE!!!
    did you count how many LAs and medics had perfect oportunities but instead decided to run direct at him? a whole butt load.
    the tanks were useless when he was casually strolling around in the open, the HAs were useless not firing rocket.
    and you don't think this is an isolated exceptional situation? holy moly tell me what this magical server is where noone uses c4!
    think twice about telling me to think twice about calling this an isolated incident! ;)

    and yeah i got triggered because you show the luckiest guy in the world finding an army of the worst idiots in the game
    on a 2 year old video before a million things that kill max were added/changed and charge removed..
    and that is your evidence for how "oh pee" nc maxes are.
    how could you not think that would piss people off? what next, videos from beta? o_O

    (oh yeah i forgot ambusher jump jets from the list btw, combined with the buff to c4 detonation time it is DEATH for maxes.)

    oh can't they?! ;)
    1. hop on an infantry class with a NV (or even better thermal from the new smgs) scope,
    2. spam Aim Down Sight
    3. congratulations you have permanent nightvision/thermal vision until you next ADS,
    4. switch to max

    note: i don't actually condone doing this, it is an exploit!
    i just want to let people know about it in the hopes that it gets fixed ASAP.
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  4. RedBlack

    The Trigger is strong with you.
    sorry had to do that :p

    You might wann read bit on this threat ( i know a bit much). It is not about that dude having killstreak. It just Shows how effective the NC scattermax is, compared to the VS/TR ones.

    on a 2 year old video before a million things that kill max were added/changed.

    So a 4-5 years old Video is ok, but a 2 year old one not? Makes sense....
  5. LaughingDead

    You didn't compare jack ******* ****.
    You shared one video on one guy before literally anything was done about maxes before counters before anything and didn't even bring up cases in which a VS or TR max did the same exact thing. How recent the video is gives credibility to your claim, if you could actually pull up one thats ******* recent then that'd be great, you could use the time difference to your advantage, BUT NO, ya went the ******* stupid route and decided to play "their game" with forum lawyering.

    All you seemed to do was prove that several years ago, you could shoot newbies, in-*******-credible.
    I'm pretty sure anyone could hold a TR or VS max killstreak far easier since all they have to do is peek and keep range.
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  6. VhynSeven

    Yeah right, TR MAXes are tooootally ineffective...
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  7. JibbaJabba

    Ug. My God, the range! NC Maxes would give up a nut to have range like that.
  8. Liewec123

    so have you never used mercys (TR) or Blueshifts (VS)?
    do i really need to post videos of a 50+ blueshift killstreak to go with the 47 mercy killstreak someone has posted above?

    i play all 3 maxes and NC weapons are easily the worst,
    zero sustained fire mixed with ultra long reloads leads to way more moments getting caught reloading.
    and when you're in the slowest unit in the game that is oneshot from 15ft away by 4/5 classes in the game,
    getting caught reloading is a death sentence.
  9. RedBlack

    You Need to chill a bit dude....

    I can talk and Show as much Clips as i whant.
  10. RedBlack

    i play all 3 maxes and NC weapons are easily the worst,

    Thats strange, cuz the NC Max has the highest KD of the three Maxes.

    getting caught reloading is a death sentence.

    Most NC Maxes i see, use their shield for that. Might wanna try it....
  11. JibbaJabba

    1. Assuming you're right about the K/D, Explain how NC MAX having a highest KD means it has the best weapons. Be precise. I'm looking for a cause, not correlation. We kinda went through this already back on page 1-2.

    2. Shields don't block C4 which is what he's talking about.
  12. RedBlack

    Man, you guys really Need stop it, with this NC Scattermax got no range.
    I hope i am not rage triggering anyone with this Clip. But it does Show, that NC maxes have range, even on a Budget ;P

  13. RedBlack

    1. Assuming you're right about the K/D, Explain how NC MAX having a highest KD means it has the best weapons. Be precise. I'm looking for a cause, not correlation. We kinda went through this already back on page 1-

    I was just responding to "Liewec123" his comment. He said, NC has the worst weapons. Ist kinda hard, getiing a (not impossible) higher/better KD, then the other two Maxes. With a weapon, that is worse then the others. Yes, i know, theoretical it would be possible, by grinding. But it is a Max after all.

    2. Shields don't block C4 which is what he's talking about.

    The most Maxes i see take cover after reloading and walk backwards, to get reps.

