252nd Spec Ops Outfit [252V] Recruiting

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by Luzario, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Mhaza

    Still recruiting those active players!
  2. YamiNoTenshi

    Hey! 252V reavers are delicious ;)
  3. Mhaza

    Thank you, same goes for the BTRD Mozzies :D
  4. Mhaza

    Kicked 252nd back to the top, where it's supposed to be.
  5. Mhaza

    Dont forget us
  6. Fumblewatt

    Blueberry users just makes for perfect practice when using the FPC on the magrider, thanks and bump!
    • Up x 1
  7. Mhaza

    Bumping again
  8. Mhaza

  9. YamiNoTenshi

    Stop dinging my dong :mad:
  10. Mhaza

    /me dings YamiNoTenshi's dong
  11. Pella

    Looking forward for friday guys.

    Good luck and most of all have fun with it.
  12. Mhaza

    Same goes for you Pella :) I might actually be there myself :D
  13. Qballos

    wth is all this bumping about? stop- shaking my world:p
  14. Mhaza

    Hump...I mean bump
  15. Mhaza

    *In his best acting..copying Leonardo Di Caprio in the Titanic* I'M ON TOP OF THE PAAAAAAAAAAAGE
  16. Primarkka

    Great stuff, have a good bump.
  17. FendleyFire

    Had a blast tonight guys, GG.

    If anyone on NC is looking for an outfit these guys always put up a solid fight.
  18. BaptistsK90

    Special thanks to Furu's 252v and he knows why! Thanks Buddy!
  19. Pella

    Good Fun tonight guys. We enjoyed it.
  20. Emitz Devil

    Thanks for the support during the alert. The TR had some serious NC defence and attack force tonight!!