A SCATMAX tries the Mercy (yup)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laraso, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. FlayvorOfEvil

    Yeah, but now the NC ScatterCannon is now good at NOTHING. My squad did a max crash on a bunch of unsuspecting TRs waiting to cap a point from the VS and our scatter cannons could barely finish firing before we were shot to death. The TR are suppose to have the slowest reload but as you can see, the NC Max reloads are now twice as slow as the TR, do a 3/4th the damage and have a fourth of the range. At least with the magrider and prowler balance/nerfs they could still kill stuff effectively. The NC max can't even kill stuff effectively anymore. When it gets to the point where charging in with Max Charge and punching people to death is more effective that 6 shotguns, then we have a serious problem.
  2. Saigak

    What da...? Little difference? How about dps from infantry which is usually much higher if we are talking about NC. Do your understand whats mean difference between DPS and Voliey damage?
    Listen man better fix ur ego coz we still didnt notice any ONE SHOT infantry in your movie (high damaged infantry in battles it's not a option). And yes thats what im talking about - go to BioLab and fight against NC Maxes\infantry coz it will be intersting how cool killsteak u will be done there.
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  3. Saigak

    And i reapeat my last question - And finaly should i show u avarage NC Max killstreak?
  4. Ganelon

    You're just mad, calm down. The devs can't do anything with useless anecdotal "evidence".
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  5. DeltaGun

    Why don't we just wait for the MAX patch - GU7 - before making anymore MAX threads, shall we?
  6. Laraso

    Oi, I'm saying that when in a MAX, there is little difference between killing NC infantry and VS infantry.

    Also there were plenty of times in the video where I vitrually instagibbed infantry at scatmax range. The most obvious one was at 6:10.
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  7. Astealoth

    Yeesh, sounds like a bit of an overnerf to me, and I hate the NC like NK hates the USA. Pick 3 of those things and restore them to original value and it's closer to balanced. They didn't need to make 6 changes.
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  8. Mustarde

    I was waiting to hear your thoughts on this Devrailis. I'm not a big max user but I felt that pre-nerf the NC max was not well balanced. I'm not surprised so many NC are upset about nerfing their golden goose, but I appreciate your balanced opinion on the matter. Time will tell, perhaps they nerfed too many aspects of the scat max at once (always risky) or perhaps people will adapt and continue to be effective with their scat-max, just less ridiculous.

    I mean, come on people - the prowler nerf generated almost identical complaints before (NC and VS) and after (TR). We all survived and kept playing the game. This isn't the apocalypse.
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  9. Saigak

    1- You can still try to avoid any issue, Like a most NC always did when it comes about evidence.
    2-Thats why before this you try to put into him half of your ammo at 5:59?
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  10. drNovikov

    TR has Prowler, Mosquto, CARV, Trac, Cycler, instagibbing SMG pistol for every class. NC had MAX and... well, it was just MAX.
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  11. Peter Daniel

    NC could be worse: if they nerf you into a VS max!
  12. Laraso

    I can't even tell where you're going with this anymore.

    Actually if you payed attention, I was shooting the Heavy Assault hiding behind cover, which I quickly killed. Then I shot the rest of my bullets at the turret, for no real reason at all. Just felt like shooting it.

    You talk about avoiding issues, yet you're trying to avoid acknowledging that the Mercy was just as effective against that engineer as scatters would be by pointing out other irrelevant (and incorrect) things to try and take attention away from it.
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  13. Devrailis

    Yeah, there's a lot of doom and gloom about the MAX's performance, but a lot of it comes down to just adjusting to the changes and making better use of terrain.

    The NC MAX really hasn't been gimped to uselessness, it just requires a little (only a little :D) more thought now to deploy.


    I ought to post one of these everyday just to remind people that no, Hacksaws have not been broken by the nerfs.
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  14. Laraso

    They haven't been broken, but now they aren't very much more potent in CQC than the Mercy. It kills just slightly faster at close range, but the Mercy already kills fast enough at those ranges that it's pretty irrelevant. The Mercy has an obvious advantage of not only being capable in CQC, but also being quite capable at range as well. Yes, people will still get killstreaks with the Hacksaw, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't be able to do the same thing with a TR MAX (or even possibly a VS MAX).
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  15. Garzin

    So you are saying that doing nerfs based on player feedback (YET AGAIN) was a bad idea? I am not surprised. What i am surprised about is that SOE haven't cought up on that yet. They are currently adjusting this game for COD kids to play. They basically nerfed almost everything but infantry at this point.
  16. TintaBux

    That's how its been rolling, trying to get COD kids on the game, failure in which many games have done ignoring the true fan base.
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  17. Zaik

    neither can hacksaws
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  18. Obscura

    Hahahaha, someone sounds mad a single nerf went their way. You and the rest of the NC in this thread seem to have blocked the memory of the endless tear-fest that went on during the magriders heyday. Calling anyone a "whiner" just makes you look like a hypocrite, since it's the same exact way you and your faction behaves any time you think you lose an advantage. And LOL please, bragging about triple capping on waterson is a bit of a stretch when your factionhad a superior 38-41% world pop while VS was at 26-29, and TR at 26-29. VS did that MONTHS ago with less pop.

    Be on esamir on the 19th with your outfit, the entire Vanu Alliance will be there coordinating with each other and then you can see what its like when theres a cohesive, organized force fighting back.
  19. Fiatsu

    God i hate watching videos from non members.
  20. Laraso

    No, don't categorize all of us into one group. There have been many Terrans and Vanu who have argued against what I said in this thread, and yet there are many Terrans and Vanu who liked my original post. You can't stereotype people just because they play in X faction or use Y class. Not everyone has the same opinions.

    I don't have a problem with a scatmax nerf. My problem is that even after the nerf, people are still complaining and saying "nothing has changed", and want it to be nerfed even more. If they nerf it any more than they already have, it will cross the line from being "useable" to "bursters are better". I also see many TR and many VS (not all, but the majority of those who speak up in the forums) complain about how worthless their MAX is in comparison to the NC MAX, which simply isn't true. They want to nerf the NC MAX just for the sake of nerfing it.
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