    Btw. its not the Topic ;)
  14. JibbaJabba

    No. The NC Scattermax has no range.

    Best thing I've found to help with range is one of:
    1. Dual Mattocks. Extended mags, NO SLUGS. This gives some good kill potential out to 10m, and some "at least take me seriously" damage out to 20m. You give up the point blank killing power the dual Hacksaws have though.
    2. Single hacksaw + single gorgon. With this one you get to chip damage things at range. Some kills but mostly just keeps people honest so they don't take advantage of your short range. The hacksaw even though single can still give the point blank damage. You mostly give up the reload-under-aegis in this combo since the clip size and reloads very so much.

    BTW your video doesn't show NC Maxes have range. It shows a player being very careful not to get into a situation where real range is needed. It's what most NC Max drivers will do. Contrast it with that TR killstreak video shown earlier (ignore the killstreak stuff...lots of good fortune there. Just look at the range where the TR guys is engaging. NC guys are absolutely envous of this)
  15. VhynSeven

    Yeah, with slugs NC MAX got range, only to make it on par with TR Mercy or VS Blueshift tho. And as your clip shows, there is still the problem of missing shots and sustained fire.
  16. Liewec123

    oh, you mean like this?
    and get killed by a RL heavy directly infront while the shield remains at full health, so useful!
  17. RedBlack

    Oh Boy.... again off Topic.

    Ai Maxes, are not meant to be Long range Solutions.
    They are for CQC combat. And the Clip Shows just that.

    You are making it Sound like, VS/TR Maxes are reking everything at Long range. Except NC Maxes dont, so it is ok, that NC Maxes have the instakill ability. That is called UNBALANCED.

    1. Dual Mattocks. Extended mags, NO SLUGS. This gives some good kill potential out to 10m.

    Then try slugs, if you whant range. But stop this, the thing got no range.
  18. RedBlack

    You had 25% health left. What did you exspect?
  19. LaughingDead

    He expected the shield to actually act like a shield.

    So far it seems more and more that you are biased against NC maxes than actually wanting balance. I play all 3 maxes and find that VS generally have the pick of the litter. Blueshifts are great, vortex's are great (against infantry as well) accurate weapons, ZoE is still complete and utter garbage but so are almost all of the ES max abilties. The last time I saw a lockdown or zoe max was about a week ago, just because the NC have a slightly more tolerable ability doesn't make them OP either, if anything everything else is just bad.

    Me as a max enthusiast would like more flexibility with the maxes, so far you double up with each of your arms or do nothing at all, this is just falsifying that the max is flexible at all. Originally we had 3 anti air options, the star, sparrow and burster, but condensed them all into the burster for whatever reason, we had flamethrowers, we had charge for diving and creating a backline threat to make space for everyone else moving in, but now what do we have? Some token healing to "replace" charge, garbage abilities, garbage application to everything that isn't infantry and a nice C4 present from literally any infantry that you see. Personally, I just bullet down maxes and tell everyone not to waste their C4, it's actually pathetically easy when you know what you're doing, but I suppose dumb****s need an easy out for any situation on every single person.
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  20. JibbaJabba

    Mmm, there is a pretty pronounced difference in the engagement range of those videos. Watch each kill. Observe. See.

    No, VS/TR maxes do not "rek" at long range, no MAX is viable at long range. They can certainly *engage* at medium range though and the NC MAX simply cannot. We've also discussed this "instakill" thing to death. The key takeaways:

    1. It's ********. A TR with dual Heavy Cyclers has a faster TTK at point blank. (both faster than the naked eye though)
    2. Dead is dead. Whether something died in alpha damage or in 0.667 of DPS it's still dead. What difference does it make that the 2nd shot had leftover damage?

    Using slugs on a mattock will effectively reduce your range. The "No slugs" is for a reason. Do you even own dual mattocks on your NC Max?? Did you actually try slugs with them or are you just assuming the lack of pellet bloom makes them work further out? It's a pretty common misperception. I know I wasted good certs on slugs thinking that myself at one time.

    And range...

    The AI NC MAX has no range. If it frustrates you that I keep saying that so be it. I'm going to keep saying it because it's right. I'm not sure what ridiculous reasoning has led you to believe the NC MAX has range anything like the TR/VS but you're wrong. Ridiculously wrong. Making a fool by supporting this position wrong. If you are arguing this simply because you want to win an argument, then pick a winning argument to begin with.