0.75 ADS in a Abomination that should have never exist.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. Devrailis

    I honestly don't feel it makes a difference, especially at the strategic level.

    There are a lot of things that could make Planetside 2 a better game.

    Bean-counting gun stats is not one of them.
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  2. Rhumald


    It's a weapon that focuses on giving you increased mobility, it does that when you're a heavy. So what?

    What is that really doing for the heavy? you can aim right? you know ADS reduces your movement speed regardless of which class or weapon you're using right? it's just less for this weapon.

    Here are some actual speeds provided by the Devs (which I took off of reddit just now)

    swim speed modifier: 1, (I find this interesting)
    strafe speed mod: 0.75 (with exceptions), (ADS)
    sprint speed mod: 1.625 (with exceptions) (LA and INF both have an ability which increases this by 10%)

    Normal speed = 14 KPH
    Sprint = ~22.75 KPH
    Strafe = 10.5
    ADS 0.75 strafe = 7.875
    ADS 0.50 strafe = 5.25
    So you say the heavy shield grants a 0.25 movement speed penalty eh? that's an easy 25%, and with strafe speeds already given, this means my math is made easier than I had thought it would be.

    Heavy with shield active:
    Normal speed = 10.5 KPH
    Sprint = ~17.0625 KPH
    Strafe = 7.875
    ADS 0.75 strafe = 5.90625
    ADS 0.50 strafe = 3.9375
    So yeah, I can see how this could be construed as a slight advantage over another heavy in the same close range situation. But against any other class? they have a less effective weapon, with an almost imperceptibly better ADS strafe speed.

    What does this mean? Nothing. This is coming from a fairly dedicated infil, who should arguably be the most frustrated.

    Heavies have shields, get over it.
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  3. FateJH

    Me, above.
    Technically, it's a slower movement. Normally people walk at a speed we'll call 1x and run at another speed we'll call Nx (I really don't know how much faster running is to walking). And two classes can even equip something (Adrenaline Pump) that gives 1.1Nx running speed.
    If we have no problems with the hitboxes under good conditions with these accelerated speeds, there should be no problems with hitboxes at a substantially lesser speed. Meanwhile, if you're having hitbox trouble originating from staggering netcode, not even normal ADS speed would be able to help you.
  4. Scr1nRusher


    Do you really not understand how 0.75 ADS negating the HA movement speed penalty is broken?

    Or how everything I brought up happens? Like I'm speaking the truth about the whole 0.75 ADS thing.
  5. Scr1nRusher

    Can you focus on the topic?
  6. TerminalT6

    So because no one seems to understand, are you saying that a HA with a .75 ADS weapon ADS strafes at the same speed as another HA with a .75 ADS weapon ADS strafing with his shield active?
  7. Devrailis

    It's perfectly on topic. I don't feel it is an issue.

    I also feel like there are many topics that people are wasting a lot of time on.

    This would be one of them.
  8. 7 Drunk Midgets

    0.75x ads on LMGs is fine. It used to bother me, but not anymore. The Orion's/Betelgeuse's/SVA's defining feature is their 0.75x ads, they are pretty mediocre weapons without it. (Betelgeuse aside) The VS can have their toys, and the NS-15M is a somewhat underwhelming weapon (though it does have fantastic accuracy). I'm actually in favor of giving all VS sniper rifles no bullet drop, with appropriate velocity changes and a rework of the Phaseshift, of course.

    The hitbox thing is a myth, it's latency's fault, not some coding oversight. We don't balance games around latency though, that's poor design.

    I even used to be a pretty vocal advocate of a heavy shield nerf. That changed after I actually started dedicating my alts to heavy. A lot of heavies tend to not check their flanks, preferring to think of themselves as indestructible pillars of death mindlessly spraying at groups of enemies shields raised. I played like that, but that's when you sneak around them and put a TSAR round in the side of their skulls and follow up with a commissioner shot to their chests. Simply, a lot of heavies are very dumb. Be smarter, and even with their Orions, they're simple to take down. Don't face a heavy head to head, flank, and lure them into the open where they become bullet sponges for your faction.
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  9. Scr1nRusher

    ah yes the "brush this under the rug, don't look at it" response.
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  10. Rhumald

    It doesn't negate the movement speed penalty, only some of the penalty Aiming Down your weapon's Sights applies. Check the numbers I posted, they're in yellow, so you don't miss them...

    I am an infiltrator, someone moving the same speed as a non heavy using any other weapon moves is not hard to shoot with a BAR, and if I have no trouble hitting then with a BAR, you should have no trouble hitting them with everything else.
  11. Scr1nRusher

    HA with shield on(no 0.75 ADS) moves slower then normal infantry in both move speed & ADS speed.

    HA with shield on(with 0.75 ADS weapon) moves slower then normal infantry in only move speed. Meaning the HA's move speed downside on ADS is no longer there, allowing the HA with shield on to Strafe well enough to ask him "Is your shield on?".

    Is that making more sense?
  12. Scr1nRusher

    your really not getting the problem.

    The shield has a downside, 0.75 ADS negates that downside in ADs combat, something the HA is most if not always doing.
  13. TerminalT6

    You could have said "yes" but okay I got you now. I want to test this for myself.
  14. Shanther

    And this is a non issue if you can actually aim.
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  15. Scr1nRusher

    If you take off 0.75 ADS off all guns that have it, the weapons that need buffs(or were being held back due to the 0.75 ADS balancing) can/could get buffs.

    Also Most guns have 0.5 ADS, so 0.75 ADS guns are the odd guys out. Overall the games gunplay is balanced around 0.5 ADS & 0.75 ADS screws that up in alot of ways. I highlighted this all in the OP.

    The hitbox thing isn't a myth.

    and sigh..... you really don't get that this isn't fully about the HA aswell.
  16. Scr1nRusher

    Its broken and you know it, thats why your defending it.

    Even if you aim, they can just strafe or ADAD.
  17. ikillyou1990

    In all honesty, the .75 ADS isn't even all that big of a problem. People rarely try the weapon before crying OP. Orion is not even all that great. Close quarters it is good, but anything past 30m or so, good luck landing half your shots. I only have experience with the Orion. Enough to say that there are much better weapons than the Orion.

    I wish they would just remove this stat from every .75 ADS weapon so poeple would stop ******** already. It is really getting old..
  18. JudgeNu

    Nah nah, this is gold.

    I wonder.
    Does Adrenaline Pump Negate any strafing penalties?
  19. Shanther

    No it isn't. Having fought against countless top-tier players using all sorts of different things classes and 0.75 ADS weapons with no issues it is fine.

    If you can aim you can follow their strafing with little issue. If you can't aim that is your own fault and not ADS speed.

    Furthermore 0.75 weapons don't magically make you better.
  20. Scr1nRusher

    Adrenaline Pump is for sprint speeds only. Not walking or strafing.
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