A SCATMAX tries the Mercy (yup)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laraso, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. ExquisitExamplE

    Yes... now try the stock vanilla VS AI weapon, the Quasar I think, and report back your findings, I think you'll be unpleasantly surprised. Oh, I can get kills with it, I'm just not sure how I do it most of the time. It's firing noise is particularly amusing, I've taken to calling it the click-clack attack. I think it's the noise that crabs make when they snap their claws together.
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  2. Doogle

    Heh you can check my stats page at how little I use my mercy max, considering I have it maxed out, dont you think thats odd? considering its such an OP weapon.

    Can we say the same about other NCs stats page with an NC max I wonder?
  3. Laraso

    I was actually thinking about trying the VS MAX and doing something similar to this, but if I did, I wouldn't use stock weaponry. I didn't do it with the TR and I wouldn't do it with the NC, so if I were to test out the VS MAX I'd take dual Cosmos.
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  4. Laraso

    Yes that is indeed quite odd. Why would you dump loads of certs into something you never use? That just doesn't make much sense, does it? That would be like me spending thousands of certs upgrading my Infiltrator, even though I never play it and probably never will, and then coming to the forums and using the fact that I don't play it as some form of evidence.

    Judging by your stats page, you spend most of your time in your Prowler.
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  5. Plunkies

    The NC max doesn't even beat a mercy at 8-10 meters, and in the video he's accurately engaging enemies up to 50m and still getting kills. He's standing behind his teammates, in cover, something an NC max is never allowed to do. The TR/VS max is far safer, far more versatile, and now is way more damaging than an NC max at anything just outside of melee range. The NC max kept all of its weaknesses, gained about 4 more, and retained none of its strengths. It's essentially the crummy scat max from beta with the ability to spend 1000 certs to make it slightly less than crummy.

    The correct balance move would have been to drastically reduce shotgun damage to maxes and reduce scat gun damage to maxes until dps is equalized at around 12m. Then nerf hacksaw damage falloff and accuracy severely.
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  6. khai

    We are still here and chiming in but this time in this thread the NC hatred seems to be coming from the VS not us, most of us seem to be of the opinion that the nerf was necessary but they went overboard. I know you like to think we are the driving force behind every slight and insult directed towards the NC but there is a third faction and it has its adherents who in this case seem to be slightly upset about the level of whining this nerf has produced. Like I said previously wait a couple of weeks and you will start getting buffs again as the new numbers come in if you want to help this along try being a little sloppy when aiming for awhile or take alot of longer range shots (from just outside your effective you still want to hit just not do instakill damage) to throw the data off and you will probably get bigger buffs.
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  7. PurpleOtter

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  8. Doogle

    Actually its in a liberator or a battle sunderer as I prefer being a support driver/pilot like I was in PS1.

    And yes im using as a form of evidence as clearly I have no qualms about using an OP weapon like the pre nerf HE prowler or nighthawk yet I hardly use the Mercy max.

    Its high TTK leaves you vulnerable to heavies and at long range this becomes even more of an issue making its range advantage pointless, also suffers from the aiming deadzone alot more than the NC max.
  9. Chipay

    Then perhaps you should actually play VS in your video before making assumptions that VS MAX isn't underpowered.
  10. Spookydodger

    I never really had a problem with the NC scatmax. I'm a VS usually and I find the VS max to be fairly trashy. The only problem I had was that either the other MAXs had to be as support-oriented as VS maxes or VS maxes needed a different weapon type (like dual lashers) to give them some niche role. The only change to NC MAXs I ever felt was necessary was a charge up time before they started firing to give infantry a chance to run. Something like the spin up time of miniguns in other games ( a fix that the mercys could stand to have, too)

    It's probably not very advantageous to put others' opinions in the light of "not having a decent conversation" and then calling others' opinions jokes. That being said: it doesn't have a COF bloom, that is true. What it does do is have a static bloom with such a high rate of fire that it doesn't matter. I think what makes it more effective however is the MAX damage resistance / health. There are some really good LMGs with attachements that kill faster than dual mercies, but they don't have the ability to withstand damage like the MAX. I agree that the MAX machine guns are better for that reason.

    I believe you. The only thing that could beat a scatmax at short range was pop-shot heavy missiles. The only thing I could do to beat either a TR mercy setup or NC scatmax was to go dual cosmos (the AT weapons) and do several popshots.


    Again, it's difficult to claim to want a conversation and then go this route. I understand that many (if not most) forum goers seem to have little understanding of balance and only view the world from their own perspective, but that is the nature of the world.

    Now, with all of that said, does the scatmax still instagib infantry at <10 meters? Do you still have to reload immediately after if you do kill them? If so, perhaps this is one step of balancing. I don't know how you would balance miniguns to be similarly balanced. Perhaps increasing their bloom so they are less effective at range.

    Though to be honest, I don't have a big problem with MAXs being scary. I just wish that the VS max was, too. Whenever I see a mercy or scatmax I either run away to get cover, or I charge it because I'm going to die anyway. TR and NC usually just stand still and fire on VS maxs. And I doubt they are standing still out of being crippled by terror.
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  11. ExquisitExamplE

    Ah... I didn't realize the Mercy wasn't the stock TR gun. I don't play MAX to much, and I only have stock weapons for it, so I can't really comment on the effectiveness of the Cosmos.
  12. Laraso

    There are also tons of NC who don't use the scatmax. In fact, the MAX is a very unpopular class, so not playing the MAX is actually the norm.
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  13. Vertabrae

    I find it funny. Never saw many threads calling the Mercies OP before now. I figured after the NC MAX changes it would start. They will probably nerf Mercies next, then people will start calling Dual Cosmos's OP. It's a never ending cycle. My stuff was nerfed so now your stuff is OP and must be nerfed.
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  14. Laraso

    Please show me where I said the VS MAX isn't underpowered.
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  15. Laraso

    I'm not asking for nerfs. I'd be a hypocrite if I suggested a Mercy nerf.
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  16. SinerAthin

    The NC MAX don't, and didn't need a nerf.

    It was the other MAXes that needed a buff.

    Why can't we just give all MAXes a competetive CQC, medium and long range weapon choice, just like we've given our infantry?

    The main reasons why people call the NC MAX Op is because shotguns are OP in CQC, and CQC is usually the deadliest form of fight, and that include MAXes. If every MAX Had a shotgun variant, there would not be any balance complaints.
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  17. TintaBux


    Unfortunately VS/TR cry to much while NC don't cry enough to have any influence on nerfs/buffs etc.
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  18. Saigak

    And thats why u show us fight against VS right?.. To be fair man - it makes no sense if we're talking about NC Max nerf. If u are trying to proove to us something - Show us real BioFarm fight vs NC and then come back again.

    And finaly should i show u avarage NC Max killstreak?
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  19. Eclipson

    LOL, so the NC max gets the nerf it deserves, and now an NC max comes and trys to act like the mercy is more powerful then what the NC max was. What a joke, you were farming at TI-alloys. Guess someones butt hurt. All this post did was make me laugh. :D
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  20. Doogle

    Mostly because maxs are cert/SC intensive, if you look across high BR NC players you will notice a trend of popular use of the NC max, do the same for TR or specially VS and you wont see the same trend, speaks for itself really.
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